Ye Chui designed a total of thirteen weapons for the series of fierce soldiers.

Among them, No. [-] to No. [-] are thermal weapon attacks, and the power is increased according to the row number from low to high.

Murderer No. [-] is as powerful as an ordinary pistol, while No. [-] Murderer is a long-distance blocker.

However, the structure of this fierce weapon is completely different from ordinary thermal weapons. It is the product of Ye Chui's combination of cultivation civilization and technological civilization.

For example, the bullets of the Violent Soldier series do not contain gunpowder, but are driven by arrays.

Each bullet contains a miniature fire power storage array.

The function of this storage array is like gunpowder. After being excited, it will release a huge amount of heat, prompting the bullet to shoot out.

The No. [-] Fierce Soldier is a large-scale electromagnetic pulse weapon.

This electromagnetic pulse can't destroy the operation of electronic equipment like in the movie, but it can make all guns and weapons within a certain range malfunction instantly!

In the world of comprehension and civilization, guns and weapons belong to fierce soldiers.

Every murderous weapon contains a murderous intent, and the murderous intent wraps around the murderous soldier like a wild beast, it is a fierce beast.

If the beast is subdued, the gun will no longer be usable.

For example, when the mountain leopard pointed a pistol at Ye Chui, Ye Chui released a shocking aura to deter the beast on the pistol, and the pistol would malfunction.

According to the understanding of cultivation civilization, the electromagnetic pulse released by the No. [-] murderous soldier is a kind of spiritual consciousness, which can carry this shocking power.

This deterrent power is the unique breath of a weapon refiner. The steel egg cannot be released directly, and it needs to be accumulated first.

When the Steel Egg is equipped with the No. [-] Fierce Soldier, it will fight. During the battle, a kind of evil spirit will be formed around the steel egg's body, and the No. [-] Fierce Soldier can just absorb this evil spirit, and then transform it into a deterrent force to accumulate. .

The amount of accumulation can affect the power of the electromagnetic pulse gun.

Number nine and number ten are cold weapons, in the form of battle axes and double knives.

Although they have the appearance of cold weapons, there are arrays recorded by Ye Chui on them, which can increase their power and have super destructive power.

Murderer NO.11 is a flamethrower.

Of course, if it is an ordinary flame jet, it is not considered a fierce soldier. The No. 11 fierce soldier can transform the erupted flames into the form of a beast and chase the enemy.

Fierce soldier NO.12 is a backup device, which can convert the fire power of the steel egg into electric power, and can also create the bullets used in the attack.

In addition, NO.12 Fierce Soldier can also open the shield to block attacks.

Finally, there is the murderer NO.13.

This is the ultimate fierce soldier created by Ye Chui. One attack will consume all the energy in the steel egg, but it is very powerful.

It is equivalent to a small missile.

Ye Chui would not let the steel egg use this ultimate murderous weapon if it was not necessary.

The design blueprints of the Fierce Soldier series were also designed by Ye Chui on the spur of the moment.

If Ye Chui is willing, he can also design countless similar fierce soldiers, but Ye Chui will not do such a thing that hurts peace.

At this moment, he wants to create these thirteen fierce soldiers, and it is entirely for self-protection, to prevent someone from hurting those around him.

"Create a few fierce soldiers and then equip them on the steel egg...It should be completed before the speed race starts!"

Ye Chui's hands shot out lightning and flames, and he summoned the Fire Thor's Hammer.

Then the sound of "Boom" and "Boom" resounded in the waste recycling bin.


"Brother Ye started building things again?"

The fat bear who was playing computer in the room couldn't help but be taken aback when he heard the sound.

He really wanted to go out and see what Ye Chui was doing, but then he gave up the idea.

"Brother Ye said that when he builds things, other people can't see them, so I don't want to be curious."

Fat Bear shook his head and continued to focus on the computer.

After the Sky Hammer Guild was established, Ye Chui knew that Fat Bear liked to play games and was quite talented in this area, so he asked Ozawa to get Fat Bear into the Sky Hammer Guild.

At the moment, Fat Bear is one of the vice presidents of the Skyhammer Guild.

In addition to playing games on weekdays, he is also responsible for the daily maintenance and cleaning of Ozawa's hundreds of mainframe clones.


For the next few days, Ye Chui stayed here at the waste recycling station every day, building fierce soldiers.

During this period of time, iphone6s continued to ferment and become popular.

Some people began to post their new iPhone 6s on the Internet, and everyone envied and hated them, and some even wanted to spend several times the price to buy iPhone 6s.

iPhone6s are hard to find.

The one thousand iPhone 6s that Shen Kun took away at the beginning were sold out in a blink of an eye.

He called Fang Jing repeatedly, asking when the next batch of goods would be ready, and he couldn't wait.

At this moment, no one cares whether this iphone6s is really made by Apple.

With excellent quality, a better system, and the fame that is now being overwhelmed on the Internet, it doesn't matter whether it is the original version or not.

It can be said that this iphone6s has raised the cottage to a whole new level.

There is even an Apple fan from the United States who has traveled all the way to China, wanting to get an iPhone 6s.

After a lot of hard work, he finally got one.

After happily returning to China, he posted a video on the Internet, showing the iphone6s, and then used the newly learned Chinese saying: "Counterfeit phones are bulls!"

It is said that this Chinese dialect quickly became popular in the United States...

It's a miracle.

It is a legend in the cottage world.

"Now Shen Kun's iPhone 6s are all sold for [-] units. I think when Shen Kun comes to pick up the goods next time, we should increase the price to [-] units. By the way, we should make a few more platinum commemorative collection phones , specially prepared for local tyrants to collect, it must be very profitable, and also, we can also prepare some activities..."

Fang Jing was talking on the phone.

Ever since Ye Chui dug out the girl's original surname as a little money fan, she has recently revealed it to the fullest.

"You can decide these things yourself." In the end Ye Chui had no choice but to interrupt her like this.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye.

Ye Chui of the series of fierce soldiers has been built, and he is going to equip the steel egg.

In the early morning of the fifth day, Ye Chui asked Li Cheng to drive a truck, and pulled all of them to the wasteland in Maple Leaf Town.

In addition to going to Yangchang Mountain for racing recently, Gangdan stayed by the side of the Honda Accord every day.

What a model of a good man's car.

Ye Chui had no choice but to bring all the fierce soldiers he had built to Maple Leaf Town, and equip the steel eggs in the wasteland.

This is a very complicated process, which is equivalent to refitting the steel egg.

That is to say, Ye Chui, a master craftsman with unique vision and experience, can complete it in one day. If it is replaced by other craftsmen, or scientists in technological civilization, even if they know how to do it, they will not be able to complete it in a few months. modified.

"Let's start with the simplest number one..."

Ye Chui started the renovation enthusiastically.

at the same time.

"You want to take me somewhere?" In the waste recycling station, Shouhou was on the phone, "Wenwen, where do you want to take me?"

"Hee hee, of course it's a good place, and you'll be pleasantly surprised then," said the girl named Wenwen on the other side of the phone.

Hearing her words, the thin monkey was startled, with an ecstatic expression on his face.

I have been with Wenwen for almost a month. This is a hot and bold hot girl. In the previous time, Shouhou has tasted a lot of wonderful enjoyment from girls, and the last step is left.

And hearing what Wenwen said, could it be that she was going to give it to him?

The thin monkey's spirit immediately cheered up: "Wenwen, where are we going, please tell me the place."

Wenwen said a name on the phone, and then pretended to be shy and said: "Hurry up, he is already waiting for you in the room."

"Don't worry, I'll be right there!"

The thin monkey replied with ecstasy.

He didn't know that a madness was about to begin...



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