The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

099 No. 1 murderous soldier with the least lethality

When the day was approaching evening.

"The modification is complete!"

Ye Chui has already equipped the steel egg with all the weapons he made.

The entire model of Steel Egg seems to be bigger, and it has become cooler than the original shape.

Of course, it is not obvious from the appearance that he is equipped with weapons, but when he transforms into a humanoid form, his shape has changed drastically from the previous humanoid form, with more weapon systems and more cool.

"You need to learn to use these weapons slowly, and you can't use them casually!"

Ye Chui understood how powerful the things he created were, so he had to seriously instruct the steel egg.

Weapons are only for self-protection, don't make unnecessary attacks.

Steel Dan agreed, and a vague thought came out: "I won't use it casually."

Now that he has not fully activated his intelligence, he cannot organize language, so Ye Chui can only use the detection power of the Calcined Heart Sutra to communicate with his consciousness.

And there is completely barrier-free communication between the steel egg and the Honda Accord.

When studying the car reproductive system, Ye Chui designed a car symbiosis network at the same time. All smart cars, including the car baby that will be born soon, can communicate with other cars through this car symbiosis network.

"Let's go, first go to the recycle bin to find the skinny monkey."

Ye Chui got into the steel egg and said.

The speed race is going to be held tonight, Ye Chui first went to the recycling bin to find the skinny monkey, and then went to Yangchang Mountain to compete together.

After half an hour.

When Steel Egg arrived at the recycle bin, it was already dark.

Feng Biao was squatting beside Dahei muttering something, when he saw Ye Chui approaching, he stood up and said hello: "Here we are."

"Well, Lao Biao, where's the thin monkey?" Ye Hang got out of the car and asked.

"He hasn't come back yet." Feng Biao said with a smile, "This little bastard might be happy there. When he went out today, he looked happy."

"He's out on a date again?"

Ye Chui was a little helpless, took out his mobile phone and dialed Shouhou's mobile phone, wanting to know where he went now.

But the phone prompts that the other side is turned off.

Ye Chui felt a little unhappiness, Thin Monkey had promised him that it would not affect the racing, but today was the day of the Speed ​​Race, and he disappeared innocently.


Ye Chui believed that the thin monkey would not be so ignorant, he disappeared inexplicably, could something have happened.

"Old Biao, do you know where Skinny Monkey went?" Ye Chui said to Feng Biao who was teasing Dahei.

"A guy who goes on a date, what do you say to me, a bad old man?"

"Where are Li Cheng and Fat Bear?"

Ye Chui then asked, what might Thin Monkey say to these two people.

"It's all inside."

Then Ye Chui came to the house where the three of them used to rest.

The house of the recycle bin is naturally a bit dilapidated, but now Li Cheng and the other three don't plan to move away from here.

"Brother Ye."

Seeing Ye Chui, Li Cheng hurriedly greeted Pang Xiong.

"Where's the thin monkey? Do you know where he went?" Ye Chui asked.

Li Cheng and Pang Xiong shook their heads together. The thin monkey looked very excited when he left today. It must be something good, but he didn't say anything to them.

Just when Ye Chui felt worried, his cell phone rang.

It's an unknown number.

Ye Chui answered the call: "Hello?"

"Are you Brother Hammer?" a hoarse voice asked.

"It's me, who are you?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that Cheng Guanxi is in our hands now."

"Cheng Guanxi?"

Ye Chui looked puzzled, whose name is such a surname?

When Pang Xiong and Li Cheng heard the call, they also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Sounds familiar..." Li Cheng recalled.

Fat Bear was also a little confused: "I also think I heard it somewhere..."

Seeing the silence on the other side of the phone, he said viciously: "Brother Hammer, I warn you not to call the police, otherwise we will tear up the tickets at any time, I promise we will do well, and you will never see you again This little brother!"

Ye Chui is still confused, my little brother?Could this Cheng Guanxi be... thin monkey?

"I remembered that Shouhou's original name was Cheng Guanxi, but when the scandal broke out a few years ago, he no longer let others call him Cheng Guanxi, but let people call him by his nickname." Li Cheng exclaimed.

He and Shouhou are good buddies, but they have been called by nicknames since they met. When they heard this real name at first, they didn't realize it.

"Sure enough, it's a skinny monkey!"

Ye Chui said to the phone: "You kidnapped the thin monkey?"

"Hey, that's right, come to Daqiao Village within an hour, we have a business to discuss with you." The voice continued.

"Business? Okay." Ye Chui had a sneer on his face, the young master likes to discuss business with people the most!

"You have to come here alone, and you have to drive your broken car without any weapons. Brother Hammer, you are a smart person, and you should not do meaningless things."

"Okay, I'll drive there alone without any weapons." Ye Chui said in a deep voice.

Without weapons?Xiaoye's car is the ultimate weapon.

"Brother Hammer, I am looking forward to meeting you."

call ended.

"Brother Ye, we'll go with you!" Li Cheng said hurriedly.

Fat Bear also said: "They dared to kidnap Skinny Monkey, we have no end with them."

"You guys stay here well." Ye Chui shook his head, they had nothing to do with the past, he smiled and comforted the two, "Don't worry, I will bring the thin monkey back."

"Then should we call the police?" Li Cheng was still worried.

"No, I don't want to be chased by the police." Ye Chui said with a smile, then turned and walked out.

Li Cheng and Fat Bear showed puzzled expressions.

"Why can't I understand Brother Ye? If you call the police, how can he be hunted down by the police?"

After Ye Chui asked Feng Biao where Daqiao Village was, he got into the car.

"Steel egg, drive east!"

The steel egg flew like lightning all the way.

Up to now, Steel Egg has already acquired some basic thinking. After finding out that the direction to go is not Yangchangshan, he has doubts: "What are we... going to do?"

"Someone has kidnapped Skinny Monkey, let's go rescue him."

Ye Chui said coldly, and then the corner of his mouth curled into a stern arc, he dared to kidnap the thin monkey... Originally, Ye Chui thought that the other party would do something on Yangchang Mountain, but he didn't expect to kidnap the thin monkey.

Ye Chui was very angry at this moment.

He patted the steering wheel, and then passed a thought to the steel egg.

"When you get to that place later, follow my instructions and go crazy!"

Immediately there was a wave of excitement from the steel egg.

Ye Chui equipped him with a weapon, which seemed like a part of his body to him.

And he hasn't had a chance to use this part of his body yet, so he can't bear it anymore and wants to vent.

"But don't go too far..."

Ye Chui felt the excitement of the steel egg, and immediately tried to persuade him again.

"Daqiao Village is the headquarters of Hemen. Although they are gang members, I don't think their weapons will be advanced there. At most, they will have a few pistols. You only need to use the least lethal soldiers. Injure the opponent, don't make a fuss."

"I see..." Steel Dan replied, but he was a little puzzled, "But which one of the murderous soldiers is the least powerful?"

"The one with the smallest number." Ye Chui told him.

The reason why Ye Chui equips the thirteen fierce soldiers on the steel egg is because he doesn't know what kind of enemy will be waiting for him.

What if the opponent is fierce?

And now, he discovered that it was just a group of gangsters.

Then there is no need to use too high-end weapons, the least lethality is equivalent to the No. [-] murderous soldier of an ordinary pistol.


At this moment, Ye Chui ignored a very important thing.

Nima, steel eggs can't count at all!

The steel egg is not much different from a beast now, at best it is a slightly clever beast, and he has no concept of numbers at all.

When Ye Chui told him to use the smallest number in the platoon, Gang Dan's thinking fell into a brief confusion, and then he decisively positioned the weapon with the smallest platoon number on the No. 13 murderous soldier...

This number is at the end, so it should be the smallest, right?

NO.13 Fierce... The most powerful of the thirteen fierce soldiers, it is the ultimate weapon made by Ye Chui.



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