Hemen is a powerful gang.

This gang has offices in several cities, but their main base is in a village on the outskirts of Xizhou City.

This village is called Daqiao Village, with less than 1000 residents, but it is the wealthiest village in the surrounding area.

To the east of the village is a large-scale house, which is magnificently built, no less than Tianzi No. [-] mansion in Xizhou City. This house is the main altar of the Hemen, and it is also the residence of Lin He, the boss of the Hemen.

Steel Dan traveled like lightning all the way, and it took only half an hour to arrive at Daqiao Village.

At the entrance of the village, Ye Chui saw two people who were waiting for someone.

"Are you Brother Hammer?" When Ye Hang got out of the car, the two immediately came over to ask.

Ye Chui nodded: "It's me."

"You really came here alone, you are so brave, come with me!" one of the yellow hairs said.

The other scarred face pointed at the steel egg: "I'll help you drive this car to another place."

"Where are you going?" Ye Chui wrinkled.

"Our boss's special place for collecting luxury cars!" Dao Scar sneered, "Since this car has been driven to Daqiao Village, it will be our boss's from now on. Together, it is the blessing of your car."

Ye Chui shrugged: "Okay, I'll give you the car."

It turns out that the boss of Hemen has a special place for collecting cars, what a rich man.

Ye Chui patted the front of Gangdan's car, and passed a thought to him: What kind of luxury cars are the gangsters collecting, find that place and smash all the cars for me!

Seeing what Ye Chui said, Scarface opened the car door and got in.

Ye Chui kindly reminded: "Be careful, my car is not easy to drive."

"You should still worry about yourself!" Scarface sneered, and then went to look for the car's ignition device, but he couldn't find anything after searching for a long time, so he couldn't help but mutter, "Fuck, what a broken car... ..."


The steering wheel suddenly bounced, and it slammed onto Scarface's forehead, causing his words to stop abruptly, and he fainted as soon as his head tilted.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Huang Mao asked curiously when he heard the voice.

No one answered, but the car started and drove straight to the other direction of the village.

Huang Mao was slightly taken aback, and muttered something, thinking that nothing happened, and then led Ye Chui to continue walking into the village.

Passing through the small village, to the other side of the village, you can see the magnificent building that was built from a long distance.

It looks like a suburban villa with a large courtyard, which looks like a lot of thought.

Walking outside the mansion, you can see a lot of people inside, eating barbecue and drinking beer in the big yard, and there is a swimming pool next to it, and there are a few women in bold and revealing clothes playing around.

There are at least two to three hundred people in this big mansion, all of them are vicious and evil, not easy to provoke.

Huang Mao brought Ye Chui over, and the big iron door opened automatically, and after Huang Mao walked in with Ye Chui, the iron door closed again.

Ye Chui turned his head and glanced at the fence-shaped iron gate.

Huang Mao sneered at the side: "This iron gate is made of fine steel. When you come here, you will think that you have entered a prison."

"Prison?" Ye Chui smiled slightly, "Not bad."

"Not bad?" Huang Mao was taken aback, how could this be called not bad?

There were at least two or three hundred shirtless men in the big courtyard, each of whom carried an extremely fierce aura.

Among these people, there was a thin-looking man in his 40s and [-]s with very cold eyes.

The table in front of him is also the largest, and the people sitting on this table are obviously the most important.

Seeing Ye Chui, the man seemed a little surprised: "Hey, this is Brother Hammer? He really killed such a person, he is so brave."

"Boss, just a few days after this guy appeared, he killed Ganglong. I heard that he has now taken over Ganglong's high imitation mobile phone business. Shanbao went to trouble him, but he was frightened and dared to set up a street stall now. Live. This guy must have some background."

A man with a hoarse voice next to him said that the boss he was talking about was the boss of Hemen, Lin made peace.

And if Ye Chui heard his voice, he would be able to tell that this was the man who called Ye Chui.

After the man told Lin He the fairy tale, he turned his head and said to a big man beside him, "Yingying, call the brother who is guarding outside and ask if anyone else has followed him."

"Okay Fox." The man named Eagle nodded immediately, took out his cell phone and started making calls.

The man nicknamed Fox touched his chin with his hand, and took out a mobile phone: "I will be a photographer when I do it later. Zhang Yueyang said that he wanted to make a video of us torturing this kid. He I am willing to spend 500 million yuan to buy this video... Hey, it really cost me money, could it be that this kid slept with his wife?"

The person sitting at the table suddenly laughed obscenely.

"Boss, this kid really drove here alone, there is no one else." After finishing the phone call, Lao Ying said to Lin He, "His broken car has now been intercepted by us according to Zhang Yueyang's request. Get down and drive into the garage where you keep your car."

"Well, I see." Lin He waved his hand, stood up from his seat, walked towards Ye Chui with a sneer on his face.

Ye Chui was surrounded by a group of shirtless men, each of them looked fierce, some of them could not wait to pick up beer bottles, and looked at him coldly.But Ye Chui was very indifferent, as if he didn't pay attention to these people at all.

He saw Lin He at a glance. Although this man was not impressive, he was obviously the most pretentious among the group of people, and he was definitely the boss.

At this moment, he watched Lin He walk in front of him.

"Brother Hammer, I've heard of the reputation a long time ago. It's a great honor to meet you today." Lin He said with a smile, looking at Ye Chui, "The mountain leopard was planted in your hands, hmph, really It's up to you."

Ye Chui smiled and said, "You want to seek justice for the mountain leopard?"

"Shan Leopard is my brother. Of course I want to seek justice for him. But, the main reason is that you offended a big rich man. He wants to beat you up as badly as he wants. He wants us to Make it into a video, hehe, he will spend 500 million to buy this video, do you think you can’t make money by making a movie?” Lin He said with a smile, and then he turned to Fox and said, “Is your mobile phone okay? Is the picture coming down clear?"

"No problem, it's clear." The fox gestured an ok gesture, "This is the latest iPhone7000s that I bought back with more than 6 yuan!"

Ye Chui: "...Damn it."

Seeing a group of men wanting to fight, Ye Chui said, "Where is Skinny Monkey? Where is he?"

"Don't worry, we are going to deal with you. I will let the Guanxi go away safe and sound." Lin He said with a smile.

"Can you let me take a look at him first?" Ye Chui continued, he was a little worried about whether the thin monkey was in danger.

Lin He didn't refuse Ye Chui's request, he waved to the people around him: "Bring out that kid named Cheng Guanxi, let Brother Hammer take a look, and die in peace."

Immediately, someone responded with a smile, and a person was pulled out from the big house in the courtyard, it was Shouhou.

Skinny Monkey didn't seem to have suffered any crimes, but he looked a little terrified. He was locked up by this gang, and he was very frightened.

When he saw Ye Chui, his face became happy, and he greeted Brother Ye loudly, he was about to run here, but the younger brothers on both sides grabbed his arms and punched him in the stomach by the way, the thin monkey immediately He cried out and squatted down.

Ye Chui frowned, but at the same time felt relieved, it seemed that the thin monkey was fine.

"He's fine, so I'm relieved." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"What are you worried about?" Lin He heard something from Ye Chui's words, and his face changed slightly, "Did you bring other people?"

"No, I drove here alone." Ye Chui replied with a smile.

At this moment, Lin He's cell phone rang suddenly.

The voice suddenly sounded, feeling a little harsh, and Lin He's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly connected the phone, only to hear an eager voice on the other side of the phone, and shouted: "Boss... was sent to the garage just now." The broken car in the car suddenly started to go crazy and smashed your car into pieces..."


The second update, there will be another update in the evening~~~~ Steel Egg is going to use the ultimate murderous weapon...


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