"Boss... the broken car that was sent to the garage just now suddenly started to go berserk and smashed your car into pieces..."

The voice on the other side of the phone was urgent and a little frightened.

"What!?" Lin He's expression changed drastically. All the cars in his collection were smashed to pieces?

The others also heard the voice from the mobile phone, and all of them showed shocked expressions.

Lin He opened his eyes wide and roared loudly: "What's going on, you said that broken car started to go crazy?"

"He...he..." The voice on the other side of the phone trembled a little, "he...he suddenly stood up, turned into a Transformer, and then...then drew an ax from behind, and chopped Go down, and one car will be divided into two..."

Lin He's expression froze.

Transformers... Is my little brother stupid when his head was hit by a car?

The other people in Hemen also had similar expressions, feeling that the call was too inexplicable.

How could there be Transformers! ?

At this time, the little brother suddenly yelled in panic from the other side of the phone.

"Don't...don't come here...ah!!!"

The phone was then forced to hang up.

A smile appeared on Ye Chui's face, he could almost imagine the scene of the steel egg going berserk in the garage.

The so-called ax is the No. [-] murderous soldier Ye Chui studied.

It looks like an axe, but in fact, there are some formation patterns on the blade surface of the axe that can enhance its power.

With the strength of a steel egg, it is definitely not difficult to split a car in half with a single axe.

"Contact the other brothers who stayed in the garage to see what happened!" Lin He immediately turned to Eagle.

Daqiao Village is the stronghold of Hemen, and half of the people in the whole village have joined Hemen. If something happens outside, news will be spread soon.

Eagle promised and went to make a call.

Lin He looked at Ye Chui coldly: "What's going on? Are there other people hiding in your car?"

Ye Chui shrugged with a smile, and then said to Lin He: "I'll give you a chance to surrender to me now, and I can guarantee that I won't go too far later."

Lin He frowned, and even said to give him a chance to make him succumb?

"Hey, ha, ha ha ha..."

He laughed angrily.

Suddenly, Lin He took out a pistol from his pocket and aimed it at Ye Chui.

Seeing the boss make this action, Fox and the others also took out their guns and aimed them at Ye Chui.

In Hemen, only a few hall masters and bosses are equipped with guns, as for others, they don't have such things.

After all, this is China, and guns are prohibited items, so they can be obtained so easily.

Even the few in the hall master's hands, some of them are completely unusable, and they are more used to frighten Ye Chui at this moment.

As for the other younger brothers, they pulled out machetes, iron rods and other fighting tools from under the table.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the compound was gloomy.

Lin He is very satisfied with the aura he created.

He pointed at Ye Chui with a pistol in one hand, and pointed at the 300 people around him with the other, and said to Ye Chui: "I will give you a chance now, kneel down and beg me for mercy immediately, I can consider waiting I will spare your life, otherwise, believe it or not, I will kill you with my own hands!?"

After saying this, Lin He smiled triumphantly, and felt that he was really cheating now.

However, Ye Chui's expression was still very peaceful.

It was as if he hadn't seen the seven or eight guns pointing at him, and the machetes in the hands of the two or three hundred shirtless and fierce boys.

He just smiled, and then continued to say to Lin He: "It seems that you won't use the chance I gave you."

Lin He's body trembled slightly, which was the expression of his extreme anger.

At this time, Eagle had already made several phone calls one after another, and he hurried to Lin He's side.

"Boss, just now I contacted some brothers who live next to the garage."

"What did they say?" Lin He asked while staring at Ye Chui coldly.

"They all said...all said they saw Transformers!"

"What?" Lin He couldn't help being taken aback. So many people, they all saw Transformers?

This **** is not scientific...

It was at this time that a burst of dun dun dun dun sound came.

The sound was loud and shocking, from far to near.

"Tractor?" Fox couldn't help whispering.

The sound of dun dun dun dun dun dun is really like a tractor.

Everyone looked out the door subconsciously, and saw a car rushing towards them from a distance through the iron gate.

"It's Brother Hammer's broken car!" Huang Mao, who brought Ye Chui here, recognized the car, and he hurriedly shouted.


The steel egg slammed into the iron door made of refined steel.

This door is custom-made and very strong. If an ordinary car hits it, the only result is a car accident and death.

But Steel Egg is not an ordinary car. His car body has reached the extreme hardness, and he rushed over at a speed of more than two hundred miles.

That impact force is very terrifying!

With just a whoosh, the iron gate was directly knocked into the air.

Even the courtyard wall next to it fell down with a crash.

"what's the situation!?"

"Stop this car quickly!"

The courtyard suddenly became chaotic.

It can be said that if you want to stop the steel egg, who has the guts?

He was like a ferocious beast with unparalleled aura, who would dare to go over and stop him unless he was desperate?

One by one, they dodged to the side.

Steel egg rushed into the compound, but didn't stop, he drove directly towards Ye Chui!

"This car is going to die, hurry up and get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way!"

The people around Ye Chui immediately scattered around like frightened birds.

Ye Chui didn't dodge, and even showed a bit of excitement on his face.

——In the past two days when he was building a fierce soldier at the recycle bin, he watched a movie in his spare time, and there was a cool scene in it, and he wanted to try it himself a long time ago.

Now is the chance.

The steel egg arrived in front of Ye Chui in a blink of an eye.




The car body slid across the leaf.

Four shallow grooves were immediately drawn on the cement brick floor.

The door opens automatically.

Ye Chui slightly arched his body and made a gesture of sitting down. When the steel egg drove in front of him, his person had just gotten into the driver's seat.

The coordination between each other is seamless and perfect!

(ps: Scarlet Flame Battlefield 2...that action is really cheating, isn't it~)

Pop, the door closes.

The steel egg continued to move, and rushed towards the thin monkey.

The two younger brothers who were originally in charge of guarding the thin monkey didn't dare to stay by the thin monkey's side when they saw this, so they rushed to the side in a hurry.


Steel egg stopped beside the thin monkey, Ye Chui opened the car door and shouted to the thin monkey.

The thin monkey was terrified and got into the car in a hurry.

Steel Egg made a turn and rushed towards the gate.

"Brother Ye, I knew you would come to save me..." The thin monkey said to Ye Chui with a moved face.

"Don't say these words for now, you will be smarter later." Ye Chui said in a low voice.

"Be smarter?" The thin monkey was taken aback, "Aren't we going back directly? With the speed of the steel egg, they will definitely not be able to catch up."

"Go back directly?" Ye Chui smiled coldly, "How could it be so cheap for them?"

While saying this, Steel Dan rushed to the gate of the compound.



A rhythmic sound came from the steel egg's car body. He jumped up and began to transform under the panicked and stunned eyes of everyone.

Thin Monkey and Ye Chui were thrown out of the driver's seat.

"Ah..." The thin monkey was startled and screamed.

Ye Chui grabbed the thin monkey's belt with one hand, and led him down to the ground smoothly.

In a very short period of time, the steel egg has been transformed, and the three-meter-high figure is standing beside Ye Chui, equipped with various weapons all over his body.

Crazy and cool Transformers!

At this moment, Lin He and his two or three hundred younger brothers have completely lost their minds.

"There really is a mind-changing king... this... this is unscientific..."

It was also the first time for Thin Monkey to see a steel egg in human form, with a big mouth.

Turning around the steel egg, I wanted to say something, but I didn't know how to express it for a while.

Ye Chui patted the thin monkey's shoulder with a smile, and then passed a thought to Gangdan.

"Shoot all the men in here, don't kill them, but everyone put some dots on me!"

"Understood." Gangdan fed back this thought to Ye Chui.

Then his left arm changed, and there were a few "clicks", and a bulge appeared on his right arm, revealing a small missile ready to be launched.

Steel Egg aimed the missile at the crowd.

"Ta Ta Ta Ta..."

This is the sound of a missile launching.

Ye Chui frowned, then was shocked.

"Fuck me, I asked you to activate the No. 13 murderous soldier, but you actually activated the No. [-] ultimate murderous soldier for me!"

Shouting, Ye Chui hurriedly kicked Gang Dan's left arm.


The missile blasted out.

A small missile with a trail of white smoke flew out from Steel Egg's left arm, and because of Ye Chui's kick, the missile deviated from its original course and flew elsewhere...

It plunged headlong into the magnificent mansion built not far away.

Ye Chui grabbed the thin monkey and hid behind the steel egg.

"Brother Ye..."

"Do not talk!"

Two seconds later—


An extremely violent explosion broke out in the building, the flames splashed, and the ground shook violently. The land around the explosion point spread out in waves, and the tables and chairs used for barbecue and wine in the courtyard were blown away one after another. More than 200 younger brothers were blown by the shock wave and screamed again and again, the sky was full of dust, and the building was instantly reduced to ashes and turned into ruins...


Today's third update~~~[-]-word big chapter~~~~~~~Please collect and recommend~~~~~The next steel egg will completely open up consciousness and intelligence~~~~Everyone look forward to it~ ~~


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