The younger brothers of Hemen were all brave and ruthless gangsters.

Although they were afraid, so many people responded to the call of the fox and rushed towards the steel egg, the fear was greatly reduced, and the impulsiveness and ferocity in their bones were attracted.

Although the Transformers are powerful, they have machetes in their hands, and these people are about to greet Steel Egg while shouting.

"I have to go for a walk..." The fox, who was the first soldier, quietly retreated to the side after mobilizing everyone.

This is Transformers!

Have you seen the movie? Can a group of uneducated bastards get Transformers with a machete?

——The reason why the fox is called a fox is because of his cunning personality.

He distinguished the situation in time, and first encouraged a group of younger brothers to go up and trap the other party, so that he could have a chance to escape.

On the side of the compound, there was a motorcycle parked, the fox hurried up and started the motorcycle...

But in the face of the turbulent younger brother's door, Gang Dan put away the No. [-] murderous soldier.

Since the other party didn't use a gun, then he didn't need it. There was a stabbing sound from his back, and then two knives appeared. Gang Dan stretched his hands behind his back and pulled out the two knives.

Double swords, this is the No. [-] murderer.

"I'll kill you!" A younger brother waved his hand and chopped off the steel egg's thigh when he saw it.

Steel Egg waved it directly with one hand.


The machete in this little brother's hand was directly broken in two, and the person was directly thrown away by the force.

——It’s really not a power class.

Now Gangdan is very confused, he already has consciousness, he doesn't want to kill people directly, so he has to restrain his strength, just like an adult playing with a child, he must restrain his hands and feet, but Gangdan is very angry, I don't want to just let these people go.

It's really hard for him...

On Ye Chui's side, he was squatting on the ground to check the thin monkey's injuries.

"Brother Ye, am I going to die?" The thin monkey's eyes were filled with tears, "I thought today was my lucky day. I met a good thing and ended my 19-year virginity, but who would have thought that what was waiting for me? It's this kind of thing..."

"You won't die. I'll take you to pick up girls in the future, and I can get whatever you want." Ye Chui comforted him while checking his injuries.

"Brother Ye, you don't have to lie to me, I know I'm going to die, I have this intuition." The skinny monkey looked rather deep, "Brother Ye, promise me a few things, okay? Otherwise, I won't die with peace in my eyes .”

Ye Chui frowned: "What is it?"

"You tell Li Cheng and Fat Bear that there is a box under my bed, and there are a few pornographic books in it. Those are not my things. Someone left them with me. You tell them not to let them misunderstand... "

"You think too much..." Ye Chui said with some sweat.

"Well, in fact, those pornographic books belong to me, I bought them secretly, after I die, I will leave them both..."

"...You won't die, really." Ye Chui reiterated.

"Brother Ye, the bullet shot me in the heart, how can I still not die, in this case in the movie, death is inevitable..."

"Fuck me!" Ye Chui was completely speechless.

While the thin monkey was chattering about the relic, he had already pulled out the bullet from his chest.

At this moment, he held it in his hand and shook it in front of the thin monkey's eyes.

"How can you talk so much after being shot through the heart? The bullet first shot through my palm and then hit you. The wound on your chest is only one centimeter deep, and it's still a long way from your heart. Look, the bullets have been picked out by me."


The thin monkey stared at the bullet in Ye Chui's hand for a while, and then felt his chest again. Although it hurt, the feeling was just a skin trauma, and he was completely fine.

"So I'm fine..."

The thin monkey stabbed and jumped up from the ground, moving its limbs with excitement.

Ye Chui shook his head and was speechless.

Checking the wound on his hand, his palm was pierced, and it was burning hot. Although Ye Chui had simply bandaged it up, the painful feeling did not decrease at all, and the anger in his heart was still difficult to calm down.

The sound of the motorcycle suddenly sounded, and the fox on the side of the gate had already rushed out on the motorcycle.

"Want to go?"

Ye Chui sneered, and then shouted at the steel egg who was playing with two knives: "Don't let this person get away!"

Steel Egg immediately turned around, raised his left arm, and a gun barrel half a meter long appeared on his arm.

Soldier No. [-], sniper rifle.

The motorcycle was driving fast, and it had already gone half a kilometer in the time Ye Chui called out for the steel egg.


The sniper gun rang out, and the bullets shot out.

There was a series of pops in the air.

Then, it hit the fox's left arm accurately.


The powerful impact shattered his left arm!

The screams came from afar, and the fox fell to the ground with the motorcycle.

The motorcycle crushed his thigh even more, making him unable to get up again, leaving only bursts of painful cries.

"Damn it, the steel egg is so powerful!" the thin monkey couldn't help exclaiming.

Ye Chui said with a smile: "Steel Dan's sniper range is 2000 meters, so it's not a problem at such a distance."

"It's amazing!" Slim Monkey was still excited.

At this time, his expression suddenly froze, and he saw a person not far away.

A girl.

A girl in a revealing bold bikini.

When Ye Chui first came here, she and several other girls were swimming and frolicking in the nearby swimming pool.

But after the small missile exploded, it immediately overturned the entire swimming pool. She was lucky that she was not injured, but at the moment her body was covered with dust and she looked embarrassed.

"This girl..."

Ye Chui looked at the girl, vaguely saw it somewhere, and then finally remembered: "Isn't this the hot girl?"

The first time I went to Yangchang Mountain to compete, it was this girl who started the competition.

Moreover, she directly put the cover on hotly, and the waves were turbulent...

Even the steel eggs of people and cars are dumbfounded!

This girl seems to be named Wenwen?

"Brother Ye, Wenwen is the girlfriend I dated before." Ye Chui said in a low voice, "Didn't I vomit all over her at the time, and then I apologized to her when I went to the racing car, and then I went back and forth... just fine on..."

Ye Chui was speechless.

Dude, the taste is not ordinary...

"Brother Ye, I have something to tell her." The thin monkey continued.

"Go." Ye Chui nodded.

Then the thin monkey walked towards Wenwen.

Over there, Wenwen saw the thin monkey approaching, so she hurriedly said, "Guanxi, I... I was forced..."

"Forcing you to be paralyzed!" Skinny Monkey slapped him across the face, "You really think I'm so easy to bully, my lord?"

"Guanxi, I was wrong, can you forgive me?" Wenwen hurriedly hissed while covering her face, and then she tightly grasped the thin monkey's arm, "I will listen to you in the future, you let me I'll do whatever I want, don't you want to fuck me, you can fuck whatever you want..."

Thin Monkey shook off Wenwen's hand: "Bitch, get the hell out of here!"

"Guan Xi……"

"Guan your sister, how many times have I told you not to call me by my name!"

Ye Chui watched from a distance.

Although he never liked to hit women, but Shouhou was pissed off by this Wenwen, so it's okay to slap her twice...

At this moment, what Wenwen said suddenly made Ye Chui frown involuntarily——

"Ajian asked me to seduce you. He asked me to bring you here today. He said that his boss Zhang Yueyang was going to deal with your elder brother Ye Chui. I couldn't help it. Ajian forced me to do this. Thin Monkey, you know that I love you..."

"It really is Zhang Yueyang." Ye Chui snorted coldly.

In fact, he could have already guessed who was behind it. Who else had such a deep hatred with him besides Zhang Yueyang?

But hearing it with my own ears, I still feel very angry.

"Zhang Yueyang..."


The second update~~~Please recommend tickets, please collect, please reward~~


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