There are two to 300 people guarding here with the gatekeepers. Steel egg's small missiles overturned hundreds of people, and most of the rest who were safe have been taken care of by steel egg.

During this process, Gang Dan's anger had subsided, but he did not stop.

Ye Chui equips him with thirteen fierce soldiers, which is just for familiarization at this moment.

When everyone fell down, only the No. [-] fierce soldier was left unused in the steel egg.

The No. [-] Fierce Soldier is an electromagnetic deterrent weapon specially used against weapons, and it doesn't make any sense to use it in front of these little brothers.

"Gangdan seems to have mastered the fierce soldiers, it's time to leave."

Ye Chui's mood has also recovered, he waved to the thin monkey: "We should go."

However, at this moment Ye Chui was taken aback suddenly: the overwhelming sound of whistles suddenly rang out.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen police cars rushed over, and teams of heavily armed police surrounded them.

"Police?" Ye Chui frowned, "It seems that the time wasted here is too long."

"Steel egg." Ye Chui said to the steel egg in the distance, "Let's go."

With the ultimate speed of the steel egg, it is not difficult to get rid of these policemen.

"Don't move, or we're going to shoot!"

One of the policemen shouted loudly and aimed his gun at Ye Chui's side, and the other policemen also drew their guns.

A missile attack occurred here, which was a very serious incident. After someone called the police, the police immediately gathered all the armed police forces that could be assembled and rushed to the scene.

In addition to this wave that has already arrived, there are several more waves that will arrive one after another.

"Police, save me quickly, these people are terrorists!" At this moment, a girl's scream suddenly rang out.

Wenwen, who was pleading with the thin monkey just now, took advantage of this moment to rush towards the police.

The thin monkey was about to grab her immediately, but when he saw the black barrel of the policeman, he immediately retracted his hand in fright.

"Don't worry, we are public servants of the people and will protect you!" The policeman who called out just now said to Wenwen immediately, "I am Guo Qing from the Xizhou District Team of the xx Provincial Security Bureau. Miss, please go and record A confession, explaining everything that happened."

"Okay, okay." Wenwen nodded hastily.

Ye Chui suddenly became strange: Let Wenwen record the statement first?

"This bitch!" The thin monkey walked up to Ye Chui, cursing, "Brother Ye, what should we do?"

Ye Chui shook his head: "Don't worry, it's fine."

At the same time, he quietly waved to the steel egg behind him, signaling him not to move.

The police slowly surrounded them and pointed their guns at the steel egg and the thin monkey.

Then someone went to the already messy yard to search.

Those who were not injured, or who were not seriously injured, were taken away by the police under the pretext of making statements.

"Huh? Who made such a big model of Transformers here." A policeman exclaimed.

Steel egg stood in the middle of the yard, motionless according to Ye Chui's request, looking exactly like the model.

"Comrade policeman, he's not a model, he's alive, he's a real Transformer!" A boy from Hemen who had his leg broken hurriedly shouted.


Several policemen gathered around to examine it carefully, and then they all laughed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could this be alive? I think I was scared stupid?"

"Such a large-scale fighting took place here, it must have been very tragic just now, did missiles really come here?"

"No, I think the explosives exploded, missiles? How is that possible!"

The police quickly turned their attention away from Steel Egg.

Suddenly, a policeman shouted: "Found it, he's here!"

Immediately, someone rushed over, and then a person was lifted out of a pile of ruins.

It's Lin He.

Although Lin He was miserable, he didn't faint and his consciousness was still clear.

"It looks like he's seriously injured, hurry up and take him to the hospital!" Guo Qing walked over to check, and then hurriedly shouted.

Two policemen hugged Lin He carefully and were about to carry him outside.

They walked past Ye Chui.

"Boy...cough...boy, you wait for me, I must kill you, I swear I must kill you!" Lin He roared at Ye Chui, and then he turned to Guo Qing and said, "Give me Save his life, I will kill him!"

Guo Qing gave Ye Chui a cold look, snorted, and continued, "Brother Lin, go to the hospital to injure yourself first, and I'll take care of the rest."

Lin He was very miserable, but his eyes stared at Ye Chui coldly like a poisonous snake.

Ye Chui suddenly understood—the fact that the Hemen gang can run amok in this area is not without reason.

This is the police captain named Guo Qing, and he is obviously in the same group.

No wonder Wenwen was asked to record a statement immediately, it was to frame Ye Chui.

Guo Qing arrived at the first time, and recorded his statement first, so that he could explain to the next few waves of policemen that Ye Chui would be directly named as a "terrorist."

Thinking of this, Ye Chui smiled coldly, and then took out his cell phone from his pocket.

"Hey, what are you doing? Put down your phone!" A policeman threatened loudly.

Ye Chui didn't seem to hear the threat at all, and dialed a phone number on his own.

The call was connected quickly.

"Brother Ye, why are you calling me so late?" A complimenting voice came from the other side of the phone immediately.

The owner of this voice is Zheng Feng.

The captain of the eighth team of Longya in the Qianlong group.

At the beginning, he wanted to drag Ye Chui to the Qianlong group, force him to join the Yehuo Project, and planned to make Ye Chui take the capsule.

As a result, Ye Chui turned his back on the customer and modified the capsule to let Zheng Feng take it.

The capsule has a great deterrent effect, and when Zheng Feng found that he couldn't remove it, he had no choice but to follow Ye Chui's orders.

After several phone calls with Zheng Feng, Ye Chui found that Zheng Feng belonged to the kind of guy who domineering over people who are not as good as him, but he has no backbone to curry favor with others when he encounters tough problems.

These days, Ye Chui always responds to any request, and the delivery speed is comparable to that of a professional.

What he felt to Ye Chui was: He really raised a good dog.

"I want to ask you for help with something." Ye Chui said.

"Brother Ye, if you have anything to say, just say it." Zheng Feng said cheerfully.

"But I have something to ask you first, how much power do you have, can you live in a place like the Xizhou City Security Bureau?"

"Security Bureau?" Zheng Feng was slightly stunned, and then he said proudly, "What is the Security Bureau? Our Qianlong Group belongs to a secret organization and has a lot of power. I can overwhelm their chief with just a word." …Brother Ye, you were arrested? This kind of trivial matter is easy!"

"Yes, then I can rest assured."

Ye Chui chuckled, and then looked around at the embarrassment around him.

"Tonight I made a big fuss here in Daqiao Village. I kicked out the stronghold of Hemen Boss, and his mansion was accidentally blown up by me. There are about two or three hundred people left. I was injured, I don’t know if any of them died, now a group of policemen are surrounding us, more policemen should come over later.” Ye Chui said leisurely.

Zheng Feng on the other side was completely dumbfounded, and it took a few seconds for him to realize: "Brother Ye, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, it just happened by accident."

Ye Chui smiled very easily, and then continued.

"I can leave by myself, but I need you to mobilize your relationship and power to help me cover up this matter. You said that you had a dinner with the door, and you fought for the grilled chicken wings, and finally an explosion happened accidentally... ...For the police, you can just threaten them casually and tell them not to go out and talk nonsense. The relationship with the boss is quite good, if there is a nest of officials and thieves, you should treat him as doing justice for the heavens."

Zheng Feng: "..."

"Okay, that's it, Xiaofeng, I trust you, we'll talk another day." Ye Chui hung up the phone without waiting for Zheng Feng to speak again.

When the surrounding policemen heard Ye Chui's words, they all showed expressions of astonishment.

Guo Qing was even more livid: "You... who are you calling?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

Ye Chui said indifferently, and then he gave Lin He a cold look.

This gaze shocked Lin He's originally furious face.

"Paralyzed playing tricks, believe it or not, I'll kill you?" Guo Qing shouted furiously, pointing a pistol at Ye Chui.

"Is it a big deal to have a gun?"

Ye Chui turned his head and said to the steel egg in the formal model: "Activate the No. [-] fierce soldier, and paralyze the guns of everyone here!"


The third update~~~~ Seeing that the cannon is so real, please support it with a recommendation ticket~~~~


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