As soon as Ye Chui finished speaking, the steel egg started to act.

His two mechanical arms rounded, and then they hit together with a bang.

Sparks splattered between the hands, and a strange wave radiated out. It was a kind of electromagnetic pulse, which was not very powerful in itself, but Ye Chui carried the breath of a craftsman in it, and this breath was very powerful for firearms, etc. Weapons have a great deterrent effect!


An electric light ripple spread to the surroundings.

This ripple was so faint that no one else noticed it at all except Ye Chui.

But when Gang Dan made a move, everyone saw it, and the police immediately panicked.

"He's alive... He actually lived..."

"Transformers, this is Transformers!"

Someone was startled, and shot at the steel egg involuntarily, and then others pulled the triggers one after another.

However, they found that the gun was completely useless.

——Steel Egg has destroyed everyone's guns, this is the role of No. [-] Fierce Soldier.

Just now, the steel egg attacked Hemen's younger brother, and accumulated evil energy, which was enough to motivate the No. [-] fierce soldier to paralyze all the nearby guns.

"How could this happen!?" Guo Qing's face was extremely shocked.

Ye Chui smiled faintly, and then waved at Gang Dan.

Steel Dan suddenly rushed over from a distance. He was three meters tall and had the shape of a Transformer, giving people the impression that he possessed great destructive power. Seeing him move, the surrounding policemen all backed away.

I saw that the steel egg jumped over several policemen, and jumped directly in front of Ye Chui and Shouhou.

He grabbed Ye Chui with one hand and the thin monkey with the other.

Both feet landed, flicked again, and jumped up.

clack clack clack...

He began to transform directly in the air, and when he landed, he had already become a car.

Ye Chui sat safely in the driver's seat, and Shouhou sat in the passenger seat.


Then the car shot out like an arrow leaving the string, rushed out, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

None of the policemen in the compound wanted to pursue him.

Even, the policemen in the compound are still stunned at this moment, and they haven't recovered yet.


What is this!


The steel egg was driving fast.

"Does your chest still hurt?" Ye Chui turned to ask Shouhou.

The thin monkey covered his chest with his hands, and he shook his head: "It's fine, it's just a skin injury."

Afterwards, the thin monkey asked worriedly, "Brother Ye, will something happen if we make a fuss like this?"

"Don't worry." Ye Chui knew what the thin monkey was worried about, and smiled, "Someone will cover our buttocks for us."

——Zheng Feng, the young master is very optimistic about you, don't let me down...

Seeing what Ye Chui said, Shouhou felt relieved, no matter what, Brother Ye held a very high position in his heart.

"Brother Ye, where are we going next? Back to the waste recycling station?"

"Don't go back yet, let's go to...Yangchang Mountain."

The Speed ​​Race starts tonight, so it should have started by now.

According to the regulations of this competition, if the thin monkey did not show up on time, it would have automatically given up its qualifications.

However, Ye Chui didn't go to participate in the competition, but to find trouble.

"Boss, are we going to smash the scene?" A rather hooligan voice suddenly came from the car's horn.

"That's right, let's hit the ground." Ye Chui nodded, then was taken aback, "Steel egg?"

"Hey, boss." The voice continued to come from the car horn.

The thin monkey was extremely surprised: "This... this... the steel egg can talk?"

Steel Dan chuckled and said, "Hello, Shouhou, we have known each other for a long time."

"You, hello..." the thin monkey said hurriedly, his voice was trembling because he was so surprised.

There was a smile on Ye Chui's face, and the steel egg had completely awakened his consciousness and become an intelligent life. Speaking naturally became very simple for him.

Drive all the way to Yangchang Mountain.

On the way, Thin Monkey called Li Cheng and told them about the situation to make them feel at ease.

The thin monkey finally got used to the talking steel egg, and the two talked non-stop.

Obviously, Steel Dan respects Ye Chui very much. After all, he was created by Ye Chui, and Ye Chui is his master.

As for the thin monkey, Steel Dan has a good impression of him, he is the closest person besides Ye Chui.

Ye Chui originally predicted that Steel Egg would fully awaken to consciousness in tonight's game, or when the car baby was born a few days later.

But he didn't expect that such an incident would cause both him and the thin monkey to be injured at the same time.

The two people closest to him were injured, which stimulated Gang Dan's self-awareness and awakened him.

It's a surprise.

Along the way, Steel Egg is driving automatically.

However, Ye Chui's hand was pressed on the steering wheel, and the power of detection kept groping for the consciousness of the steel egg.

"The steel egg has already awakened. If I explore his awakening process, I will be able to fully comprehend the power of the heart and reach the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra!"


Sheep intestines mountain.

The place is full of people, as if it is a lively market.

The dynamic music resounded through the eardrums, all kinds of hot girls danced their bodies, and gorgeous sports cars were parked on the side.

This competition scene is actually an open-air party.

To participate in the competition in Yangchang Mountain, the track to be run is the winding mountain road on Yangchang Mountain.

This mountain road is quite famous in the underground racing circle, and it is a track mountain road that all famous underground racers must run.

Speed ​​racing will be held continuously for half a month, during which racers from all over the country and even foreign countries will gather to participate in this competition.

To participate in the competition, you have to pay the registration fee, which will eventually become a bonus.

The amount of bonuses will reach tens of millions.

Of course, high bonuses also involve high risks. There will be accidents every time, and many even die directly.

Tonight's game has ended, people are celebrating with carnival, and the atmosphere is enthusiastic.

Not far from the carnival crowd, a modified car was parked.

Inside the car, Zhang Yueyang was pressing hard on his head between his legs.

Sun Xiaoyue's small mouth was twitching constantly under his crotch, and from time to time, she would let out a few confused moans.

Zhang Yueyang's face gradually revealed a look of enjoyment.

But his brows are still furrowed: I don't know how things are going with the door...

He has a car that is qualified for the Speed ​​Race. Tonight's race, as the big boss behind him, of course he will come to watch.

At this moment, the competition is over, and the car under his name has won tonight's championship and can participate in the next round of competition.

The car that Zhang Yueyang is now riding in is the one that he has spent a lot of time and money modifying.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the window glass.

Zhang Yueyang came back to his senses, pulled down the car window, and saw A Jian standing outside the window: "What's wrong? Is everything done?"

"Boss..." Ah Jian looked distressed, "I just got the news that there was a big explosion in Daqiao Village, and the stronghold of Hemen was taken down, and a large number of police were dispatched to the scene..."

Zhang Yueyang's expression changed: "What happened? Where's Ye Chui? How is he?"

"I... I don't know about this. I heard that two or three hundred people were injured at the scene. I think... Ye Chui won't be feeling well either..." Ah Jian said with a distressed expression on his face.

There was a big explosion at the scene, it felt like a movie, and the two 300 people in Hemen were seriously injured, thinking that Ye Chui would not be safe, right?

At this moment, Zhang Yueyang was taken aback suddenly, his eyes drifted over A Jian's shoulder and looked into the distance.

A car is coming.

What a shabby looking car!

"Ye Chui!?" Zhang Yueyang immediately opened his eyes wide.


"Brother Ye, the car in front is Zhang Yueyang's car."

Thin Monkey pointed to the front and said, he has been racing in Yangchang Mountain for several days in a row, and he is already familiar with this place, so he recognized that the car belonged to Zhang Yueyang's subordinates.

"Very good, steel egg, turn on the collision mode." Ye Chui said with a smile.

This collision mode is a small ability that Steel Egg possesses only after it is equipped with fierce soldiers.

"Okay boss."

The steel egg agreed, and then there were a few clicks, and two extremely sharp blades suddenly protruded from the steel egg's headlights.

This is the blade of the No. [-] murderer's double sword.

It looks like an ordinary knife, but there are some images of Ye Chui's brand on the blade, and the power of cutting it down with one knife is huge.

And at the moment it is equipped on the front of the car, if it hits it, the result will be even more tragic!

"Bump him!"

Ye Chui pointed to the car ahead and said.


The first one~~~~


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