Steel egg rushed towards Zhang Yueyang's car at full speed.

"He rushed over, he was going to hit me!"

Zhang Yueyang discovered this immediately, and wondered in his heart, could it be that Ye Chui became angry from embarrassment, and wanted to die with him?

A Jian had also seen the steel egg rushing towards him, and immediately his legs went limp in fright, and he fled to the side in a hurry.

Zhang Yueyang hurriedly opened the door to get out of the car.

Sun Xiaoyue also realized that the situation was wrong, and hurriedly went down from the other side.

As soon as Zhang Yueyang pushed the car door open, he was about to go outside, but...he forgot to fasten his seat belt when he got in the car just now.

This is his good habit. He must wear his seat belt before getting in the car.

But at this time, he really hated this good habit to the extreme.

"hurry up!"

He hurriedly wanted to untie his seat belt, but the more hectic at this time, the more he couldn't untie it.

Sun Xiaoyue had already got out of the car from the other side, and walked away like shit.

The steel egg arrived in an instant.


Zhang Yueyang let out a panic scream like killing a pig.


The steel egg bumped into Zhang Yueyang's car.

The blades of the double knives on the front of the car were directly inserted into the car body. Of course, the steel egg also mastered the measure, and did not directly insert into Zhang Yueyang's body.

Afterwards, the steel egg swung and flung violently!

It's like a pit bull using the two horns on its head to attack its prey, inserting it into the opponent's body, and then swinging its head to throw the prey away!


Zhang Yueyang was thrown away even with the car.

It was thrown a distance of four or five meters.

At the same time as the flying, the array on the double sabers also played a role, the silver saber light flashed, and the saber aura instantly diffused from the dual sabers!


There was a sound like metal cutting.Of course, the sound only rang for a moment, and it was difficult for others to hear it except Ye Chui.

Then Zhang Yueyang's car fell to the ground with a blunt bang.

The body of this car is still intact!

Only then did Zhang Yueyang's screams subside. He took a few breaths violently, pulled off his seat belt, and got out of the car with trembling feet.

He wants to curse.

But before the words came out, there was only a "pop", and the car behind him fell apart!

To be precise, it was divided into three parts, and the cut place was very flat, because it was so flat that it didn't break until now!

The sound of the car falling apart made Zhang Yueyang tremble involuntarily.

Originally, the car being thrown away made him furious, but at this moment the anger has been extinguished, and it has turned into a chill of fear sweeping his whole body.

Steel Egg has retracted the double sabers and returned to its normal state.

Ye Chui pushed open the door and got out of the car.

At this moment, the noise at the foot of Yangchang Mountain had already subsided, and everyone looked at this side in surprise.

They knew a lot about cars, but they couldn't figure out what happened just now?

Ye Chui walked in front of Zhang Yueyang.

"Surprised to see me?" Ye Chui smiled lightly, and said to Zhang Yueyang who was already terrified, "You thought I had already died, don't you?"

Zhang Yueyang's body trembled slightly, his eyes looked at Ye Chui in horror.

His indescribable embarrassment now is even more embarrassing than when Uncle Da splashed the braised pork last time: I asked Sun Xiaoyue to help him solve the problem in the car just now. Involuntarily dripping from inside...

Ye Chui showed a disgusted expression, and then he smiled and said to Zhang Yueyang: "You seem to be very scared? How can this be done, I don't feel any fun with your appearance, it's too boring."

Zhang Yueyang's lips moved, but he still didn't say anything.

"It's boring." Seeing Zhang Yueyang like this, Ye Chui shook his head, and he stretched out a hand to hit him.

Zhang Yueyang's body immediately trembled with fright.

"Don't worry, I won't hit you now." Ye Chui withdrew his hand again, "I'm going to wait until you have nothing, and then it will be more enjoyable, don't you think?"

"You... what are you going to do?" Zhang Yueyang finally spoke, but his voice was trembling.

"Didn't you also open a store next to Lele's 4S store, and you want to compete with us? Come on then, I want you to taste failure in the field you are most familiar with. I know, this is better than killing you directly." It hurts you even more, doesn't it?"

Ye Chui had already decided to do this when he was in Xinglin Villa.

Rushing directly in front of Zhang Yueyang and killing him?

This is easy for Ye Chui, he can do it in minutes.

But what's the point of that?

In the civilization of comprehension, force is the most respected, and crushing with force is the most direct way of insulting.

But this is a world of scientific and technological civilization, personal force is not the most important thing, the most important thing for a person is reputation, status and financial power.

Letting a person who was originally proud of his wealth become nothing is the most extreme form of punishment.

Ye Chui decided to do this now.

—He thought he was boring, but...

He really hates this piece of Yue Yang to the core, this matter must be done, and it is just for fun.

"Finally, let me warn you again." Ye Chui finally said to Zhang Yueyang, "Whatever you do against me in the future, don't attack people around me, otherwise..."

He snapped his fingers.

Sparks burst out between the fingers.


Zhang Yueyang's crippled car immediately burst into flames!

The car was cut in three, the fuel tank shattered and gasoline spilled all over the floor.

Ye Chui snapped his fingers and the sparks that burst out splashed onto them, igniting the gasoline immediately.

But in the eyes of others, it seems that Ye Chui has super powers.

Zhang Yueyang was already unable to stand still, and was so frightened that he squatted on the ground, his frightened and distorted face was illuminated by the firelight...

After a moment of silence, the people at the foot of Yangchang Mountain let out a roar.

These people like to boo the most. Although they don't know what Ye Chui did, they crashed Zhang Yueyang's car, and then ignited the whole car like magic, which made everyone feel amazing and exciting.

There are even some hot girls looking at him hotly, thinking that he is so cool that they want to agree with him.

There are also some people who love cars and start to look around the steel egg constantly, making a sound of wonder from time to time.

Some even patted the steel egg, as if trying to figure out why this broken car was so sturdy.

Steel Dan was not happy anymore, and swung his body vigorously, causing everyone around him to retreat immediately.

"Can this car move by itself?"

"How is this going?"

Ye Chui walked over and explained with a smile: "My car is the latest super smart car. It has a unique smart system and can even drive automatically."

Super smart car, this is a concept that Ye Chui has long thought of.

When the car babies grow up, they will have a certain degree of intelligence, which can be called super smart cars.

The concept of smart cars has been around for a long time, but the most common smart cars are GPS navigation or something, but super smart cars can not only navigate, but also drive automatically, and even driverless, the owner can bind with the car through voice, It can be controlled from a distance if necessary...

There are many benefits, and it is definitely the only one in the world.

"Super smart car? Where did you buy your car?"

"How come I've never heard of this car?"

Seeing that everyone was interested in the origin of the car, Ye Chui would not let go of this opportunity, and said with a smile: "Super smart cars will be launched soon, and at the Xizhou Auto Show in a month, everyone can appreciate the elegance of super smart cars!"

Such moments must be advertised first.

Sure enough, a group of people became very interested and kept asking questions.

And everyone seems to have completely forgotten about Zhang Yueyang's existence.

Ah Jian, Sun Xiaoyue and others walked to Zhang Yueyang's side, helped him up and left in a hurry.

Zhang Yueyang was scared out of his wits. After this day, he sold several racing cars under his control, and never came to Yangchang Mountain again...

First games, then racing cars, Ye Chui has completely beaten Zhang Yueyang to pieces in these two aspects.

Then, there's the car business...


The second update~~Looking forward to your support~~


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