The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

107 Comprehending the Power of the Heart

Ye Chui was surrounded by a group of people and had difficulty getting out.

They kept asking him about supercars, and some hot girls made love to him and offered to get in his car and go with him.

Even the thin monkey was treated equally and was surrounded by people.

Shouhou has always participated in the competition before, and has accumulated a lot of fame here.

"Mr. Ye Chui!" At this time, a young man squeezed hard to Ye Chui's side, "I finally see you again."

Ye Chui still had an impression of this person, he knew that his name was Xiao Xiu, and he was one of the people in charge of the sheep intestine mountain car race.

"Hello." Ye Chui smiled and nodded to him.

From the thin monkey's mouth, Ye Chui knew that Xiao Xiu usually took good care of the thin monkey but

"Mr. Ye Chui, are you willing to continue to participate in the next speed race?" Xiao Xiu continued, "I was expecting Skinny Monkey to show off his power tonight, but he didn't come to the race. It's a pity, but you bumped into After destroying Zhang Yueyang's car, I can make the decision and let you directly enter the next round of competition."

What he meant was that if Ye Chui agreed to participate in the competition, he could advance directly.

In this sheep intestines and mountains game, one group is played every day, and the winner enters the next level until the final final.

And Xiao Xiu directly gave Ye Chui a qualification. If he agreed, he could directly participate in the next level of competition.

However, this is a privilege only given to Ye Chui, but Shouhou has no right to enjoy it.

When Ye Chui came to Yangchang Mountain for the first time, he let the steel egg perform the extreme speed competition, which amazed everyone. Afterwards, the thin monkey race did not open the extreme speed. Much lower than Ye Chui.

"Let's forget about this." Ye Chui thought for a while, but directly refused.

He has absolutely no interest in racing.

The purpose of coming here to race the car was to awaken the steel egg. Now that the steel egg has awakened, there is no need for the steel egg to come here to race again.

For Gangdan, all the cars here are not enough for him to see. His speed will be further improved with the awakening of his consciousness. Even if he does not turn on the limit speed, he can still ride the dust and crush all the cars here.

"This...Mr. Ye Chui, don't you think about it again?" Xiao Xiu continued.

"No." Ye Zhizhi shook his head.

A regretful expression appeared on Xiao Xiu's face, but he quickly focused on the thin monkey again.

Although Shouhou is not as amazing as Ye Chui in his mind, he is still a first-class racing driver.

So he walked up to the thin monkey and whispered.

The carnival at the foot of Yangchang Mountain was somewhat uncomfortable for Ye Chui, and he took the skinny monkey back to the urban area in half an hour.

Along the way, the thin monkey seemed to have something to say, but stopped talking.

"What do you want to say, say it." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, I want to race a car." The thin monkey said in a deep voice.

"It's pretty good, but you're not very courageous, you should practice." Ye Chui said with a smile.

The thin monkey also smiled shyly, and said: "Actually, I have developed my courage by sitting in the steel egg car and racing these few days...Brother Ye, I want to drive by myself, I want to have my own car, It's's just that I don't have any money right now, I only earned 10 yuan from the prize money from the competition these days, which is not enough to buy a good car..."

He wanted to race the car, but he followed the steel egg before, but he roughly understood Ye Chui's intention of letting the steel egg race the car. I am afraid that the steel egg will not have to go to Yangchang Mountain again.

That's why he hesitated to talk, and wanted Ye Chui to help him build a good car.

Ye Chui had already seen his thoughts, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will give you a car."

"Brother Ye, I promise that when I earn money, I will pay you back." The thin monkey hurriedly promised.

"Hehe, no need." Ye Chui shook his head, "My brother, this is a small effort for me, so why should I pay it back?"

The thin monkey's eyes turned red all of a sudden, in fact, he was taken away by the Hemen today, and all his thoughts were lost all the time, guessing whether Ye Chui would rescue him.

When he saw that Ye Chui really came here and fought for him, his heart was already moved.

At this time, his eyes were about to shed tears.

"Fuck me, big man, why are you crying?" Ye Chui yelled helplessly.

The thin monkey wiped his eyes with his fingers and laughed: "Well, I won't cry."


When Ye Chui arrived at the community, it was already midnight.

Thinking of the madness not long ago, he smiled and felt as if he had returned to the world of cultivation and civilization.

In the civilization of comprehension, force is respected, people are not crazy, and people are in vain, and Ye Chui's surname is extremely arrogant, and almost every time there will be a storm.

Compared with what happened today, it is actually nothing.

"Start to comprehend the power of the heart! Today, Gangdan's consciousness is completely awakened. I understand the process of his consciousness awakening. In one night, I should be able to comprehend the power of the heart thoroughly, and reach the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra!"

The power of the heart can be regarded as a piece of code, mastering this piece of code can analyze any consciousness and create consciousness.

By bestowing low-level magic weapon awareness, the magic weapon can be advanced, from a primary magic weapon to an intermediate magic weapon.

The current steel egg is already an intermediate magic weapon.

Even if Ye Chui equips him with fierce soldiers, he can't use the original steel egg perfectly, but after his consciousness is awakened, he can immediately master it thoroughly.

It can be said that the combat effectiveness has almost been raised to a higher level.

This is the power of an intermediate magic weapon.

And when Ye Chui has completely mastered the power of heart, he can easily awaken Ozawa completely and become a middle-level magic weapon.

After being forged by him, a mobile phone can also have life and become a super mobile phone.

Ye Chui's original comprehension of the power of the heart has reached 90.00%, and now he has reached the most critical moment.

As the night darkened, Ye Chui sat cross-legged on the bed, constantly comprehending.

In his mind, he kept recalling the process of the steel egg from becoming conscious, and then slowly awakening, realizing the origin of the power of the heart, and the many mysteries of the power of the heart.

At the same time, the Fire Thor's Hammer on his dantian also changed quietly following his realization.

There is a hint of mysterious aura revolving around this hammer...

His face was serene, his eyes closed, motionless.

In this way, the night passed quickly...

In the early hours of the morning, Ye Chui's eyes snapped open!


A breath spread from Ye Chui's body and spread in all directions.

In the small bedroom, there seemed to be gusts of wind blowing in an instant.

In an instant, the wind stopped, and Ye Chui stood up from the bed.

The whole night of comprehension made him dizzy for a while, as if he was tired after studying the exercises all night for the exam.

Ye Chui exercised the power of his heart, and a gust of coolness immediately blew into his brain, and all the fatigue was swept away.

——After comprehending the power of the heart, it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep anymore.

"The power of the heart... finally fully comprehended."

Ye Chui seems to have a new understanding of the whole world. He understands the mysteries of life and has the ability to create life. In the cultivation civilization, he can already be called a fairy.

Of course, in this technological civilization, what he can do can already be called a god.

"Fire God!"

Ye Chui let out a soft cry suddenly, his hand was filled with lightning, and he summoned the Fire Thor's Hammer.

It's just that this Hammer of Huo Lei Shen is a little different, it keeps beating in Ye Chui's hands, as if possessing a spirituality.

This Fire and Thunder God's Hammer is Ye Chui's natal magic weapon. Ye Chui has comprehended the power of heart, and this magic weapon is naturally infected by the power of heart, and his consciousness is opened.

Of course, this consciousness is connected with Ye Chui's original intention.

It can be said that the Huo Thor's Hammer at this moment is already Ye Chui's clone.

With Ye Chui's thought, Huo Thor's Hammer suddenly changed, and a human figure evolved from the flames and lightning.

This is a tall man with a stern appearance, sword eyebrows and star eyes, naked all over, and has a mighty and extraordinary spirit.

"My talisman is the hammer of Huo Lei Shen, you will be called Huo Lei Shen from now on." Ye Chui said.

"Okay, from today on I will be called the God of Fire and Thunder."

The tall man said with a smile, his manner and expression were very similar to Ye Chui's.

Ye Chui was very satisfied, and with a wave of his right hand, Huo Lei Shen disappeared into a clump of flames and returned to his body.

"With this avatar, it will be much more convenient to do many things in the future."


The third update today~~~ Please support~~~


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