The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

108 The work efficiency of Qianlong Group

When Ye Chui walked out of the bedroom, he saw Yu Xue lying in front of the computer playing games.

"Are you hungry? I'll make some breakfast." Ye Chui asked Yu Xue after washing up in the bathroom.

"I'm not hungry, I won't eat in the morning anymore." Yu Xue's face was full of depression, and she turned her chair to Ye Chui.


"Hmph, after living with you, I found that I'm getting fatter and my belly is getting bigger."

As Yu Xue spoke, she lifted her clothes and stroked her belly with both hands, with a rather annoyed expression on her face.

"It's nothing, I think it's okay." Ye Chui said with a smile, looking at the white skin on Yu Xue's abdomen.

"What's so good!" Yu Xue said a little angrily, "Now every time I go downstairs and meet that Uncle Da who sells meat buns, he doesn't look at me lustfully, but stares at me. Looking at my little belly, it's like I'm pregnant, hum!"


Ye Chui couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he really thought you were pregnant...

Yu Xue didn't want to eat breakfast, so Ye Chui didn't force himself to make something to eat.

Later, when Yu Xue went to the bathroom, Ye Chui came to the computer.

"Xiao Ze, I have now comprehended the power of the heart, which can completely awaken your consciousness and possess complete intelligence." As Ye Chui said, clusters of sparks appeared in his hands, which contained wonderful power.

"Let me have complete intelligence?" Ozawa's image emerged from the computer screen, and she was a little puzzled, "What is complete intelligence?"

"Complete intelligence is self-thinking with thorough reading ability. I opened up your consciousness for you before, but it was only to open up your thinking with a spirituality, but your consciousness is not fully awakened. You have a certain thinking ability, but more It's still rational logic, but lacks emotional cognition, compared with ordinary people, you are always lacking something."

Ye Chui explained in this way, and then he continued: "Now I have the ability to completely awaken your consciousness."

Having said that, Ye Chui is about to make a move, injecting the power of his heart into Ozawa's host.

But at this moment, Ozawa said, "Brother Ye, can I refuse?"

"Refused?" Ye Chui was slightly taken aback.

"I want to figure out these things by myself." Ozawa showed a pleading expression, "Please believe me, I can definitely do it."

Ye Chui was slightly surprised that Ozawa would refuse his help to fully open up his spiritual wisdom?

This made Ye Chui feel a little surprised, but then Ye Chui smiled, which is a good thing.

Magic weapons can be advanced. In fact, in the civilized world of comprehension, most of the magic weapons that have opened up the world and possessed supernatural powers have been advanced step by step from low-level magic weapons.

As for the advancement of the magic weapon, it still depends on the quality of the weapon spirit.

Some spirits bully the weak and fear the hard, while others are self-reliant and strong.

Those who are able to refuse the help of others and have to explore and advance themselves will generally have good achievements in the future.

Ozawa's situation is different from steel egg, steel egg is Ye Chui's intentional guidance to awaken his own consciousness, but Ozawa has this kind of behavior completely spontaneously.

"Well, you can explore by yourself, I believe you can succeed." Ye Chui then said with a smile.

He was very relieved that Ozawa was the first ideology he opened up in this world, and if she could grow into a magic weapon of the highest level, then Ye Chui would be very happy.

Magic weapons are divided into five levels: low-level, middle-level, high-level, best, and legendary.

Among them, there is no need to even think about the magic weapon of the legendary level, it is basically invisible, and the best is already the ultimate magic weapon.

At this moment, Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly.

"It's Zheng Feng." Ye Chui connected the phone with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Ye, you really killed me..."

As soon as he came up, Zheng Feng poured out bitter water.

"I've been busy from last night until now, and I haven't had time to rest. Brother Ye, what did you do? Where did you get the missiles? Do you know how much I used to control this matter? ? They also said they saw Transformers, is this true, Brother Ye?"

"Those people are stupid, don't listen to their nonsense." Ye Chui still said with a smile.

Zheng Feng complaining to him like this means that the matter has been resolved, otherwise Zheng Feng would definitely not have such an attitude.

Ye Chui still believes in the efficiency of the Qianlong team.

"Then two or three hundred people can't be stupid together, right?" Zheng Feng tried to ask, wanting to find out Ye Chui's secret.

"You don't need to ask more about these things." Ye Chui's tone turned slightly cold.

Zheng Feng immediately learned to stop mentioning the stupidity of 300 people.

In fact, although what happened in Daqiao Village was very serious, it was not difficult to completely suppress it with the power of the Qianlong Group.

This bridge village is a rather special village, it is the general stronghold of Hemen, it is a big gang, and it is a potential threat.

What the Qianlong team has to do is to eradicate potential threats.

When Ye Chui made a fuss last night, Zheng Feng took everything on himself, saying that he was carrying out the eradication mission.

The Qianlong group often does some things that are not very good-looking on the surface, and eradicating a gang is nothing at all.

And after his operation, this incident will not even be reported by the news.

But this matter is somewhat overdone, he is ready to be severely scolded by his father...

"By the way, did anyone die last night?" Ye Chui asked when he thought of this matter, he didn't want to get involved in killing.

"A few died, but it doesn't matter much." Zheng Feng said, "Casualties are inevitable in this kind of operation. And when I rushed to the scene last night, I found that there was a basement in the stronghold of Hemen. Drugs were produced inside, and hundreds of catties of drugs were found at the scene, which is enough to sentence them all.”

"That's good." Ye Chui felt a little better in his heart, and he asked again, "What about the boss of Hemen and that police officer Guo Qing?"

"Brother Ye, don't worry. With so many drugs found in Hemen, Lin He is dead. As for Guo Qing, he has a feud with the boss of Hemen. Even if he is not shot, he will spend his time in prison. The rest of my life will be over." Zheng Feng said.

"Well, I see." Ye Chui said with a smile, he doesn't like to be missed by others, the consequences of these two people are very good for him.

"Brother Ye, look, a month is about to pass, shouldn't you reset the time for the capsule in my stomach?" Zheng Feng then said complimentingly.

He has a capsule in his stomach, if Ye Chui doesn't reset the time within a month, the capsule will tear and the cyanide inside will leak out, and he will surely die.

"Isn't there still a few days left? Don't worry, I will help you with school hours." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, you must mean what you say..." Zheng Feng begged hastily, and a cheap smell came from the phone.

"It will definitely." Ye Chui's favorite is this kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, "By the way, don't forget to deliver food at noon. Today I want to eat Bazhen roast chicken."

"Okay, I will definitely deliver it on time." Zheng Feng hurriedly agreed.

"I still believe in the efficiency of your food delivery."

"..." Hearing Ye Chui's words, Zheng Feng was extremely depressed. Are they a secret organization? Now they are all full-time food delivery...

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chui stretched his waist.

"After comprehending the power of the heart and reaching the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra, there are still many things to do... First of all, we need to create a magic weapon of illusion in the wasteland!"

Illusion magic weapon can expect the effect of stealth.

Put this magic weapon in the center of the wasteland, then the whole wasteland can be covered by it, forming a protective film.

This protective film uses optical reaction to block the eyes of the outside world.

"The car baby on the Honda Accord is about to be born. This magic weapon of illusion is especially important. If someone with a heart sees a group of cars running around, they will definitely become curious about this wasteland!"


First update today~


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