In the morning, Ye Chui didn't go out in a hurry, but sat cross-legged on the bed in the bedroom, closed his eyes and rested his mind, consolidating the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra.

This state is the comprehension of the power of the heart. Now Ye Chui has comprehended thoroughly, but still lacks a little bit of comprehension.

The power of the heart, scattered casually, can make electronic devices evolve into life.

Appliances such as refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, etc. will all come to life directly.

(ps: You can brainstorm about the energy body in Transformers...)

While consolidating his realm, Ye Chui also began to conceive the formation of the illusion magic weapon.

With the improvement of the realm, the understanding of the art of refining is also deeper. It took Ye Chui less than an hour to conceive the formation diagram of an illusion magic weapon.

"Hurry up and make this magic weapon!"

After lunch, Ye Chui hurriedly set off and rushed to the wasteland.

"Boss, you are here." When Ye Chui came to the emperor's center, Steel Dan immediately greeted him.

At this moment, the steel egg has changed into a human-shaped form, and is building a house with the bricks and tiles of some dilapidated houses.

Before he awakened his consciousness, his way of thinking was just that of a beast, and he didn't care much about where he lived.

But now that his consciousness is fully awakened, he is naturally not happy to live in the original shack again, so he wants to build a house by himself.

Ye Chui patted his forehead, he had long wanted to build a car mansion for Gang Dan, but unfortunately, things had been delayed, and now Gang Dan did it himself.

"Let me help you." Ye Chui summoned the Fire Thor's Hammer and said.

"Boss, I can do this by myself." Gang Dan smiled and refused, "I won't bother you with such trivial matters. Boss, what is your business here?"

"I have mastered the power of the heart, so I want to create a magic weapon of illusion to cover this place and protect your safety." Ye Chui explained.

Steel Dan was taken aback for a moment, and then asked pleasantly: "Boss, you have mastered the power of the heart, can you unlock the wisdom of Accord?"

"That's right, I'll help you unlock her wisdom now." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He walked up to the Honda Accord, clusters of sparks flew out of his hands, and then covered the body of the Honda Accord.

This spark can be called the spark of wisdom, which directly flows into the body of Honda Accord and merges into her consciousness.

I saw that Honda Accord's body trembled slightly, and then she moved back and forth, showing a very puzzled look.

"Yage?" Gang Dan walked up to her and asked.

"Just... egg?" Honda Accord said, the voice was a little stiff, but after all, the sound had already been made.

"Great, your consciousness has awakened!"

Steel Egg was very excited. He turned back into a car and kept spinning around the Honda Accord, very happy.

Ye Chui watched for a while, then walked away from a distance, and began to prepare to create the magic weapon of illusion.

The sound of "Kang Dang", "Kang Dang" and "Kang Dang" began to resound in the wasteland.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening.

Inside the factory next to the wasteland.

Fang Jing was sitting in front of the window, holding a calculator in her hand and calculating with excitement on her face.

"We can produce 6 iPhone 500s per week. If Shen Kun and I raise the price by 25 yuan for each unit, we will earn 100 yuan more every week, or [-] million yuan a month. Hehehe, big profit A sum..."

The little money fan counted the accounts triumphantly, a sense of satisfaction welled up spontaneously.

At this moment, a white light flickered in the wasteland.

"Huh? What happened just now, why did I feel a flash in front of my eyes..."

Through the window, she looked towards the wasteland ahead.

It was already evening, and the sky in the distance was a rosy red, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Something flashed just now... Could it be an illusion?"

Fang Jing frowned and looked at the wasteland, but no matter how she looked, she couldn't see anything.

"What is so wonderful about this wasteland?"

Fang Jing couldn't help but began to think secretly.

"I heard from those employees that they have seen cars driving in the wasteland...Ye Chui always drives into the wasteland, so I'm really curious about what's inside."

The last time Fang Jing ran inside out of curiosity, but was poisoned by natural gas.

If Ye Chui hadn't rescued her away, her little life might have been confessed inside.

Afterwards, Fang Jing also asked Ye Chui what he was doing there, but Ye Chui ignored him and played sloppy.

"I must know this secret!"

At this moment, Fang Jing became curious about this matter again.

"By the way, I can apply to use the gas mask developed by Qianlong Group, and then enter inside! Hehe, I'm so witty."

Thinking of this, Fang Jing immediately took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"Hello, Ah Xiang, I'm Fang Jing. I need a gas mask that can filter methane, carbon monoxide and other gases. Can you bring it to me quickly?"

"Gas mask? Quiet, what are you planning to do." A man's voice came from the other side, but this voice sounded very coquettish and motherly.

"Don't worry about it. We know each other so well, so don't ask so many questions. Just give me approval and send it over."

"Okay then, I'm good sisters with you, of course I will agree to your request." The man named Ah Xiang said.

This voice can't help but make people want to shudder.

Even though Fang Jing was already familiar with him, she still couldn't bear it and shivered all over.Before the other party started a long speech, she quickly interrupted him: "When can I deliver it?"

"It will take two days."

"Then I'll wait for you to bring it over. Let's do this first. I have something to do." After finishing speaking, Fang Jing hung up the phone hastily.

This Ah Xiang is the captain of the Dragon Tail Team of Qianlong Group.

The Dragon Tail Squad is responsible for the logistics and technological research and development of Qianlong Group's operations.

Fang Jing used to be a member of the Dragon Tail Team before joining the Dragon Tooth Eighth Team, and had a good relationship with this Ah Xiang, so now she can directly apply for equipment support from Ah Xiang.

"In two days, when the gas mask is delivered, I'll go to the wasteland to check what's going on!" Fang Jing said in a low voice, looking in the direction of the wasteland through the window.


In the wasteland.

"Yes, this magic weapon of illusion has been completed, enough to cover the entire wasteland, blocking other people's eyes from visiting here."

Ye Chui rode the steel egg and circled around the wasteland, very satisfied with the effect of the magic weapon of illusion.

Not long ago, there was a white light flashing in this wasteland, which was actually caused by Ye Chui's magic weapon of illusion.

Ye Chui returned to the center of the wasteland with Steel Egg.

There is an instrument the size of a refrigerator, a beam of light rushes out from above, and spreads out in the sky, forming a bowl-shaped mask.

This instrument is the fantasy magic weapon that Ye Chui has just built, and it can also be regarded as a technological instrument with powerful functions.

"I gave birth to you today, but you'd better have a name." Ye Chui walked in front of the magic weapon.

A beam of light shot out from this magic weapon, manifesting the figure of a middle-aged man, this is the spirit of this magic weapon.

"You created me, can you name me?" said the middle-aged man.

"Let me name it..." Ye Chui's face immediately brightened.

It's time for the young master to choose his name again!

He tortured it seriously.

"How about the dog egg?"


The middle-aged man was silent.

Even though he was just born, he still feels that this name is too...

Ye Chui is not happy. Why doesn't anyone want such a high-end and elegant name like Goudan?

Steel Dan came over at this time and suggested: "Boss, he is a magic weapon of illusion, why not just call it illusion."

"That's a good name, I'll call it that." The middle-aged man nodded hastily.

At the same time, he showed a grateful expression to the steel egg.

Steel Egg showed a look of no thanks.

——When Ye Chui named him, he was not wise enough, but the name "Gangdan" was settled immediately, and he was deeply hurt by it.

At this moment, no matter what, he can't look at his brothers and sisters, who are poisoned by weird names like him.

"Okay then." Ye Chui said with an unhappy face, "You can call yourself this name from now on, your duty is to guard this wasteland and cover the whole place with phantoms."

"Understood." Mirage nodded, and then asked with some doubts, "What if someone wants to break in?"

"Confused their sight and direction, find a way to drive them out." Ye Chui ordered.

Illusions can create illusions in the entire wasteland. When someone approaches the wasteland, he can quietly change the surrounding scenery, confusing the person's sense of direction, and then coming in from there and going out from there.

"Okay." Mirage nodded again.

Then, Ye Chui walked up to the Honda Accord and carefully explored the condition of the car.

"The car baby is developing very well. According to this state... it should only take two days for the car baby to be born!" Ye Chui said with a smile to the steel egg beside him, "Two days later, the due date will be. I'm going to be a father."


The second update today~~please support~~


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