Hearing Ye Chui's words, Gangdan immediately smirked a few times.

"Let's do this first, it's already dark, steel egg, you take me back first, and pick me up tomorrow morning, and I'll help you build your place to live." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Steel Dan nodded quickly: "Okay boss."

For the next two days, Ye Chui would come to the wasteland every day to help Steel Egg build a house.

The forging power released by his Calcining Heart Sutra can directly forge clay into bricks, and some scrap iron can also be directly forged into steel bars.

Coupled with the strong physique of the steel egg, the strength is boundless.

It only took two days, and a huge house with a height of ten meters and an area of ​​one thousand square meters was built.

This house is large enough to accommodate Steel Egg and the others.

It was already afternoon when the house was built.

Ye Chui inspected the Honda Accord, and then said to Gang Dan: "It looks like the car baby will be born in a few hours, so I'll stay here tonight, and I'll have someone to take care of me when the time comes. "

The reproductive system of the car is too special. Although Ye Chui is sure that there is no problem, he is still worried that something will go wrong.

He'd better stay here.

But at this moment, Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Ye Chui, come back to me quickly!" Yu Xue roared loudly on the phone, "Hurry up!"

Ye Chui felt that his ears were numb from the shock, and he asked with some doubts, "What's wrong?"

"You come back first, you're going to die...ah!!" Yu Xue continued to shout, his voice was very angry, and finally screamed.

Then hung up the phone directly.

"Fuck, this girl won't be fucked by someone, right?" Ye Chui was taken aback, and hurriedly dialed back, only to find that the phone on the other side had been turned off.

Ye Chui was a little strange, but in order to deal with it properly, he still decided to go back and have a look first.

"Gangdan, I'll go back first, and I'll come back as soon as I'm done." Ye Chui said helplessly to Gangdan, not knowing what happened to the little girl Yu Xue.

Steel Dan nodded: "Okay, Boss, go back early."

It could be seen that Gang Dan was quite nervous, hoping that Ye Chui would stay by his side all the time.

When Ye Chui left the wasteland, a truck just brought a load of used mobile phones to the factory, and Ye Chui happened to go back to Xizhou City in this truck.

And half an hour after Ye Chui left, the courier company just sent something to the factory and handed it over to Fang Jing.

"Is this the gas mask developed by Ah Xiang?"

Fang Jing put the gas mask on her face and tried to breathe. She was very satisfied.

"Very well, it just so happens that Ye Chui has already returned to the city, a good opportunity!"

During this period of time, Ye Chui went to the wasteland more and more frequently, and she became more and more curious, and now she just happened to find out.

Thinking of doing it, Fang Jing immediately slipped out of the room with a backpack and went to the wasteland.

"In addition to the self-defense electric shock device in my backpack, there are also flashlights and other life-saving items. Walking into this wasteland is absolutely safe."

When stepping into the wasteland, Fang Jing subconsciously patted the backpack on her back, with a smug smile on her face.

"I'm so resourceful."


Ye Chui took a truck back to the waste recycling station, and then took a taxi back to the community where he lived.

"Come back, let's buy a roujiamo first?" Uncle Da's roujiamo stand is still downstairs, and when he saw Ye Chui, he asked with a smile.

"No appetite." Ye Chui shook his head and said.

But he was relieved in his heart, seeing Uncle Da smiling so much, presumably nothing happened to Yu Xue upstairs.

Ye Chui hurried upstairs, opened the door and walked in.

Yu Xue was standing in the middle of the room.

The little girl was very angry, with her hands on her hips, her eyes widened and she stared fiercely at Ye Chui, as if fire was about to burst out of her watery eyes.

"what happened?"

"You still ask me what's wrong!" She pointed to a pile of things that were thrown on the ground, "Did you do it on purpose? I said two days ago that I had a belly, and you bought me these things back! "

"I bought something for you? What did I buy?" Ye Chui was very puzzled.

He followed Yu Xue's fingers and saw a bunch of boxes and cans thrown on the ground.

Taking a closer look, Ye Chui couldn't help but break out in a sweat—Baotai pills, nutritional granules for pregnant women...

These things are impressively used to supplement nutrition for girls who are pregnant with babies.

"Do you think you did it on purpose!" Yu Xue continued to yell at Ye Chui. She felt that she had been insulted. She was obviously a big girl with yellow flowers, but her stomach was a little more obvious. Ye Chui actually bought these Things, he did it on purpose, this is a mockery of her, unforgivable!

"I swear I didn't buy these things..." Ye Chui said sweating profusely, feeling very helpless, Yu Xue screamed as if she had been xxooed on the phone, but it was only because of this matter?

"Who is it not you?" Yu Xue continued to shout, "These were sent back by courier, and the recipient wrote my name. Isn't it you, Uncle Da who sells Roujiamo downstairs?"

Not to mention, it's definitely Uncle Da downstairs...

Ye Chui was about to explain when the phone rang suddenly.

The number was Steel Egg's car phone.

"Gangdan, what's the matter?" Ye Chui didn't care to talk to Yu Xue anymore, and hurriedly connected the phone.

"Boss, hurry up, Ya Ge seems to be giving birth, what should I do?" Gang Dan's voice was very bewildered.

"So fast?!" Ye Chui was startled.

He originally thought he would have to wait another two or three hours, but he didn't expect it to be earlier.

"Gangdan, you must calm down at this time!" Ye Chui hastily persuaded.

"Boss... I, I can't calm down..." Gang Dan's voice was trembling, "I... I can't bear this kind of nervous pressure, the circuit board is almost short-circuited, boss, come quickly..."

"Damn it, don't do this, hold on!" Ye Chui shouted hastily.

As a crazy and cool Transformer who watched his wife give birth, he was so scared that he fainted...

If you say it, the young master is also ashamed!

"No... no, I'm going to short-circuit..." Steel Dan's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally no sound came over.

"Steel egg? Steel egg!" Ye Chui shouted a few times, but there was no sound from the other side.

Ye Chui felt very depressed.

"Fuck, don't bring this!"

Yu Xue originally planned to continue to go crazy, but seeing Ye Chui like this, she was a little frightened, and asked blankly: "Ye Chui, what's wrong with you?"

"A friend of mine's wife gave birth to a child..."

"Give birth to a child?"

"I have to go and have a look. Let's go first. I'll talk about it when I come back tonight..." After Ye Chui finished speaking, he hurried out again.

Yu Xue had a stunned expression on her face.

"My friend's wife gave birth... Did you go to deliver the baby?"


Right now in the middle of the wasteland.

The huge body of the Honda Accord was constantly writhing, looking very painful, and there were bursts of harsh sounds from the car audio.

The steel egg turned into a human form, and was lying beside him, already fainted from tension.

The phantom figure appeared beside the Honda Accord helplessly.

The image of the middle-aged man kept moving around.

"I have never experienced such a thing as having a child... What should I do... What should I do..."

Suddenly he was taken aback.

"Someone is planning to come to the wasteland, it is... the boss' friend named Fang Jing!"

In the past few days, Phantom often chats with Steel Dan and Accord, and understands many things.

The illusion suddenly lit up: "She is the owner of Accord, and she is also a woman. She must know about delivering babies, right?"

Originally, after discovering Fang Jing's figure, Mirage wanted to find a way to disorient Fang Jing and send her out of the wasteland.

But at this moment, the situation was critical, and the phantom made a private decision.

"Bring Fang Jing here... She should be able to deliver babies, right?"


The third update~~~~ Please recommend tickets for collection~~~


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