Fang Jing put on a mask and walked into the wasteland. It was already evening, and the sky was a little dark. She walked very carefully and kept looking around.

There is a little excitement in my heart to explore the danger.

Walk slowly inside.

But she didn't feel that the environment around her was constantly changing.

For example, the wasteland is very empty, and Fang Jing saw a tree in front of her, so she subconsciously used this tree as a reference for the direction.

But the tree was no longer there, and what she saw was actually the "illusion" of the tree.

Illusions create "illusions" in her field of vision, constantly changing the references she sees.

In this way, it led her to the direction of the Honda Accord in the middle of the wasteland.

After about half an hour.

When Fang Jing felt that her legs were a little weak, a large house about a thousand square meters suddenly appeared in front of her.

"There is such a big house here... Ye Chui built it here before?"

Fang Jing guessed in her heart, and at the same time showed a very curious look on her face, and then slowly approached.

A sound that sounded rather stern came from the big house.

"What kind of sound is that!?"

Fang Jing was horrified, but her curiosity still made her move closer.

At the same time, she had already taken out the electric shock device from her backpack and held it nervously in her hand.

In fact, Zheng Feng also applied for a gun for her self-defense, but she has never liked guns, thinking that these things are too lethal, so she developed an electric shock device herself.

It's just that this electric shocker has never stunned anyone... She herself was stunned once.

Holding the electric shock device in the shape of a mobile phone with both hands, she poked her probe into the stone house.


All kinds of scary or tragic scenes as expected did not appear, but what appeared in front of her was something she would never have imagined.

"Transformers? This... This is a model, but why is it lying on the ground? And this car... Could it be mine? But how did it become so big... and she is moving?"

Fang Jing stood at the door and froze for a moment, feeling like she wanted to be dizzy.

I received too much information in an instant, and there was no way to fully sort it out.

"Fang Jing..." A painful voice suddenly called out, "Help me...please help me..."

Fang Jing looked around in horror: "Who, who is talking!?"

"It's my...Honda Accord...your car."


"Please help me..."

Fang Jing rubbed her head vigorously, she must have accidentally inhaled natural gas, and then had hallucinations, the car actually talked to her... Is there anything more ridiculous in this world than this?

"Fang Jing, I'm in pain, can you help me?" Honda Accord continued, with a very painful voice.

Fang Jing: " illusion, this must be an illusion."

"You are not hallucinating!" A middle-aged man suddenly appeared beside her and warned her seriously.

Fang Jing was taken aback, shuddered all over and then looked at the phantom: "You... who are you?"

"My name is Phantom. As for who I am, I will explain to you later, can you help her now?" Phantom pointed at the Honda Accord in pain.

"..." Fang Jing turned her head and glanced at the Honda Accord, and then continued to talk to Mirage, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's having a car baby."


"Can you help her, please?" Phantom continued.

" do you want me to help her?" Fang Jing asked with great difficulty.

"Help her are a woman, you should understand this, right?"

"How could I understand this kind of thing, and... the car is about to give birth to a car baby, isn't it too unbelievable?"

Fang Jing felt extremely surprised, and danced while talking.

Suddenly, she was taken aback again.

Because her hand accidentally passed through the phantom's body!

Fang Jing was stunned, then stretched out her hand to touch the front, and then she was surprised to find that her hand was inserted into the phantom's body without any hindrance, as if the phantom was just a puff of smoke.

She showed a surprised expression: "What the hell is your body..."

"I'm just an illusory image. Using the knowledge you understand, it's a holographic image." The illusion explained.

"Holographic images... This kind of thing is only something that can be found in science fiction movies?" Fang Jing shouted in surprise.

"I stand in front of you, do you still deny my existence?"

Mirage retorted with a smile, then frowned again.

"Fang Jing, please hurry up and help the Honda Accord. I have never experienced such a thing as a car baby, and I don't have any relevant information to look up. You can only rely on your woman's intuition at this moment. Please go and help her."


Fang Jing was very helpless.

I thought to myself that no one in this world has the experience of giving birth to a car baby, right?

Besides, what kind of woman's intuition...

She is 25 years old this year and is still a big girl, okay? How could she have such an intuition!

The Honda Accord seemed to be really in pain, and kept roaring.

Fang Jing finally walked to the side of the Honda Accord, and at the same time tried hard to recall the relevant scenes seen in the movie in her mind.

She stood beside the Honda Accord: "Hard...hard!"

Honda Accord:"……"

Obviously, Fang Jing did not help the Honda Accord.

"Can't you...can't you do some substantive actions?" The phantom appeared beside the Honda Accord, and asked helplessly.

Substantial actions...

Fang Jing's brain at the moment seemed to be muddled, and her ability to think was greatly reduced. She even felt dizzy, and her psychological endurance was also greatly tested. What substantive actions should she make?

Suddenly, Fang Jing understood something.

"I see!"

Phantom was happy: "Do you know what to do next?"

"I must be dreaming right now!"


After Fang Jing was sure that she was dreaming, she immediately took out the electric shock device from her bag, opened it and touched herself without hesitation.


Fang Jing's body jerked and twitched, and she immediately fainted on the ground.

The shocker stunned her a second time.

The phantom of the image of the middle-aged uncle suddenly showed a speechless expression: "Fuck, don't bring such a thing!"

However, to my surprise, when Fang Jing fainted, she accidentally threw the electric shock device out of her hand, and it just happened to be thrown on the short-circuited steel egg, and the current flowed on the steel egg one after another. .

Steel Dan immediately trembled all over, and the short-circuited circuit board was reactivated!

He got up from the ground again.

"Gangdan, you're awake!" The phantom appeared in front of Gangdan, "Great, Ya Ge is about to give birth, you go and help him..."

Gang Dan turned his head to look at Ya Ge, his body swayed, and he almost fainted again, but this time he carried it firmly.

He hurriedly squatted beside the Honda Accord: "Don't worry, I will never faint again!"

Then he hurriedly reconnected with Ye Chui who was rushing here: "Brother Ye, tell me what to do next."

"you're awake?"

Ye Chui is taking a taxi to come to Maple Leaf Town, and communicates with Gangdan through the car phone.

He has a very good understanding of the reproductive system of the car, and now he will guide him immediately.

"You do what I say. The Honda Accord is a little premature, but it's not a big problem. As long as you're careful, nothing will happen. You do this first..."

Afterwards, Ye Chui used his mobile phone to guide the steel egg to proceed.

After half an hour.

There was a loud and clear sound of a car engine starting.

The first car baby is finally born!

The car baby is only about one foot long, like a car toy, but it is a metallic bright silver color, it is lying safely in the hands of the steel egg, its small body is constantly twisting.

Tears welled up in Gang Dan's eyes for an instant, and he smiled gradually while holding the little thing in his hand.

"Did you give birth?" Ye Chui's voice asked in the car phone.

"It's born." Steel Dan's voice was very excited, "Boss, the baby is very cute."

"Very good." Ye Chui also showed a comfortable smile, and then his face changed, "Don't relax, this is just the first one, and there are 24 car babies!"


The first update... These chapters may be a bit watery, but the scene of the birth of the car baby is also very important, it is impossible to ignore it directly, everyone forgive me, and Cannon feels that this is quite loving~~~ Please support it with a recommendation ticket ~~


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