"The second one was born safely... Now the third one... The third one is also safe, yes, go on to the fourth one..."

On the road to Maple Leaf Town, Ye Chui sat in the back seat of a taxi and kept talking on the phone with Gang Dan.

"The fifth was born safely, and now the six..."

"the seventh……"

"The eighth……"


"No. 20 and five are safe, okay, you can breathe a sigh of relief, steel egg!"

As Ye Chui spoke, he also relaxed in his heart.

He was very pleased that 25 car babies were born safely.

The car reproductive system is his creation. Even in the world of self-cultivation and civilization, there is no such fantastic thing. Now it has been proved that these things are feasible. For a blacksmith, this sense of accomplishment is unparalleled.

"You take care of them first, I'll be there later." Then Ye Chui hung up the phone.

At this moment, the driver couldn't help but turned his head, his face was full of curiosity.

"What on earth gave birth to 25 children at once?"

The driver asked in amazement.


Ye Chui couldn't answer for a while, if he said it was a car, would it be considered a mental illness?

The driver saw that Ye Chui didn't want to talk, so he didn't continue to ask, but the expression on his face kept changing along the way, obviously still very curious.

When he arrived in Maple Leaf Town, Ye Chui got off the bus after paying the fare, sent the driver away, and then walked directly into the wasteland.

"How's the situation?" Ye Chui said to the void while hurrying.

The figure of the phantom appeared in Ye Chui's trial out of thin air, suspended in the air, and as Ye Chui flew forward, he said with a smile: "Very good, the 25 car babies are all healthy, and Steel Egg is taking care of them."

"Okay." Ye Chui nodded with a smile.

"But boss, there is something I want to tell you..." Mirage showed a hesitant expression again.

"What is it?" Ye Chui was taken aback.

The phantom then told Ye Chui about Fang Jing's affairs in detail.

Ye Chui couldn't help frowning: "Fang Jing actually bumped into this... She is different from Li Cheng and others, and she is not easy to control. It is best to send her back to her residence as soon as possible, and tell her that she did it when she wakes up." Dream!"

Ye Chui made up his mind and hurried to the center of the wasteland.

But what Ye Chui didn't expect was that he was still one step too late.


"How is this going?"

Fang Jing sat paralyzed on the ground, looking at the car baby who was walking around in front of her, her eyes widened.

She suspected that she was dreaming, and found that the gas mask was still on her face, so she took it off immediately, but then she smelled the smell of natural gas, so she hurriedly put it on again.

Afterwards, she twisted vigorously on her leg, but she didn't wake up.

So it's all true?

Is that robot standing not far away, holding a car baby and smiling kindly, the legendary Transformers?

And that car, playing motherly with some car babies, is her Honda Accord?

A car baby drove up in front of her, curiously hit her knee with the head of the car, and made a babbling sound.

so cute feeling...

Fang Jing stretched out her hands involuntarily and picked it up. It was very heavy, and it took a lot of effort to hold it up, but Fang Jing didn't want to let it go for a while.

The little thing kept twisting its body.

The wheels, headlights, doors, driver's seat, etc. are small, but lifelike.

Fang Jing was immediately fascinated by the natural cuteness of this little guy.

At the same time, she also felt that her worldview had collapsed...

Ye Chui walked in at this time.

"You're already awake?" Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, then sighed, "It seems that there is no way to fool me."

"Ye Chui!"

Fang Jing was about to stand up immediately, but her legs were still soft, and she couldn't help but sat back down.

She hurriedly asked: "What the hell is going on... How could my stolen car be here? She... She gave birth to a car baby?"

"That's right, things are just as you saw, she gave birth to a car baby." Ye Chui replied truthfully.

In an instant, countless questions flooded into Fang Jing's mind, but then she asked the least nutritious one.

"Who made her pregnant with the car baby?"

Ye Chui pointed at the steel egg: "That's him."

"...Your car is acting like a hooligan!"



The car baby is only the size of an ordinary toy car, but it is very naughty, constantly running around, lively and cute.

They have the same shape, the same structure, and they are uniformly metallic.

It's like a chick that hasn't grown its hair yet.

But as they grow up, a layer of car paint will automatically appear on the surface of their bodies, and various colors will appear.

Ye Chui checked all the car babies with the power of detection.

The result is very satisfactory.

"It's well developed and can grow up healthily."

After finishing these things, Ye Chui walked up to Fang Jing: "Are you feeling better? I'll take you away."

Fang Jing nodded, but still held a car baby reluctantly in her hands and refused to let go.

She was fascinated by this little guy's natural cuteness, girls are the least immune to this kind of existence.

Ye Chui spent a long time before letting her go, and then took her outside, saying, "Gangdan, come and see us off."

"Good boss."

Steel Egg reluctantly walked out of the house and transformed into a car.

"Get in the car." Ye Chui opened the door.

Fang Jing got into the car a little stiffly. She had been in this car a few times before, but at the moment she felt very strange. She kept stroking the surroundings with her hands: "This is really a Transformer... from a car man to a car man. Car, how did this change, how is it possible, this is not scientific at all! Ye Chui, what is going on here?"

Ye Chui felt a little headache, Fang Jing was different from Li Cheng and others.

Li Cheng and others can accept the existence of the steel egg calmly, but Fang Jing's scientific mind has to figure out why.

——The young master can explain clearly, but when it comes to the knowledge of cultivation and civilization, I'm afraid Fang Jing can't understand it at all.

"Don't be amazed. Existence is reasonable. It's unbelievable to bring the current mobile phone and computer hundreds of years ago?" Ye Chui explained, and then reminded Fang Jing, "The steel egg has an automatic poison filter device, you Masks can be removed in the car."

Hearing what Ye Chui said, Fang Jing took off the mask on her face, revealing a slightly pale and beautiful face.

She thought of something and asked Ye Chui: "You were outside just now, why didn't you wear a mask?"

"This... I have relatively strong physical fitness, so I can resist for a while." Ye Chui explained casually.

"So that's how it is." Fang Jing said in a nasty voice.

Having seen Transformers and the birth of a car baby, Ye Chui's immunity to natural gas seems too childish...

Badlands outside.

Ye Chui helped Fang Jing get out of the car.

"Take a good rest these two days. If you want to go to the wasteland, you can call this number. This is Gangdan's car phone. You can ask him to drive you there."

Ye Chui confessed, saying a series of phone numbers.

He could see that Fang Jing liked the car babies very much.

Finally, Ye Chui said to Fang Jing: "You must know what this matter means, so I hope you don't tell other people about it."

Fang Jing hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Don't worry, this matter... Even if I tell others, they will not believe it, they will only treat me as a mental illness."

"That's good." Ye Chui nodded, and patted Fang Jing's shoulder again, "Go back and rest first."

Fang Jing then walked back unsteadily.

The world view has been refreshed, and it seems that it will take some time for her to recover.

Ye Chui drilled back into the steel egg: "Take me back to the community first."


The second update~~~~ By the way, we have 30 words~~~ There are still about half a month before the release, and it is estimated that there will be more than 40 free chapters by then~~~


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