When Ye Chui returned to the community, Yu Xue was still depressed.

She thought that Ye Chui bought those nutrient granules to humiliate her.

However, when she found out that the taste of these things is not bad, and the snacks are very delicious, she forgave Ye Chui.

Ye Chui has nothing to say about this unscrupulous girl.

In the next few days, Ye Chui went to Maple Leaf Town every day to confirm that the car babies could grow up healthily.

And Fang Jing seems to have gradually accepted the existence of Transformers, spending a long time in the middle of the wasteland every day.

In addition to being fascinated by the life form of the car, the most important thing is that she is completely untouched by the car baby.

For this toy-sized car with self-awareness, Fang Jing completely turned into a child, full of childlike fun.

At the same time, Ye Chui became more and more mysterious in her eyes.

Several times she hesitated to speak to Ye Chui, wanting to know how Ye Chui learned these things, but finally held back.

Because she knew that Ye Chui would definitely talk about him pretendingly, not telling the truth.

"Sooner or later, I will know your secret!" Fang Jing comforted herself in this way.

During this period of time, Ye Chui has completely consolidated the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra.

But at this moment, he had one thing to do.

"I have reached the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra, it's time to fuse a magic weapon into my body!"

Ye Chui thought in his heart.

"Integrating a magic weapon in my body can increase my ability, but what magic weapon should I fuse?"

The Calcining Heart Sutra has a total of twelve levels, and each of the twelve levels constitutes a stage of three realms, and there are four stages in total.

When upgrading at each stage, bottlenecks will be encountered.

That is to say, from the third level to the fourth level, from the sixth level to the seventh level, from the ninth level to the tenth level, there will be difficulties.

The light ones are trapped for decades, and the heavy ones cannot step in for a lifetime.

Just like when Ye Zhong was practicing, he easily reached the first three levels, but he was stuck in the bottleneck of advancing to the fourth level for a long time.

Of course, it only took Ye Chui more than a month to reach the fourth level, which is already considered extremely fast, and this is mainly due to his rich experience as a reference.

And when you encounter this bottleneck, if you can overcome this bottleneck, you will get a chance to forge your body.

The so-called body forging is to forge a physical body and fuse a magic weapon with the body.

This is also one of the most powerful parts of the Calcining Heart Sutra.

"This time, what magic weapon should I refine..." Ye Chui kept thinking.

If it is fused with the magic weapon, then he will have the supernatural power of the magic weapon, and it will have a strong ability to increase his physical ability.

For example, if he fuses a Transformer with himself, then he can become half human and half mechanical.

"Half human, half mechanical? Forget it, I still like my body."

Ye Chui quickly rejected this idea.

No matter what, he will maintain the fundamentals of his physical body and will not modify his own body.

"Actually, my current physical fitness is already top-notch, and there is no need to improve my physical fitness. Why don't I strengthen... my brain?"

Ye Chui's eyes brightened.

"Why don't I refine a computer and enter it into my body?"

"After the computer is refined, my brain will have the power of a computer, and my computing power will be greatly improved. In this technologically civilized society, doing so is undoubtedly more practical than being powerful!"

After confirming this point, Ye Chui immediately acted excitedly.

To refine a computer magic weapon, the best choice is naturally Ozawa.

But if Ye Chui refines her, then her consciousness will also be annihilated, and Ye Chui is reluctant to do so, so Ye Zhi directly denies the idea of ​​refining Ozawa.

"I have to buy a new computer!"

During the whole morning, Ye Chui walked around the computer mall, using his vision as a master craftsman, to save a host computer with the surname Gao Neng.

When using a computer as a magic weapon, the most important thing is the computer host, so the monitor and keyboard can be discarded directly.

After bringing the host back home, Ye Chui used his heart to fully awaken the computer and evolve it into a mid-level magic weapon, which is very easy for Ye Chui now, and then he started the refining process .

The process will be very long, in order to avoid being bumped by Yu Xue, Ye Chui chose the time at night, at this time Yu Xue will never enter the bedroom.


Ye Chui sat cross-legged on the bed, wisps of flames emanated from his body, and within the wisps of flames were entwined with streaks of lightning.

I saw flames and lightning entangled on the computer placed in the center of the bedroom, and there was a slight crackling sound immediately.

After about two hours, the brand-new main computer began to change slowly, as if it had been melted.

But if you look closely, it is completely different from melting, as if the computer suddenly became extremely soft.

Ye Chui's one hand flicked lightly, and the soft computer mainframe stretched out a long strand, and then flew towards the center of Ye Chui's eyebrows.

The long strips continued to sink into Ye Chui's eyebrows.

In just half an hour, the entire computer mainframe disappeared like this.

Ye Chui let out a long breath.

At this moment, refining has been halfway through.

At this moment, the computer has been sucked into his body and merged with his body.

Of course, this kind of fusion is still dominated by Ye Chui's body, so Ye Chui's appearance has not changed, what has changed is only his brain.

A thin layer of sweat appeared on Ye Chui's forehead, and the refining process reached the most critical step.

That is to coordinate the connection between this magic weapon and his physical body.

Only when this step is done well can the magic weapon truly become a part of his body and be controlled by him.

Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious.

You know, in order to enhance the ability of the computer magic weapon, Ye Chui refined the computer mainframe into a mid-level magic weapon before refining it.

This computer has its own spirit consciousness.

If Ye Chui can't completely control the main machine, then the spirit in the main machine might counter-control his body.

A bad one and he could become the walking dead.

Another two hours passed.

Ye Chui's thoughts clashed with the machine spirit consciousness of the computer host, and he kept suppressing the other party.

If other refiners have reached this level of cultivation, they will usually find some familiar magic weapons for fusion, and the resistance of the weapon spirits in the magic weapons will be much lower, and many magic weapons will even voluntarily fuse with their masters.

For example, if Ye Chui merged with Ozawa, Ozawa would definitely not resist, but Ye Chui would not do that.

The weapon spirit of the magic weapon is like a brother and relative to him, such a fusion is tantamount to killing the weapon spirit.It is difficult for him to deal with those familiar magic weapons, so he chooses new magic weapons for fusion magic weapons.

And after two hours passed, Ye Chui's face suddenly flashed with joy.

"Finally refined!"

That computer host completely surrendered to him, became a part of him, and was completely controlled by him.

Ye Chui's body has not been strengthened, but his brain's thinking has been speeded up thousands of times compared to before.

It was as if a computer system had been installed in his brain, giving him some capabilities of a computer.

At the same time, it does not affect his personality consciousness.

"My brain seems to have a computer system installed. This system can be upgraded. Now this system, why not call it Tianhammer 1.0. As I continue to practice, this system can be upgraded to 2.0, 3.0..."

Ye Chui carefully felt the changes brought about by the fusion of the magic weapon.

By fusing the computer host with him, he also gained some other abilities, but this ability needs to be discovered by himself.

"This is……"

Ye Chui's heart suddenly moved, he realized something, and he hurried out of the bedroom.

In the living room outside, Yu Xue's petite body was curled up on the huge armchair, sleeping deeply.

She has been sleeping like this these days, and Ye Chui refused to let her sleep in the bedroom.

But at this moment, Ye Chui walked to her side and tried to put his hand on her little head.

Immediately, Ye Chui found that he felt Yu Xue's conscious thinking.

It's as if Yu Xue's mind is another computer, and Ye Chui can connect his own computer system to this computer!

"It can be like this, so can I read other people's consciousness at will? Try it first, read the files in Yu Xue's brain!"


The first one~~~


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