"It can be like this, so can I read other people's consciousness at will? Try it first, read the files in Yu Xue's brain!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately felt Yu Xue's consciousness with his heart.

But then, Ye Chui's face showed a bit of helplessness.

"Access denied...a firewall!?"

If you want to access other people's computers, of course it will not be unimpeded, and you will definitely encounter obstacles. This is called a firewall to prevent illegal access.

At this moment, Ye Chui encountered a firewall, making it impossible for him to read Xue's consciousness.


"Maybe it can be cracked!"

Ye Chui began to try to crack it.

A situation like his with a computer system installed in his brain has never happened before. It is the product of the combination of technological civilization and cultivation civilization. What Ye Chui is facing is a completely new field.

However, with his vision and experience as a master craftsman, it is not difficult to completely master this field.

Ye Chui is like a hacker, wanting to break through the firewall and enter Yu Xue's consciousness.

After a while, Ye Chui's eyes lit up.

"Successfully entered!"

He was pleasantly surprised, but at the same time he also understood that the main reason why he was able to enter successfully was because he was very familiar with Yu Xue.

A firewall is a subconscious barrier.

Ye Chui and Yu Xue were already very familiar with each other. When Yu Xue subconsciously realized that the visitor was Ye Chui, she let go of the barrier.

If it were someone else, I am afraid it would not be so easy to enter.

At this moment, Ye Chui read all the files saved in Yu Xue's brain.

These files are automatically categorized by Ye Chui's Tianhammer 1.0 system, as if Ye Chui read a memory card.

Files are roughly divided into three categories: memory files, software, and viruses.

The memory file means that everything that Yu Xue sees will be stored in the form of a file, which occupies a large part of the file.

Software refers to the skills she has learned, such as speaking, reading, writing, driving, playing games and so on.

Viruses are some mental illnesses, heart knots, etc. Ye Chui discovered a virus in Xue's consciousness. To describe it, it is autism.

Because of what happened some time ago, Yu Xue was autistic and stuck with Ye Chui. This is a disease, a virus in consciousness.

"Can this virus be cleaned up?"

Ye Chui immediately tried to clear it up.

But then he shook his head helplessly.

"No, the virus is too stubborn, you must use anti-virus software... I need to program and develop the anti-virus software myself."

Programming is a metaphor, for Ye Chui, this programming is to create a will to kill.

This killing will can destroy the virus in her consciousness without damaging her memory files and software.

"I'll study this later and look at other documents."

Ye Chui continued to study other files in Yu Xue's consciousness.

Soon, he discovered that he could only read it now, but he couldn't copy and move Xue's files, and he couldn't store his own things in Xue's consciousness.

"But these can be done by developing software!"

Ye Chui thought in his heart.

"I can develop a software, similar to Xunlei, that can download the files in Yuxue's consciousness to my consciousness. In this way, I can directly download and install some of the abilities she has learned, such as English, to my consciousness. In her consciousness, then I can be proficient in foreign languages. At the same time, if I install a software into her brain, such as letting her be obedient to me, then she will be obedient to me... ..."

In the civilization of comprehension, there is a saying of the primordial spirit, which is the root of a person's consciousness.

Some wonderful supernatural powers can search for the soul of the soul, and even directly control the soul of others.

And the computer system in Ye Chui's consciousness at the moment has the same effect.

"Of course, to do all of this, the prerequisite is that I have to develop related software. This is a big project..."

It seems that the young master will be busy in the future!


Suddenly, Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"These memory files are some of Yu Xue's memories, just like video files, and a video player is installed in my Tianhammer 1.0 system!"

When Ye Chui integrated the computer with himself, some software that came with the computer system also integrated in.

For example, some notepad software, video playback software, etc.

However, similar anti-virus software, download tools, etc., have not been integrated.

Because merging with Ye Chui's physical body is equivalent to a wonderful transformation, some software can be transformed directly, while some software needs to be developed by Ye Chui himself.

At this moment, Ye Chui looked at the memory files in Yuxue's consciousness, and found that each of the memory files had a date number, which could be searched clearly.

Immediately, Ye Chui casually clicked on one and started watching.

The video began to play in Ye Chui's field of vision.

This video is entirely from the perspective of Yu Xue's eyes, everything she sees, everything she hears, and even her inner voice.

The memory file that Ye Chui clicked on was from four days ago——

"Bastard Ye Chui, he is clearly cursing me for gaining weight recently, and even bought me these nutritional products that women who are pregnant with babies will take. He is mocking me... He also said just now that he would help his friend deliver the baby , who will let him deliver the baby, this is also ironic, hateful!"

Yu Xue cursed at the pile of nutritional supplements thrown on the ground.

But then, she couldn't help but think in her heart: "But...these things seem to be quite delicious."

A moment of hesitation.

Yu Xue picked up the things without any hesitation, picked up a pregnant woman's drink and drank it.

"It's so delicious, it's just right for a snack!"

As a result, Yu Xue's complaints about Ye Chui disappeared, and she continued to play computer games while drinking this nutrient...

Seeing this memory, Ye Chui felt very strange...

At the same time, a sense of guilt emerged in his heart: Isn't he just peeping?


"Aren't I here to get acquainted with the Skyhammer 1.0 system earlier, and then help Yu Xue get rid of the virus?"

Ye Chui thought of a good reason for himself, so he continued to watch with great interest...

He flipped through a video from a few months ago.

"This is……"

Ye Chui had a surprised expression on his face.

When the memory file was opened, what appeared in front of Ye Chui was a bathroom filled with humidity, like a fairyland on earth.

Yu Xue had already filled the big fish tank with water, she sat next to the bathtub to test the temperature of the water, and then shouted to the outside of the bathroom: "Lele, the water is ready, do you want to take a bath with me. "

"Okay, I'll come." An Le'er's voice came from outside.

Take a bath together?

Ye Chui was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he quietly licked his shriveled lips.

Afterwards, An Le'er walked in with a bath towel around her body. It was obvious that she was not wearing anything under the bath towel.

"Hurry up, it's so comfortable." As Yu Xue said, she took off her clothes and got into the water.

Because what Ye Chui saw was from Yu Xue's perspective, Ye Chui couldn't see her body, but could only see the moving scene of her two white and tender thighs soaking in hot water.

Then Yu Xue looked at An Le'er again, and said with a smile, "Lele, hurry up, the water will be cold later."

"Okay, here we come."

An Le'er tied her long hair into a ponytail, and then slowly lifted the towel off her body.

Ye Chui has opened his eyes wide, feeling that he is about to see a moving picture.

can then-

"Damn it, don't you? It turned out to be coded!?"

An Le'er lifted her bath towel, revealing the naked body, but the key parts were coded!

——Although Yu Xue has opened up her consciousness, it is obvious that she subconsciously does not want Ye Chui to see the eclectic pictures of her girlfriends, so she automatically puts codes on key parts.

Ye Chui was super irritable.

It's like spending hours and hours to download a film, but after opening it, you find that the layers are mosaics.

At least the breasts of a human porn film are **, and all the key areas are size...


The second update~~~ Sanjiang recommended it, I hope everyone supports it~~~~


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