An Le'er got into the bathing pool full of spring, and she played softly with Yu Xue.

One of the two girls is mature and stable, and the other is lively and lovely. They are both extremely beautiful women. At this moment, the laughter is constant, and the mist in the water makes the picture even more sultry and ambiguous.

But it happened to be coded...

Make the whole picture instantly become incomparably harmonious, isn't it there?

"I don't know if other similar documents are also coded?"

Ye Chui closed this memory file, and then looked for other similar files.

Not surprisingly, other similar restricted-level files are all mosaiced.

"Oh, what a pity." Ye Chui was slightly disappointed.

He found that there were even some files that could not be opened at all.

This kind of file is not a simple memory file, but reflects Yu Xue's mood.

It's like a little girl's secret diary.

When Ye Chui wanted to open these files, he would be blocked.

If the reason for blocking is to be explained vividly, it is: insufficient authority.

"This is a very private matter for Xue. Only people who are very close to her can have sufficient authority to read it..."

Ye Chui thought to himself.

"If I have enough permissions, I'm afraid even the mosaics in the video will disappear automatically?"

In order to gain authority, it was necessary to strengthen Yu Xue's closeness to him.

Permissions can be seen as a measure of affinity.

Ye Chui made a serious judgment, and then concluded how much authority he had in Xue's heart——

If the seventh level of authority is the highest authority and the first level is the lowest authority, then Ye Chui should be in the fifth level of authority at this moment.

His position in Xue's heart was already very important.

"I don't know how much authority I have in Lele's heart? How much authority is in Fang Jing's heart?"

Ye Chui couldn't help thinking of these two girls who were close to her.


Ye Chui explored Yu Xue's consciousness mainly because he wanted to get familiar with the ability obtained after merging with the computer.

And after this exploration, he already had a preliminary understanding.

What he has to do now is to create various software to increase his abilities.

For example, he can make wall-crossing software to break through the firewall, so he can access other people's consciousness at will.

He can make a download software tool, force the other party to download the knowledge and skills and then install it.

He can also create puppet software and upload it to the other party's consciousness, making the other party obey him.

"This kind of software works in consciousness, so it's called consciousness software!"

Ye Chui named this kind of thing.

"This consciousness software can be regarded as the primordial spirit technique in the cultivation civilization!"

The Primordial Spirit Kung Fu is a skill that specifically targets the Primordial Spirit in the cultivation civilization, and it is similar to the consciousness software.

But to create conscious software...he had to learn to program.

Computer software is made up of individual characters.

The software in consciousness is composed of array symbols.

Computer software has various functions, which have a certain impact on the operation of the system.

Consciousness software is a stream of emotions, whether sadness or joy or surrender, that can have an impact on a person's thinking.

"The computer system has a lot of similarities with my consciousness system. If I compare it with the computer system, it will be of great help to me in creating various software!"

Wanting to understand this, Ye Chui immediately looked at the computer beside him.

This rich machine is still running, and Ozawa is playing online games attentively.

"Ozawa, do you understand software programming and hacking techniques?" Ye Zhizhi asked.

Ozawa's exquisite appearance appeared on the screen.

She shook her head, with regret on her face: "I don't understand, but I can learn."

"Oh, well, you can guide me when you learn it." Ye Chui said with a smile, "You must study hard, and I will rely on you when the time comes."

"Brother Ye, I will definitely study hard."

Ozawa immediately said firmly.

Her logic told her: She was needed by Ye Chui.

So she must help Ye Chui well.

Ye Chui said let her study this knowledge well...

Then she will become the number one hacker in the world.


In the wasteland outside Maple Leaf Town.

Ye Chui walked slowly inside, and there were three or four car babies following him, chasing back and forth mischievously, making bursts of melodious horns.

Although it is less than a week since birth, the car babies have obviously grown a lot.

Wait another two or three weeks, and it will be about the size of a normal car.

"When we wait for the Xizhou Auto Show, we can just let them exhibit."

Now the 4S shop at An Leer's side has been almost renovated, and they are waiting for the car from Ye Chui's side.

That is to say, a simple girl like An Le'er would choose to trust Ye Chui without any doubts, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for someone else to start preparing a car service shop without even a shadow of a car.

Ye Chui thinks that An Le'er is silly and cute, and he wants to protect her forever.

"This car should also have a brand name, registration or something..."

Ye Chui came here today just to settle this matter.

The name of the car's brand is very important. He has already thought of a few high-end and elegant names, and he plans to let Gangdan and the others refer to them.

In the middle of the wasteland, Ye Chui saw that Fang Jing was also staying here.

She still wears a mask on her face, but it's not the original one anymore - that kind of gas mask looks bulky and ugly, Ye Chui simply rebuilt a new one for Fang Jing, so that she can safely enter and exit this wasteland.

Li Cheng delivers car food to the emperor every day, and the gas mask he wears is also developed by Ye Chui.

At this moment, Fang Jing is squatting beside a car baby, touching and hugging it, just like a little girl playing with her newly bought toy, full of childlike fun.

After saying hello to her, Ye Chui told Gangdan his intention of coming.

"I came up with a few names, you can see which name is more suitable." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He spent a lot of time thinking about these high-end and elegant names.


"Boss, I think it's better to call it Sky Hammer." Steel Dan insisted directly, "Sky Hammer car sounds very good."

"Listen to the names I thought of first..."

"Let's call it Tianhammer. We think this name is very good." Honda Accord also said aside.

At the same time, the illusion also appeared beside Ye Chui: "Boss, I also support the name Tianhammer."

Ye Chui: "..."

Do you not believe so much in the level of the young master's naming?

In the world of comprehension and civilization, the young master can be regarded as a great master who named him!

It's their loss not to use their name!

"Okay, Sky Hammer is Sky Hammer." Ye Chui could only nod in agreement.

Steel Egg, Honda Accord, and Mirage quietly exchanged glances, and at the same time they all breathed a sigh of relief...

"Xiao Jing, it's just right that you are here, I have something to tell you." Ye Chui turned to Fang Jing who was teasing the car baby.

"What's the matter?" Fang Jing asked Ye Chui with a smile.

Recently, she and Ye Chui have a very good attitude.

"It's about car quality inspection. Cars need to be put on the market, and they have to go through the inspections of many departments to obtain a quality inspection certificate, so I want to ask the Qianlong team for help." Ye Chui walked to Fang Jing and said, these are all before him Check it out.

While speaking, his hand pretended to be unintentionally placed on Fang Jing's arm.

It was already summer, Fang Jing was wearing short sleeves, and Ye Zhi touched her skin.

Fang Jing seemed a little uncomfortable with this kind of touch, but for some reason, she just blushed slightly, and didn't break away from Ye Chui's hand.

She said to Ye Chui in a soft voice: "The car must pass the quality inspection before it goes on the market. Generally, this process takes several months, but with the help of Qianlong Team, it can be shortened to a few days. Of course, the time Although it has shrunk, the quality of the car is still the most important thing."

"That's good." Ye Chui nodded, trying to read Fang Jing's consciousness at the same time.

Originally, Ye Chui didn't have much hope, but to his surprise, he succeeded in the interview!

He lived with Yu Xue, and it made sense for Yu Xue to be open to him.

Why did Fang Jing have such a high degree of openness to him, allowing him to visit easily?

So how much consciousness does he have in Fang Jing's heart?

Fang Jing's face was slightly red at the moment, and she thought to herself: "Is he pretending to touch my arm on purpose... But what's so good about my arm, why don't you touch my chest?"


Today's third update~~~ Sanjiang, please support~~ If you can, please vote for a chapter of Sanjiang, it is on the page of Sanjiang, it is now ranked No.4, I hope I can go forward a few more Name~~Thank you everyone~~~~ In addition, there will be an update this morning, and next week will be on the list as usual~~


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