The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

116 It is said that you are good at fighting?

"But what's good to touch my arm, why not touch my chest?"

Fang Jing thought to herself.

Then her face became hot and she felt very shy.

"How could I have such a shameful thought... Really!"

Ye Chui didn't notice Fang Jing's expression, but visited Fang Jing's consciousness with great interest.

Through the visit, his Tianhammer 1.0 system will automatically determine the authority of Ye Chui in Fang Jing's heart.

Soon, Ye Chui got the answer.

fifth grade.

It turned out to be the same as Yu Xue, with level five authority.

This authority means that Fang Jing has a good impression of him and a high degree of intimacy. Even like Yu Xue, she doesn't care if he sees panties occasionally.

This surprised Ye Chui.

Could it be that he can treat Fang Jing like Yu Xue, and it doesn't matter if he does some shameful things occasionally?

At this moment, Ye Chui didn't have time to investigate Fang Jing's consciousness in detail, so he quickly let go of his hand and ended the interview with Fang Jing's consciousness.

"If you want to pass the Qianlong team to complete the quality inspection, you must need the help of our captain." Fang Jing thought of this matter, she frowned slightly, "It's just this kind of thing, the captain probably won't help you... Let me help you beg for mercy."

Plead for me?Ye Chui said with a smile: "The captain is so nice, he definitely won't mind doing me this little favor, there's no need to plead, I'll tell him myself."

"You said it yourself? That's fine. By the way, the captain called me this morning, hoping to meet with you."

When she said this, Fang Jing felt very strange in her heart.

Because the captain Zheng Feng wants to meet Ye Chui, can he just say no to Ye Chui?

Why do you still have to pass the message through her?

What surprised Fang Jing even more was that after taking the capsule, Ye Chui should have obeyed the captain.

But why did the captain's tone seem to be flattering Ye Chui?

Unable to figure it out, Fang Jing had no choice but to attribute the credit to Ye Chui.

She looked at Ye Chui with a smile on her face: This man is so mysterious...

Ye Chui didn't expect Fang Jing to think so much in a flash, and said with a smile: "Well, you and Zheng Feng... oh, the captain said, I'll go find him later."

"Well, I will notify the captain." Fang Jing nodded.

"And..." Ye Chui thought of another thing, "How much money do you make from producing iPhone6s these days?"

Fang Jing has been taking care of the iphone6s. Every week, Shen Kun will come to pick up the goods and make a payment to Fang Jing.

Except for the first transfer of the money to Ye Chui, the rest is still with Fang Jing.

"Why are you asking this?" Fang Jing thought for a while, "Since I sent you money last time, I have made three more shipments, earning a total of 750 million yuan. After deducting some operating expenses, if we divide it equally, each person will have 370 million yuan. .”

Having said that, Fang Jing smiled in a small money fanatic, and continued to talk——

"When Shen Kun comes over next time, I will raise the price with him. Now that the iPhone 6s is so popular, and it is hard to find one, he has already sold one for 7000 yuan. I will raise him one thousand for each one. When the time comes You can earn an extra 50 a week."


Ye Chui felt a little speechless about her little money fanatic, and then continued: "Call me the money, I need it urgently."

"What are you doing urgently?"

"Buy a car." Ye Chui said with a smile, "And to buy a good car, you need to buy several good cars."

"Why do you buy a car?" Fang Jing felt even more curious.

Ye Chui turned his head and glanced at the steel egg not far away, and said faintly: "It's time to find some more girls for the steel egg..."

The current car baby is the first batch. If you want to create a series of super smart cars, the first batch is obviously not enough, and you have to make persistent efforts.

Ye Chui plans to buy a few Audis, BMWs, etc., and then give them wisdom and install a car reproductive system.

Let the steel egg create a car race, endlessly...

Fang Jing was a little stunned, very puzzled: find a few more girls for Gang Dan?Are there any Transformers for sale? How much is it?


At noon, Tianhai Commercial Building.

In an upscale restaurant on the top floor.

The huge restaurant was closed at noon today, only Ye Chui and Zheng Feng were sitting at a table eating.

"Brother Ye, try this dish. It tastes delicious. I specially asked the chef to prepare it for you." Zheng Feng said to Ye Chui with a flattering smile, and kept putting dishes in front of Ye Chui.

Ye Chui ate very happily and devoured it voraciously, the food in high-end restaurants is really good.

Satisfied with wine and food, Ye Chui patted his stomach in satisfaction, feeling very comfortable eating.

"Brother Ye, are you full?" Zheng Feng walked to Ye Chui's side and said with a smile, "Look, one month is almost here, will you help me re-school the time..."

Zheng Feng contacts Ye Chui through Fang Jing, in order to remind Ye Chui that it's time to help him with school time.

Ye Chui patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, you're fine, I've already finished the school hours for you."

Just when he patted Zheng Feng's shoulder, Ye Chui released a small spark from his hand, and quietly helped the capsule on his stomach wall to complete the time adjustment.

"Already finished?" Zheng Feng was taken aback, "Brother Ye,'re not lying to me, are you?"

"Don't worry, you can help me a lot, how can I have the heart to let you have an accident?" Ye Chui said with a smile, and then he continued: "Speaking of helping, I do need your help with something..."

Afterwards, Ye Chui told Zheng Feng about the car quality inspection.

"This..." After Zheng Feng heard this, he looked embarrassed, "Brother Ye, I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

"Why?" Ye Chui was taken aback, and Fang Jing said that it should be easy for Zheng Feng to do this.

Zheng Feng looked distressed: "Brother Ye, my father scolded me severely for the matter with the door a few days ago. Although this matter was suppressed, my situation is not very good. Now Long In the Yaba team, my rights have been completely restricted."

"Restricted?" Ye Chui frowned.

The auto show will start in half a month. If the car fails the quality inspection, it will definitely not be able to go to the exhibition.

"The eighth team of Longya was originally a weak team. Last time, brother Ye, you made such a big noise that the leader was alarmed and scolded my father a few words. When my father got angry, he asked the deputy of the eighth team to The captain is acting as the captain temporarily." Zheng Feng said with a bitter face, he looked at Ye Chui, "Brother Ye, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's that I really can't do anything..."

Things seemed a little difficult, Ye Chui asked: "Who is that vice-captain?"

"His name is Sun Kuang, he is a master fighter with a very violent personality," Zheng Feng said.

"Is this person good at talking?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"He is not humane at all, he only obeys my father's orders." Zheng Feng's voice suddenly showed a bit of resentment, "Yesterday he used the title of captain to suppress me. I couldn't get angry. I quarreled with him. He kicked me directly, and my stomach is still a little uncomfortable!"

"Isn't it human..." Ye Chui narrowed his eyes.

Such people are the most difficult to deal with.

It would be great if Ye Chui could directly install the puppet software into his consciousness...

It's a pity that Ye Chui hasn't fabricated that kind of software yet, even if it is to access the other party's consciousness, it may not be possible.

"Is there any way for you to regain power?" Ye Chui asked Zheng Feng thoughtfully.

"Yes." A cold light suddenly flashed in Zheng Feng's eyes, "If Brother Ye has a way to kill him, then I can regain the captain's authority."

"Kill him?"

Ye Chui sneered, Zheng Feng wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, right?

It is not so easy to use him.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the restaurant, and then the door of the restaurant was pushed open.

A strong and strong man walked in imposingly.

Zhou Tao with Xiaoping's head and the thick eyebrow followed closely behind him.

Zheng Feng's face darkened immediately, and he said in a low voice, "Brother Ye, this person is Kuang Sun."

Sun Kuang was tall and tall. He looked to be only 25 or [-] years old, but his face was resolute. He looked like the kind of difficult person with a fierce look in his eyes.

While Zheng Feng was talking to Ye Chui, Xiaoping Zhou Tao also quietly told him Ye Chui's identity.

Hearing Ye Chui's identity, Sun Kuang showed a trace of disdain on his face.

"Are you that Brother Hammer? The last time the captain contacted you, I happened to be on a mission. I heard that you electrocuted Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping and fell to the ground? They are with me, you If I knock them down, where is my face?" Sun Kuang said to Ye Chui with a sneer.

Zhou Tao is the one with a flat head and thick eyebrows called Zhang Ping.

Ye Chui felt Sun Kuang's hostility towards him.

So he laughed.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Compare with me, it is said that you are very good at fighting?" Sun Kuang said coldly.


In the early morning, ask for promotion tickets, please collect and ask for Sanjiang tickets~~~~


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