The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

117 Young Master, Five Seconds Is Enough

Following Sun Kuang's words, swords were on the verge of breaking out in the restaurant.

Sun Kuang looked at Ye Chui aggressively, wanting to crush Ye Chui in terms of momentum.

But Ye Chui just smiled like that on his face, but he was unmoved in the slightest.

This made Sun Kuang feel a little surprised. There are only two possibilities for this to happen. The first possibility is that Ye Chui is an idiot who can't feel the murderous aura on him, and the second possibility is that Ye Chui didn't take himself seriously at all. Here, take his threats seriously.

Sun Kuang thinks that this should be the first case. His name has the word Kuang, which means that his character is very arrogant.

He cheated and felt that as long as he was a normal person, he would feel pressure and tension if he deliberately provoked him.

"You want to make gestures with me?" Ye Chui said with a relaxed smile, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

"Are you sure?" Hearing that Ye Chui agreed, Sun Kuang became a little surprised.

"I'm sure, but can we make a bet?" Ye Chui suggested.

"Bet?" Sun Kuang thought it was unnecessary, but he still asked, "What do you want to bet?"

"We'll have a fight later. If you are knocked to the ground by me, then you have to do me a favor. It's easy for you." Ye Chui continued.

It would be great if Sun Kuang could help by taking a nap.

"Kill me to the ground?" Sun Kuang seemed to have heard a joke, "Okay, I'll make a bet with you, but let's say it first, I've never been merciful when I make a move, and if you get hurt or beaten by me If you’re disabled, then you can’t blame me.”

While he was talking, he clenched his fists tightly, making a creaking joint sound, giving a strong oppressive force.

Of course, this oppressive force doesn't feel anything to Ye Chui at all, it's just pediatrics.

"Brother Ye, do you really want to fight him?" Zheng Feng pulled Ye Chui aside and said in a low voice, "He is very powerful, his fighting ability is very strong, and, regardless of his size, his speed is also very fast of……"

"Don't worry, it's okay." Ye Chui said calmly, since he was reborn until now, he has never met someone who can put his heart on his mind with single-handed force.

Lonely as snow...

Seeing Ye Chui's calmness, Zheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief: Of course he doesn't care about Ye Chui's life or death, but if something happens to Ye Chui, no one will be able to release the capsule on his stomach wall. This is his little concern. Life……

the other side.

"Brother Kuang, this person is very evil. His fighting ability is average, but he is very cunning. He has a special device in his hand that can discharge electricity!"

Xiaoping head Zhou Tao whispered to Sun Kuang.

He and Zhang Ping were holding onto Ye Chui's arm at the time, suffered from the electric shock, and then he took advantage of the opportunity to knock him out.

When they woke up later, they thought that Ye Chui had some kind of electric shock device in his hand, otherwise how could the human body discharge.

"Hmph, it's just a small trick. I'll cripple his hands later, and I'll see what he will do!" Sun Kuang sneered.

In his heart, he didn't take Ye Chui seriously, and wanted to teach Ye Chui a lesson.

The table in the restaurant was moved away by Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping, leaving a space where Ye Chui and Sun Kuang stood facing each other.

"Ten seconds!" Sun Kuang said to Ye Chui coldly and arrogantly, "Believe it or not, it only took me ten seconds to knock you down."

"Ten seconds!?"

Ye Chui was shocked, he thought that Sun Kuang didn't even know how to pretend, wouldn't ten seconds be too long, and five seconds would be enough for Xiaoye.


Sun Kuang yelled, and he rushed towards Ye Chui.

His attack gave people a very crazy feeling, just like his name, like a lunatic.

Ye Chui temporarily avoided the peak, avoiding Sun Kuang's head-on blow.

He stretched out his hands, trying to grab Sun Kuang's shoulders.

However, Sun Kuang was even faster, turned around quickly, and grabbed Ye Chui's wrists.

The force in his hand made Ye Chui feel like iron pliers were on his wrist.

"Hey, I know that something in your hand will discharge, but I grabbed your wrist, so your instrument can't be activated, right?"

Sun Kuang said to Ye Chui with a proud face.

Ye Chui said with some sweat: "Is there something on my hand that can discharge? Who did you hear?"

"Isn't it?" Sun Kuang asked in surprise.

"Of course not..." Ye Chui laughed, "Actually, I can discharge electricity anywhere on my body."

After saying this, Sun Kuang grabbed Ye Chui's wrist with both hands, and suddenly sparks burst out, and a violent electric current quickly flowed through Sun Kuang's whole body.


It gave Sun Kuang the feeling that he touched the switch, and it still couldn't trip.

His tall and strong body trembled from the distance, and then fell headfirst to the ground.

"Crazy brother?" Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping were stunned at the same time, feeling that the scene they saw was unreal.

In their eyes, Sun Kuang, who had always been mighty and powerful, fell down like this?

Zheng Feng was quite surprised, he didn't expect that Ye Chui actually let Sun Kuang fall to the ground.

Sun Kuang collapsed on the ground but did not lose consciousness. He was just numb all over and couldn't get up for a while. He looked at Ye Chui in surprise and couldn't accept the result that he was knocked down by the electric shock in less than five seconds.

"Does this count as throwing you to the ground? Did I win the bet?" Ye Chui squatted in front of him and asked with a smile.

Sun Kuang looked angry and couldn't accept that he had lost the bet. He gritted his teeth and said, "You cheated and used other tools!"

"You knew before our match that I would discharge, but you didn't raise an objection. Is this called cheating? It's your own death." Ye Chui said with a smile, "According to our bet just now, you do me a favor. "

Sun Kuang's face became even more gloomy, and he snorted coldly, "What do you want me to help you with?"

"I have a batch of cars waiting to go on the market. I want you to help me contact the car quality inspection agency, so that my car can pass the quality inspection in a few days and get the relevant certificates." Ye Chui explained.

"You asked me to cheat for personal gain?" Sun Kuang sneered, "I advise you to give up, it's impossible."

"It's not about favoritism, but I just want to shorten the quality inspection time and get the certificate as soon as possible. There is no problem with the quality of the car." Ye Chui continued, "It's just a matter of saying hello, it's easy for you."

Ye Chui then laughed: " can't afford to lose and you want to renege on your debt?"

"I won't renege!" Sun Kuang stood up from the ground, his legs were weak at the moment, and his body shook involuntarily. Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping rushed to his side to support him.

These two were originally Zheng Feng's subordinates, but it was obvious that they respected Sun Kuang more.

"I have called the Quality Supervision Bureau so that they can help you with the quality inspection as soon as possible." Sun Kuang said coldly, "However, the quality inspection will be very strict, so don't you want me to help you and speak for you in terms of quality. !"

Afterwards, Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping helped Sun Kuang to leave the restaurant.

outside the restaurant.

"Brother Kuang, are you okay, do you need to go to the hospital?" Zhou Tao asked worriedly.

"No need!" Sun Kuang shook his head with an ugly expression.

Today, when he heard that Ye Chui was looking for Zheng Feng, he directly killed him, wanting to teach Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping a lesson.

But he didn't expect to stumble in front of Ye Chui!

Who is Ye Chui?They are not even considered as regular members of Dragon Tooth Eighth Team, they are just non-staff members who were coerced into joining the Nightfire Project.

But he actually suffered a big loss in front of this person!

Wouldn't it be a joke if this matter got out?

Sun Kuang is not a narrow-minded person, but it is impossible to be completely unconcerned about this kind of thing.

"Ye Chui, let's talk about Fang Chang..."


The first change, ask Zhang Sanjiang ticket~


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