"Ye Chui, let's talk about Fang Chang..."

Sun Kuang said in a low voice with some jealousy. At the same time, he thought of something and was a little puzzled: "I just grabbed his wrist just now, how did he transmit the electricity to me?"

"Is he..."

Sun Kuang thought of something, then hurriedly shook his head again.

"Impossible, that kind of person should have been registered!"

Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping saw Sun Kuang meditating silently, so they didn't dare to disturb him.

"Zheng Feng seems to have something in Ye Chui's hands, do you know what's going on?" Sun Kuang suddenly turned his head and asked.

Sun Kuang knew who Zheng Feng was. From his attitude towards Ye Chui just now, Sun Kuang could tell that he was a little too close to Ye Chui.

Hearing Sun Kuang's question, Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping both thought for a while.

"We also feel that Ye Chui has something to do with the captain... But the captain will definitely not tell us about this kind of thing." Zhou Tao said thoughtfully.

He didn't have the nerve to tell Sun Kuang that the strongest evidence for this argument was that Zheng Feng had asked him to deliver food to Ye Chui countless times.

He is a special team member of the Qianlong team, but he turned into a food delivery man!

Although Zheng Feng is usually very unreliable, but this time he was obviously even more unreliable.

Zhang Ping also said: "When we met for the first time, Zhou Tao and I were knocked out. We don't know what happened next. The captain said that he subdued Ye Chui, but Ye Chui and you mad brother today The posture of the match...I think the captain lied."

"There must be something tricky about it." Sun Kuang nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "I heard that the iphone6s that has been making a lot of noise recently was made by this Ye Chui?"

"That's right, it's him." Zhou Tao nodded and said.

And speaking of iphone6s, this machine is really good, he also bought one from Fang Jing, it is really convenient to use, the copycat machine is awesome!

But Fang Jing is so stingy, she even took money from him, and she didn't care about her own kindness at all.

Why didn't she find out that she was such a money fanatic before?

"Hmph, there must be something ulterior about this person!" Sun Kuang sneered, "I'm too late for the mission, but another day, I'll go to Fang Jing's place to see for myself, I want to find out about this guy. What the hell are you doing!"

It turned out that Zhou Tao and Zhang Ping were hiding their identities by staying with Zheng Feng and using their identities as waiters as a cover.

However, after Zheng Feng's rights were restricted, Sun Kuang asked the two of them to go on missions with him, and they didn't have to stay in the restaurant.

The three of them left Tianhai Commercial Building while talking.

in the restaurant.

"Brother Ye, you were really good just now." Zheng Feng said to Ye Chui with a flattering smile, "It's the first time I've seen Sun Kuang being so ashamed, I'm really relieved, but Brother Ye, be careful that he will trip you up , although he promised to help you, I am worried that he will trouble you again."

"It's okay." Ye Chui shook his head.

Sun Kuang's surname is evil, and he is quite forthright, since he agreed, he will definitely help him.

Of course, he had made Sun Kuang ashamed, so he probably wouldn't let it go, and would definitely trouble him again, but Ye Chui didn't take it to heart.

However, Zheng Feng continued to say a little unwillingly: "Brother Ye, I think you should be more cautious about this matter."

"Be more cautious?" Ye Chui smiled at Zheng Feng, "Why be cautious, kill him?"

Zheng Feng had been encouraging Ye Chui to kill Sun Kuang just now, and seeing Ye Chui put Sun Kuang down, he was even more moved.

"Brother Ye, as long as you kill him, I guarantee that there will be no other troubles." Zheng Feng said eagerly.

"How can you be so limitless?" Ye Chui rolled his eyes.

Although Sun Kuang hated it a bit, he was still one of his own after all, and Zheng Feng made him despise him for doing so.

Zheng Feng smiled dryly: "Brother Ye, I did this for your own good..."

"Fuck, don't talk about these scenes."

Ye Chui interrupted Zheng Feng, he stood up and walked outside: "You should pay more attention to the matter of the Quality Supervision Bureau, and contact Fang Jing when the time comes, she will know what to do next."

When he said this, Ye Chui thought to himself, Fang Jing is really a competent female secretary.

"Okay, I see." Zheng Feng nodded quickly.

He had hesitation on his face, and wanted to ask Ye Chui about the capsule on the wall of his stomach again, but he held back in the end.

Ye Chui probably wouldn't cheat him...

In any case, he is very useful to Ye Chui.


Tenglong Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which Fang Jing used to hide her identity, officially changed its name to Tianzhu Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd.

In other words, the brand of Car Babies was officially named Tianhammer.

"It's a pity that the names I finally came up with..."

Ye Chui is full of regrets about this.

The next few days passed.

Ye Chui is constantly studying the research and development of consciousness software, enjoying it.

First of all, what Ye Chui wants to study is software that forcibly accesses the consciousness of others.

Ye Chui integrates with the computer magic weapon. In his eyes, everyone is equivalent to a computer host, but there is a firewall. Unless it is those who are close and familiar with him, he cannot log in to the consciousness of the other party.

Forcibly accessing other people's consciousness is hacking technology, so Ye Chui first studied hacking technology and compared it with some theories of cultivation civilization, which gave him a lot of inspiration.

He discovered that there are two ways to access the consciousness of others.

The first is to directly violently break through the firewall of the opponent's consciousness and enter the opponent's consciousness.

This is like Ye Chui standing outside the door, breaking the door with violence, and then entering.

The second is to use deception to confuse the other party's subconscious mind and pretend to be someone with higher authority.

For example, if a girl only opens her heart to her lover, then Ye Chui can easily enter her consciousness by disguising her consciousness as her lover and deceiving her subconscious.

Of course, the second is relatively more difficult, the first is easier.

——Deception is a technical job, but direct violence to solve problems relies on brute force.

Ye Chui is now studying how to use brute force to break through the atrium of others and forcibly access the consciousness of the other party.

"Strange, there should be no problem in theory? But why doesn't it work..."

In the past few days, he has been researching this over-the-wall access software and encountered difficulties.

Theoretically, it is feasible, but some strangers can be found for experimentation, but it is difficult to break through the other party's subconscious firewall.

There must be something wrong.

While Ye Chui was wondering about this, Fang Jing suddenly called him.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chui asked a little strangely. In order to concentrate on the research of consciousness software, he didn't go to Maple Leaf Town much these two days.

Anyway, the car baby is thriving, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Ye Chui, Shen Kun came just now." Fang Jing couldn't hide the surprise in her voice.

"Isn't he here every week?" Ye Chui didn't know why Fang Jing was so excited.

"He brought someone with him this time!" Fang Jing continued.

"Who did you bring?" Ye Chui asked curiously.

Fang Jing's voice trembled slightly with excitement: "He introduced himself as the messenger of hellfire."


The second update~~~Ask Zhang Sanjiang ticket~~


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