"Messenger of Hellfire!?"

Hearing this name, Ye Chui was slightly startled.

The reason why he designed and produced iphone6s was to attract the attention of Hellfire.

Ye Chui is very curious about this organization. It is rumored that they influenced the industrial revolution and promoted the birth of today's scientific and technological civilization society.

"Where is he now?" Ye Chui asked immediately.

"He's in my room." Fang Jing continued, "Ye Chui, hurry up, he wants to see the two of us."

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Ye Chui immediately stopped hesitating, hung up the phone and went out.

On the one hand, he was very excited, but on the other hand, he was also a little worried, because the hellfire was full of mystery, and now Fang Jing faced the messenger of the hellfire alone, and he was worried that Fang Jing would be in danger.

Outside the community, Ye Chui took a taxi and drove to the suburbs. At the same time, he called Gangdan's car phone and asked him to come pick him up.

It is more than 100 miles from Xizhou City to Fengye Town, and it is many times faster to take a steel egg.

Ten minutes later, Ye Chui got off the car in the outskirts of the city, and the steel egg had already arrived, and he got into the steel egg again, and drove all the way to Maple Leaf Town.

"This messenger of hellfire, I don't know what it will be like..."

On the way, Ye Chui was a little restless.

"Brother Ye, what's the matter?" Gang Dan noticed Ye Chui's strangeness and asked curiously.

"It's nothing...Gangdan, I'm afraid you might encounter some danger when you meet me at the edge of the wasteland later." Ye Chui reminded.

"Dangerous?" Steel Dan was very surprised, but he still agreed, "Okay, I understand."

Steel egg drove at a very high speed all the way, and after ten minutes, it felt Maple Leaf Town and stopped outside the factory building.

Just as he got out of the car, Ye Chui saw Wen Jing walking towards him.

"Ye Chui, you are here!" Fang Jing's face was a little joyful. It was her wish to investigate Hellfire since she was a child. Now that she finally has a clue, she can't hide her excitement.

"What about others?" Ye Zhizhi asked.

"In the upstairs room." Fang Jing pointed to the window of his room.

There was a man standing at the window of the room, looking down at Ye Chui.

This is a young man, his gaze is as cold as ice.

"Let's go up." Ye Chui walked upstairs with Fang Jing, and he continued to ask, "Aside from me, did you notify anyone else?"

Fang Jing shook her head: "I heard that the captain's rights are restricted now, and Sun Kuang is in charge of the Dragon Tooth Eighth Team, so I didn't report to him."

Ye Chui was a little strange: "Why didn't you report to Sun Kuang?"

"You know, part of the Qianlong group denies the existence of Hellfire, and Sun Kuang is one of them. He didn't support the Nightfire plan at all. What's the use of me reporting to him?" Fang Jing explained road.

One thing Fang Jing didn't say was that Ye Chui was the first thing she thought of after the arrival of the Hellfire Emissary.

After notifying Ye Chui, he didn't think about the other members of the Qianlong team.

"You contacted this Hellfire Emissary, didn't you make him suspect you?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

When Fang Jing called Ye Chui just now, her voice trembled with excitement, which made Ye Chui doubt whether Fang Jing had revealed her identity.

"Don't worry, I won't." Fang Jing smiled confidently, "I'm very smart, how could I expose myself?"

Ye Chui was a little speechless, when it came to Fang Jing's wit... he had reservations.

When the two came outside the room, Fang Jing pushed open the door.

The young man stood in front of the window, looking at Ye Chui with scrutiny on his face.

He has a good appearance and can be regarded as a handsome guy, but his face is a little livid, giving people a very gloomy and terrifying feeling.

It can even feel a little hideous.

It was a very hot day at this time, but this young man was wearing a hooded long-sleeved shirt, covering himself tightly, only showing his face.

And seeing this person at first glance, Ye Chui's body suddenly trembled violently.

"This feeling……"

A feeling of disbelief and incomparable surprise flooded into his heart.

On this young man's body, he actually felt the breath of vitality!

Vitality is a kind of wonderful breath that a cultivator absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and stores in the body, and it is the root of cultivation.

After the earth was reborn, Ye Chui realized that there was no aura on the earth, and without aura, there would be no cultivators.

But on the body of this hellfire messenger, Ye Chui actually felt the vitality of a cultivator!

For a moment, Ye Chui was shocked beyond words.

However, Ye Chui's reaction was also very sensitive, the surprised expression on his face was only fleeting, and then he returned to his usual demeanor.

"Are you Brother Hammer who built the iphone6s?" The Hellfire Messenger didn't notice Ye Chui's, he looked at it and asked.

Ye Chui nodded: "That's right, it's me, you said you are the messenger of Hellfire, what is Hellfire?"

It is impossible for ordinary people to know the existence of Hellfire, so Ye Chui asked this question pretending not to know.

——Being an undercover master is also a profession!

"Hellfire is a mysterious and great organization with enormous power and capabilities that you can't imagine, and you are very lucky to be recognized by us and can become one of us." The hellfire messenger walked to Ye Chui with a smile. In front of him, "I now formally send you an invitation letter, hoping that you can join Hellfire."

"I'm sorry." Fang Jing said suddenly from the side, "We've never heard of hellfire, are you deceiving us?"

Ye Chui was slightly surprised when Fang Jing said this, and then realized that Fang Jing was deliberately covering up just like him.

Fang Jing's reaction at this moment is exactly the reaction of ordinary people when they hear the name Hellfire for the first time.

Involuntarily, Ye Chui praised Fang Jing's expression.

It seems that he was worrying too much just now, this girl is indeed very witty...

"Quack..." The Hellfire Messenger let out an ugly laugh, and then said, "Are you denying the existence of Hellfire? Well, let me show you how powerful the power from Hellfire is!"

After saying this, he suddenly raised his left arm, revealing a section of arm under the long sleeve.

Seeing that arm, Ye Chui was startled suddenly, surprised in his heart: "His arm is covered with tattoos, and the lines of this tattoo seem to be the technique of refining weapons..."


Fang Jing suddenly exclaimed, and Ye Chui woke up. When he looked at the hands of the hellfire messenger, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

A mass of black flames condensed in the hands of the Hellfire Messenger.

At the same time, the tattoo on his arm also lit up, as if something was being transported to his hands using the tattoo pattern as a route.


The Hellfire Messenger flicked his hand, and the black flame immediately blasted onto a dressing table next to him.


The strange flames of the black flames immediately ignited, and the entire dressing table was reduced to ashes in a blink of an eye.

However, the black flame did not burn anywhere else. When the dressing table was reduced to ashes, the black flame disappeared automatically.

"Well, you should believe it now, right?" The Hellfire Messenger looked at Ye Chui and Fang Jing proudly.

Both Ye Chui and Fang Jing had expressions of shock and surprise.

Fang Jing was really surprised, because what she saw was beyond the scope of science.

But Ye Chui had other thoughts in his mind: "The pattern on his arm is a kind of vitality transmission array used by a craftsman to forge a magic weapon. The hellfire envoy engraved this array on his body. It's like putting on a set of battle armor, just now he just used the array to transport the vitality stored in a certain part of his body to his hands, and then released black flames..."

"In the civilization of comprehension, this is the method only used by those with low talent for comprehension."

"This hellfire is indeed related to the cultivation civilization of the earth!"


Today's third update~~~~ I'm asking for a Sanjiang ticket~~~


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