The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

120 You are so 2, do your parents know?

"Quack... how about it, do you now understand how great Hellfire is?"

The hellfire messenger then looked at Ye Chui and Fang Jing with a strange smile.

Ye Chui and Fang Jing's shocked expressions made him very useful.

"It's amazing, you can actually emit flames from your hand... What is this flame? Why did it only burn the table, but did no harm to other items?" Fang Jing exclaimed and asked a series of questions.

This is not a play, but she was really shocked.

Although Ye Chui felt that this was just a pediatric trick, he still showed a surprised expression: "It's really amazing, just like magic."

"This is not magic, but supernatural power." The Hellfire Messenger said arrogantly.

Can such a trick be called a supernatural power?

Ye Chui snorted, especially disdainful.

Of course, thinking this way in his heart, there was an expression of incomparable admiration on his face, as if he had been completely stunned by the performance of the Hellfire Emissary just now.

The Hellfire Messenger went on to say at this moment: "There are many great things about our Hellfire that you can't even imagine. Do you want to accept our invitation now?"

Ye Chui and Fang Jing are still hesitant - the acting must be sufficient, if they agree directly, it will appear a little false.

"Can we discuss it?" Ye Chui asked.

"I have plenty of time." The Hellfire Messenger smiled, but his smile was a bit ferocious, "However, I hope you can bear the consequences of refusing our invitation."

Ye Chui nodded with Fang Jing, and then came outside the door.

"How did he do it just now? He spewed out flames from his hands. The flames are so special. Hellfires really have powers that we don't understand." In the corridor outside, Fang Jing immediately showed excitement like a child. expression, still holding Ye Chui's hand and shaking it constantly, "Dad and Mom must have been taken away by them!"

This made Ye Chui extremely speechless: girl, it was hard to hold back just now, didn't you?

When the two came out at this moment, they just pretended to have a discussion, and after a while, they pushed the door again and walked into the room.

The young man was still standing in front of the window.

"Well, what are you thinking about?" He asked with a smile.

"We agree to join Hellfire!" Ye Chui said as if he had made a big decision.

Fang Jing also said: "It is our honor to join Hellfire, can you tell us more about Hellfire?"

"You can find out about this later, hehe, you have a lot of time to experience it." The Hellfire Messenger continued.

There seemed to be something else in his words.

Fang Jing's parents disappeared for no reason and were suspected of being absorbed into Hellfire. At this moment, the Hellfire messenger said that he had a lot of time to experience it. Did he mean that they would be imprisoned from now on?

Ye Chui glanced at Fang Jing, and Fang Jing seemed to understand the meaning of the Hellfire Messenger's words.

Fang Jing asked excitedly: "Then can you tell me where the hellfire is?"

"Hellfire...of course it's in hell." The young man said in a mysterious voice.

in hell?

Ye Chui's heart trembled slightly, and he thought of some kind of speculation. Could the hell that the Hellfire Messenger mentioned refer to...

Fang Jing then asked: "Hell? What does this mean?"

"Quack, you will understand later."

The Hellfire Messenger laughed strangely, as if he had no patience to continue answering.

"Since you have agreed, it is time for us to leave. I will take you to a place where you can officially join Hellfire, and then you can continue to come back here to do your fake mobile phone business. I will provide you with some protection."

When Ye Chui heard this, he couldn't help being taken aback: let them continue to come back here, and then provide a certain amount of protection?

Shouldn't they be imprisoned?

Or... do they have any means of controlling people!

Ye Chui guessed in his heart, but asked, "Where are you taking us?"

"This is a secret, but before I take you away, there are still things I want to confirm." The Hellfire Messenger stared at the two of them and said.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chui asked.

"Are you from some organization and want to penetrate our Hellfire?" The Hellfire Messenger suddenly said in a cold voice.

Hellfire has existed for thousands of years, but it has never been confirmed by anyone, because they are very cautious, and it is not easy for any organization to penetrate.

At this moment, the Hellfire Messenger looked at Ye Chui and Fang Jing with icy eyes, feeling extremely oppressive.

There seemed to be a cold light in his eyes, which made people feel fear involuntarily.

This is like a kind of shocking eyes, which will make people with unstable minds involuntarily say what they think in their hearts.

Ye Chui recognized that this is a means of interrogating prisoners in the cultivation civilization...of course it is a relatively low-level one.

Fang Jing's face turned pale. After all, she was a girl. Although she had received special training, she was still not mentally strong enough.

Ye Chui was immune to the shock of this kind of gaze, but he also pretended to be frightened. Before Fang Jing couldn't bear to speak, he hurriedly said: "How come we come from what organization? Don't say anything, you Too much to worry about."

Following Ye Chui's words, Fang Jing also came to her senses, and she nodded hurriedly: "Yes, we are happy to join after seeing the power displayed by your hellfires."

"Hey, that's good." The young man seemed relieved, "Okay, it's time for us to leave, you couple, go and prepare some luggage."


Fang Jing blushed for a moment.

This kind of misunderstanding is very embarrassing, and she will explain it right away.

Ye Chui didn't give him a chance, he hugged Fang Jing's slender waist, smiled and said to the young man, "Okay, let's prepare our luggage now!"

After a while, Fang Jing packed a backpack, took some clothes and walked out of the room with Ye Chui.

Taking advantage of the young man's absence, Ye Chui made another phone call to Gang Dan, asking him to follow him later, so that he can get support in case of any accident.

Steel egg is now consciously awakened, and controls thirteen fierce soldiers, whose lethality is very impressive.

Fang Jing and Ye Chui came to the courtyard outside.

The young man came by car, it was a Lexus LS, he was already sitting in the driver's seat, and beckoned for Ye Chui and Fang Jing to get in the car.

If there are no accidents, this night fire plan should be successful.


Just when Ye Chui and Fang Jing were about to get into the car, a car suddenly drove over on the road outside the factory.

The car ended up parked outside the factory building.

A tall man got out of the car.

This man is none other than Sun Kuang.

He had wanted to visit Ye Chui and Fang Jing for a long time, and finally found time today.

The movements of Ye Chui and Fang Jing suddenly became stiff.

What's the situation? Why didn't Sun Kuang come here at this time? ?

I hope this person can respond more sensitively and don't make any fools.

Fang Jing hastily gave Sun Kuang a few winks, signaling him not to expose them.

However, Sun Kuang didn't notice Fang Jing's expression at all.

He first gave Ye Chui a cold look, and then his eyes focused on the Lexus beside the two of them.

Subconsciously, he thought the car belonged to Ye Chui and Fang Jing.

Sun Kuang suddenly became furious.

"Lexus? This car is at least 150 million, right? Ye Chui Fangjing, you guys are driving such a good car. This is a waste of our Qianlong team's resources. I think your night fire plan to penetrate Hellfire should be terminated! "

"Hiding Dragon Team? See through Hellfire's Nightfire plan?"

The young man sitting in the driver's seat accurately captured these words.

"Fuck me!" Ye Chui couldn't help rolling his eyes.

At this moment, he had a feeling of admiration for Sun Kuang: "You are so stupid, do your parents know?"


The first update~~~~~ The state is not good recently, it seems that it is a bit unbearable to continue for three updates, let’s reply to two updates for the time being, and take a good look at the plot and outline~~ Forgive me...


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