Although the Qianlong group holds great power, there are resource allocation limits for the execution of tasks.

Especially the eighth team of Longya, which was originally a team that suffered from cold reception, and the funds allocated by the leader were even more pitiful.

Zheng Feng's income from the high-end restaurants used as a cover-up falls into Zheng Feng's own pockets, so the budget for this task is very tight.

In the past, when Sun Kuang went on missions, he could not be reimbursed for small bills such as accommodation and meals...

Now he is in charge of the operation of the entire Longya eighth team, and he feels the financial constraints.

Fang Jing's night fire mission, originally looked at him as a useless effort, and he felt resentful in his heart. He intended to terminate this mission, but now seeing Fang Jing and Ye Chui driving such a good car, he Immediately became furious.

150 million luxury car?He does the task is to open the small battery!

After he shouted loudly, he came over angrily.

"Quack quack... I was almost fooled by you!"

The young man sitting in the driver's seat let out a strange smile.

"Be careful!" Ye Chui immediately realized the danger, and hurriedly shouted at Fang Jing, "Squat down!"

Fang Jing had been fooled by Sun Kuanger's extreme divine reaction, when she heard Ye Chui's words, she subconsciously followed suit and squatted on the ground.


A ball of black flame blasted out from the window glass above Fang Jing's head.


Fang Jing was frightened and immediately screamed out.

The Hellfire Emissary then kicked open the driver's door, and the person jumped out.

Ye Chui stood in front of him.

" are so hateful, I won't forgive you." He opened his mouth and sneered, and at the same time, black flames condensed in his hands.

"go away!"

Ye Chui was willing to wait for him to make a move, and kicked out with one kick, hitting his chest directly.

He used all his strength, and this kick was even more vigorous.


With a scream from the Hellfire Messenger, the person flew away.

Because the door of the car happened to be behind him, even the front door of the luxury car was torn off, and he fell back four or five meters.

Ye Chui's body exceeds the limit of the human body, and this kick may have a strength of thousands of kilograms.

Then Ye Chui rushed to the other side of the car to check if Fang Jing was injured.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

"This...what's going on?" Sun Kuang was completely stunned.

"That man is the messenger of hellfire."

Fang Jing explained in a hurry, with a bit of regret in her eyes.

The identity was revealed so quickly, let alone the plan or something...

Is this the legendary pig-like teammate?

She was really not reconciled. She had prepared for half a year, made such a big noise, and just had a clue, but it was ruined like this!

Sun Kuang hadn't recovered yet: "Hellfire...does there really exist hellfire?"

"Quack... Quack..."

The ugly cry sounded again, Ye Chui frowned and looked at the young man.

The kick just now would have been paralyzed by someone else, right?

This product can still resist!

"It seems that the refining pattern on his body still has a certain degree of anti-strike effect..." Ye Chui speculated in his heart.

Now that it was exposed, it was natural to take this guy under the knife and ask for more information. Ye Chui let go of Fang Jing who had been holding him all the time, and planned to subdue this guy first.

But at this time, another shadow beside him has already rushed over quickly.

Sun Kuang made the first move!

After all, he had received professional training, and he already understood at this moment that he had badly messed up something just now, and he wanted to make up for it.

As soon as he took the shot, he used all his strength, so he must take this guy down first.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

He punched one after another, and his fists bombarded the Hellfire Emissary like a violent storm, like crazy.

This is also the reason why his name is Sun Kuang, because of this crazy attack.

He is strong, but not slow.

The punching is even more fluid and fluid.

"Sun Kuang's fighting ability is the strongest in our Longya Eighth Team!" Fang Jing had never seen Sun Kuang fight with others like this before, and her eyes lit up, "It seems really powerful, alas, I don't know After this envoy is captured, can you ask something from his mouth..."

Hearing Fang Jing's words, Ye Chui shook his head and smiled: "Take down this emissary? Sun Kuang definitely won't do it."

"Why?" Fang Jing asked with some doubts.

"Didn't you notice? Sun Kuang hit this guy with every punch, but this guy didn't even move... It's not that he couldn't dodge, but he thought there was no need to dodge. He is useless." Ye Chui explained.

At the same time, flames and lightning filled his left hand, and he summoned the Fire Thor's Hammer.

Fang Jing looked at it seriously, and sure enough, she couldn't help being surprised: "How could this be... The strength of Sun Kuang's fist must be at least one hundred kilograms, right?"

One hundred kilograms... Xiaoye's attack power of one thousand kilograms just now is useless. Isn't this one hundred kilograms itchy for the Hellfire Emissary?

It seemed that he was tired from playing with Sun Kuang, and the Hellfire Messenger made Sun Kuang stop attacking with a strange laugh.

He kicked casually, directly on Sun Kuang's chest.


It was the sound of ribs breaking, and Sun Kuang let out a low cry, and he was already kicked away.


He fell heavily to the ground.

"Sun Kuang!" Fang Jing exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hey, is the Qianlong group at this level? I'm so disappointed!" The Hellfire Messenger sneered, and walked towards Ye Chui, his eyes were vicious and full of ferocity, "You two are really disgusting , even deceived me, I will make you regret it."

He walked up to Ye Chui first, staring at Ye Chui with contempt: "Quack..."

"Karma, you are paralyzed!"

Ye Chui couldn't stand this kind of weird laughter the most, and following the furious curses in his mouth, the Fire Thor's Hammer was set off by a burst of flames and lightning.


The hammer hit the Hellfire Emissary's chin directly, and the flames splashed all over the place.

The Hellfire Messenger couldn't help screaming, a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, along with a few teeth.

His body was blasted upward by the hammer, and his body rose from the ground.

But before he could fly high, the second hammer hit the lower abdomen one after another.


The hammer bent his body.

In the short time, it was the third hammer.


This time Ye Chui jumped up, and from top to bottom, hit the young man's head with a hammer.

The body of the Hellfire Messenger fell heavily on the ground like mud, and the dust scattered.

Three hammers in a row, almost reaching the extreme, but in the blink of an eye.

This is the limit of what Ye Chui can do now.

It must be fast and attack with lightning speed.

Although the black flame attack of the Hellfire Messenger is a child's play, it is quite difficult for Ye Chui now.

Fortunately... the release time of this skill is a bit long.

He turned to look at Fang Jing and Sun Kuang.

Fang Jing's expression was dull.

This is the first time seeing Ye Chui's hands. She didn't expect Ye Chui to be able to research Transformers, and even his hands-on ability is so strong!

Sun Kuang was even more dumbfounded.

But then, a look of horror appeared in the eyes of the two of them one after another.

Ye Chui also frowned, and turned around to look.

The hellfire emissary, who was like mud, unexpectedly climbed up from the ground again.

He was miserable, with blood constantly flowing from his nose and eyes, and a few teeth were missing from his cracked mouth, but he was laughing crazily.


He tore off the clothes on his body, revealing the tattoos all over his body.

Except for his face, his body is densely covered with tattoos.

This is a tattoo that incorporates refining techniques. It looks like a battle armor that is split on the body. It can also be regarded as a man-made body meridian, which can exert the ability of a cultivator.

Of course, this is not worth mentioning in Ye Chui's eyes.

If he is allowed to design this armor, the ability can be increased by at least three times.

"You forced me to do this!"

The Hellfire Messenger spoke vaguely, and at some point in his hand a syringe appeared, with a light blue liquid in it.

"That is……"

Ye Chui's eyes widened suddenly when he saw the light blue liquid.

In fact, from the moment he first saw the Hellfire Messenger, Ye Chui felt the faint breath of vitality from him.

But at this moment, Ye Chui was even more sure that the breath came from the syringe.

It's just that he didn't know where he put the Eastern Tibet Province just now.

I saw that the Hellfire Messenger inserted the syringe into his chest, and injected all the liquid in it into his body!

"So it is!"

Ye Chui suddenly understood.

"The earth has no spiritual energy. The tattoo armor on the Hellfire Messenger has the ability to store vitality. The textures on his chest are a vitality storage array, which can continuously provide him with energy. At this moment, he This is equivalent to replenishing energy!"

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