The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

122 Just stand like this, don't move

Seeing the Hellfire Messenger pumping liquid vitality into his body like hell, Ye Chui didn't stop him.

He was a little curious, how powerful is the Hellfire Emissary in this state?

At the same time, doubts arose in his heart, the earth has no spiritual energy fluctuations, how did the vitality liquid in the hands of the hellfire messenger come from?

Could it be that this thing can also be synthesized by technology?

"Ye Chui stop him quickly, the thing in the syringe must be unusual!" Sun Kuang shouted loudly, trying to get up from the ground at the same time.

But the injuries on his body were really serious, he didn't know how many ribs in his chest were broken, and every slight movement made him sweat coldly with pain.

Ye Chui didn't pay attention to Sun Kuang, but looked at the hellfire messenger with great interest and began to transform.

The light blue liquid turned into a stream of pure energy, which was stored in the storage array on his chest, and then flowed to all parts of his body.

His tattoos lit up.

The body seems to have grown a lot, the muscles are arched piece by piece, and the veins on the head are even more bulging, looking hideous.

——Cholesterol or something is absolutely weak compared to this.

Most importantly, it is Yuan Qi which is the purest form of energy.

The changes in the body caused by this energy have no side effects at all, and it can even bring certain benefits to the body!

"He took forbidden drugs, Ye Chui, you have to be careful!" Fang Jing hastily warned loudly.

"Oh, I see."

Ye Chui agreed with a very vigilant expression.

Naturally, he could feel the powerful power emanating from this hellfire messenger.

Not to be underestimated.


The Hellfire Messenger raised his head and shouted loudly, as if a wild beast was roaring. He wiped the blood flowing from his nose and eyes, forced a grin on his face, and then rushed to Ye Chui with a flash of his body.

high speed!

Ye Chui only caught a black shadow sweeping towards his head, and he hastily used the Fire Thor's Hammer to resist.


Flames and lightning erupted, Ye Chui managed to resist the whip, but his body was knocked sideways and fell to the side, hitting the Lexus hard.

There was a loud noise.

This strong impact caused the whole car to shake violently, and the window glass fell all over the floor.

The Hellfire Emissary jumped up and smashed down from a high place with fists in both hands.

Ye Chui hastily dodged to dodge.


The Hellfire Emissary's attack hit the car hard, and the whole car was instantly deformed by the smash.

Ye Chui was a little tongue-tied: "A luxury car worth more than 100 million yuan was smashed casually. Do you think it's because you're afraid of the movie? It's a waste!"

"Quack quack..."

The Hellfire Emissary seems to be in a very excited state of rampage at the moment, there are so many things to control.

He grabbed the roof of the Lexus with both hands, directly lifted the two-ton heavy car, and threw it at Ye Chui head-on!

The car smashed towards Ye Chui.

Fang Jing couldn't help screaming, so seriously crushing the top of her head, wouldn't she be crushed into a meatloaf! ?

Ye Chui had no time to dodge.

The blazing flame of the Thor's Hammer burner was entangled with electric light. Ye vertically took a hammer and blasted it out, and the flame and electric light hit the car.

Suddenly the flames splashed!

This Lexus was smashed to another place by Ye Chui's hammer, and fell to the ground amidst a loud rumbling noise.

Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief, his palms felt a little numb, it was really difficult and dangerous to blast away a car that had hit him head-on twice.

But then, a black shadow flashed before Ye Chui's eyes, and the Hellfire Emissary had already arrived in front of him.

He didn't attack Ye Chui in a hurry, but escaped Ye Chui's Hammer of Fire and Thor.

"This thing is strange...but you can't do without it, right?" The Hellfire Emissary sneered, and threw the hammer far away.

He exerted so much force that Thor's hammer was thrown away like a cannonball.

But then, the hammer was suddenly fixed in the air again, and then flew back quickly.

——After comprehending the power of the heart, Ye Chui has already refined the hammer of the fire and thunder god into a clone of himself, which can be commanded at will.

"Quack, I see what you can do now..." The Hellfire Messenger said ferociously.

"Stand up." Ye Chui said with a smile.


"Just stand like this and don't move." Ye Chui continued.


The thunderbolt's hammer that returned quickly hit the Hellfire Emissary's forehead with such force that the Hellfire Emissary coughed up a mouthful of blood involuntarily.

"Ah!!!" He roared angrily.

Ye Chui has already held the Hammer of Huo Thor in his hand again.

With a round swing, he slammed the hammer on the chest of the Hellfire Emissary.

The Hellfire Messenger was bombarded by this force, and his body fell backwards involuntarily, but the hammer didn't do much damage to him. He retreated a few meters and stabilized his figure.

"It's fucking tough..."

Ye Chui gasped slightly.

He is just a refiner and has no means of attack. His Hammer of Fire and Thunder is just a magic weapon for him to forge weapons with strength. The attack power is really weak. All he can do is mobilize the two natural forces contained in his body. power to attack.

Facing ordinary people, Ye Chui was naturally capable of sweeping them all, but he was a little powerless in the face of this berserk hellfire emissary.

"Fortunately... I still have two middle-level magic weapons, the steel egg and the phantom!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately rushed to the wasteland outside the factory building.

At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Hellfire Messenger, if you have the ability, chase me!"

"Bastard, I'm going to tear you to pieces!"

The Hellfire Messenger was traumatized by Ye Chui one after another, and the anger in his heart could not be calmed down.

Coupled with the state of excitement at the moment, there was still too much to think about, so he followed Ye Chui and chased after him.

Fang Jing stared blankly at Ye Chui's galloping figure, with a worried look on her face.

"I didn't expect Ye Chui to have such a side. What secrets does he have... The most important thing now is to contact the captain first!"

Fang Jing hastily took out her cell phone.

"Stop for me, I'm going to smash you into meat paste!"

The Hellfire Messenger shouted, chasing Ye Chui's figure.

And Ye Chui entered the range of the wasteland, and shouted loudly: "Steel egg, call him!"

Before, Ye Chui was worried that he would encounter danger, so he asked Steel Egg to wait at the edge of the wasteland.

At this moment, Gang Dan heard Ye Chui's voice, and immediately drove over quickly.

When it was three meters away from the Hellfire Emissary, it jumped up, and at the same time it made a crackling sound, and changed into a humanoid form in the air. With both hands, it pulled out No. [-] murderer from behind, with two knives, and charged The Hellfirebringer cut it down.


Seeing the steel egg appear suddenly, the hellfire messenger couldn't believe it.

But then the two knives came down, his face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly hid to the side.


Two half-meter-deep ravines were split directly on the ground. The power of these two knives was terrifying.

"What!?" The Hellfire Messenger opened his eyes wide. He came from Hellfire and is used to seeing all kinds of powerful forces, but this is the first time he has seen steel eggs like this.

Steel Egg swung the two knives round, and slashed at Hellfire again.

Hellfire had no choice but to jump up, dodging the attack of these two knives - he moved very sensitively, and the tattooed battle armor on his body obviously enhanced his senses.

When the steel egg fell to the ground, he stretched out his right hand, and a ball of black flames had condensed in his hand.

"What Transformers, die to me!"

The Hellfirebringer laughed shrilly, and was about to strike.

"Phantom!" Ye Chui hastily shouted.

At the same time, Steel Egg quickly ran to the side.

"Want to run?" The Hellfire Emissary swung his right hand in the direction that the steel egg was running.


The black flame chased the steel egg and blasted past.


Amidst the loud noise, the black flame directly blasted onto the steel egg!

"Quack, this hellfire can burn everything in the world, even Transformers can't resist it..." The hellfire messenger laughed, but suddenly he was taken aback, "Eh? No, my hellfire doesn't seem to be there at all. Attack anything!?"

The cold sword qi has arrived in front of him!

The Hellfire Messenger let out a strange cry, and rolled his body on the spot to avoid it.

Where he was originally standing, there were already two intersecting ravines.

The figure of the steel egg flashed in front of him.

——Just now he was actually standing in the same place, not moving at all, and what the hellfire messenger attacked was only his image.

This image is, of course, the work of an illusion.

In this wasteland, phantoms can modify any environment at will and create any images.

The Hellfire Messenger had never encountered such a situation, and was at a loss for a while.

At this moment, he felt something and looked around in surprise.

Ye Chui is walking over.

But, one, two, three...

There are 24 of them!

Each one carries a hammer, each one has a sneer, each one is exactly the same.

They slowly approached him from all around.

gang fight?

Naturally, these are all works of illusion, using the principle of optics to condense the phantom of Ye Chui.

But... which one is real?


The first one~~~


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