
The 24 Ye Chui approached step by step, posing as a gang fight, and at the same time there were Transformers attacking beside the driver.

The Hellfire Messenger hesitated for a moment, then regained his madness.

At the moment he was in a state of excitement, the hesitation in his heart was replaced by a frantic impulse in just a few seconds, he laughed a few times, and rushed to the 24 Ye Chui.

"I don't care who you are, I'll knock you all to the ground one by one!"

His attack method is very simple, but after the enhancement of the tattoo armor on his body, his strength and speed are much stronger.

His fists kept hitting those 24 Ye Chui's bodies.

The steel egg on the side has already put away the double knives. What is needed at this time is a long-distance attack. He raised his arms, and with a clicking sound, a bump appeared under each arm, extending the barrel of the gun.

Soldier No. [-], heavy machine gun!

"Thumbs up..."

The bullets hit the Hellfire Emissary like rain.

"Ahhh!" The Hellfire Messenger kept screaming.

However, even though he screamed terribly, the bullet did not cause him any harm.

The tattoo armor on his body is very defensive. The heavy machine gun of No. [-] Fierce Soldier can blast away half an inch of stainless steel with a single shot, but it can only make him scream in pain when it hits the Hellfire Emissary one after another. But it can't cause substantial harm to him.

The bullets from the machine gun shot at him, as if he had been lightly whipped with a whip, causing redness and swelling at most.

Steel Egg aimed his heavy machine gun directly at Hellfirebringer's head, the only place that wasn't tattooed.

However, even if the bullet hit his head, it still couldn't cause substantial damage to him.

——It's not that he doesn't have tattoos on his head, but uses a special method to hide the tattoos on his skin.

After all, if the face is full of tattoos, daily life will be extremely inconvenient.

His tattoo armor can be described as a full range of equipment.

Of course, even though this heavy machine gun couldn't cause substantial damage to the Hellfire Emissary, it made him embarrassed enough to keep avoiding, and at the same time guard against Ye Chui who kept rushing towards him.

He couldn't tell the truth from the fake, so he could only dodge and attack every Ye Chuidu's.

The flames of hell have no time to condense.

"Which one is his real body!?" The Hellfire Messenger scanned the 24 Ye Chui with red eyes.

In fact, none of these 24 leaves is the real body.

At this moment, Ye Chui was squatting in the distance—he let the phantom hide his figure.

The Hammer of Fire and Thunder God in his hand was firmly attached to the ground of the wasteland.

Because of the oil well leakage incident and the outbreak of fire in this wasteland, this place has become a place for raising spirits of fire magic weapons, filled with rich elements of fire power.

At this moment, Ye Chui is quickly absorbing the power of fire.

He is about to launch a fatal attack.

But it takes time.

"Steel egg, attack his left shoulder, that's the weak point of the tattoo armor!" Ye Chui didn't stay idle during the concentrated attack time, but kept reasoning about the weakness of the Hellfire Emissary.

He quickly found out the weakness of this low-level tattoo armor.

His voice was very low at the moment, but in the wasteland, illusions could be said to be everywhere, automatically transmitting his words to the steel egg's sound receiver.

"Good boss."

Steel Dan immediately agreed.

Ka Ka Ka - No. [-] Fierce Soldier put away his heavy machine gun and turned into No. [-] Fierce Soldier for long-range sniping.

This is also the most powerful attack among Steel Egg's hot weapons, but its weakness is that the interval between attacks is a little long.

He immediately slapped Hellfirebringer's left shoulder.


The sniper bullets flew out, and at such a close range, they killed the Hellfire Emissary in an instant.


The sniper bullet pierced the Hellfire Emissary's left shoulder.

It's just that the spiral force originally possessed by the sniper bullet has not been brought into play.

When an ordinary person is shot in the shoulder, the force can probably directly punch a big hole in the left side of the person's body and tear off the entire arm.

However, there was only one more blood hole in the body of the Hellfire Emissary.

Even so, this is a rare wound on Hellfirebringer now.

"I will burn you to ashes!"

He was so angry that he immediately rushed towards the direction of the steel egg.

"Continue hitting his left shoulder!" Ye Chui continued to say to Gangdan.

This left shoulder is the weakness of the Hellfire Messenger's tattoo armor. If the tattoo pattern on his left shoulder is completely destroyed, his tattoo armor will be completely paralyzed.

Originally, the Hellfire Emissary had to deal with the entanglement of Ye Chui's image created by the illusion, and there was no time to condense that kind of black flame.

But because of the fury in his heart, he completely ignored these images of Ye Chui, and black flames condensed out of his hands.


Two groups of black flames bombarded Steel Egg violently.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the place where the steel egg stood still became a big pit.

But the steel egg has disappeared.

——The steel egg and the illusion cooperate seamlessly. When the hellfire messenger launches the hellfire, the steel egg has already avoided it, and the illusion creates the illusion that the steel egg is still standing in place, deceiving the eyes of the hellfire messenger.


The bullet was loaded, and the second sniper bullet fired out.

The Hellfire Emissary took precautions, and hastily swung his body so that the second bullet did not directly hit the weak spot on his left shoulder.


The bullet hit the left arm, but it didn't shoot the left arm into a bloody hole like the shoulder, but left a bloodstain.

The figure of the Hellfire Messenger turned into a flying shadow, and arrived in front of the steel egg in a blink of an eye.

"I see you hiding there!"

The Hellfire Messenger punched Steel Egg fiercely.


His fist hit the ground directly.

Steel Egg dodged under the cover of the phantom in a nick of time.

The Hellfire Messenger was not discouraged, a small ball of black flames condensed in his hands, and he watched the movement around him vigilantly.

If the steel egg attacks again, he can release hellfire in a very short time.

At that time, even if the steel egg is hidden with the help of the phantom, he will still have the confidence to attack the steel egg.

After all, the direction of the bullet will not change.

"Come out, keep shooting, quack..."

The Hellfire Messenger screamed loudly, with a ferocious aura all over his body.

"Brother Hammer, come out if you have the ability, coward! Is Transformers amazing? It just so happens that my car is scrapped, and I still need a car, quack..."

24 phantoms of Ye Chui constantly attacked the Hellfire Bringer.

But the Hellfire Messenger had completely let go of his guard against these phantoms and allowed them to attack.

It was at this moment that Ye Chui walked over.

Among the 24 phantoms of Ye Chui, his figure was very inconspicuous, and he did not attract the attention of the Hellfire Emissary at all.

This is Ye Chui's real body.

I saw that the hammer in his hand suddenly turned fiery red, as if the steel had been burned red by flames.

There were bursts of dragon roars.

On the Fire Thor's Hammer, there are reliefs of two small dragons. These two small dragons are formed by the condensed power of fire and electricity when Ye Chui refined the Fire Thor's Hammer. At this moment, the two dragons represent the power of fire. Li's little dragon seemed to come alive, it swam around the hammer, growling constantly.

Ye Chui is a craftsman and has no attack skills, but he can control fire to form a powerful killing force.

He had absorbed enough fire power to deliver a fatal blow.


The roar of the dragon broke out completely, and the little dragon on the god of fire and thunder suddenly attacked and evolved into a huge flame dragon!

It is lifelike, as if it is real, swimming in the air, as if it has a deterrent force that can destroy the world.

Then it was directly wrapped around the body of the Hellfire Emissary.

Roaring and tearing.

It entangled the hellfire messengers.

The Hellfire Messenger struggled and hissed, but couldn't escape from the flame dragon's coils, and only let out bursts of tragic roars.

He can only wait for the flames of the fire dragon to burn him into ashes!

The voice of the Hellfire Bringer gradually began to decrease.

However, just as his screams were about to disappear and Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief——

The terrifying voice of the Hellfire Messenger suddenly resounded.

"Dark flames, hell in all directions!"


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