
"Dark flames, hell in all directions!"

The hoarse and tragic voice of the Hellfire Messenger resounded.

Fuck, this is the rhythm of the big move!

Ye Chui's originally relaxed nerves suddenly tightened up again.

I saw that a trace of dark flame suddenly emerged from the entanglement of the giant dragon flame!


The dark flame rapidly expanded.

Like a black lotus in full bloom.

In a blink of an eye, the black flames spread out, directly tearing the flame dragon into pieces.

The black flame spread even closer to the ground.

——Dark flames, hell in all directions!

This black flame is a means of attack by practitioners.

However, in Ye Cui's eyes, the Hellfire Messenger is immature in using this killer move. The spread of the Eight Directions Hell is limited, only within 20 meters around the body.

Of course, Ye Chui is following the path of refining weapons, and the current state cannot be resisted.

"Fuck me!" He cursed angrily, jumped up, and jumped back, avoiding the black flames.

"Quack...Brother Hammer, you are so clever, you actually let me use this trick..."

In the center of the dark flames, the figure of the Hellfire Messenger appeared.

His body is dark red, his eyebrows and hair have been burned to ashes, and all his clothes have been burned except for the waist part (ps: everyone understands...) His appearance is miserable Somewhat terrifyingly ferocious.

The tattoos all over his body were quite dim at this moment, obviously using this killing move cost him a lot.

He sneered and walked towards Ye Chui.


There was a bang that pierced the air, and something flew towards him.

The Hellfire Messenger turned around abruptly, stretched out his hand like lightning, and grabbed something in his hand!

"Want to attack me? Thought the Transformers were amazing...Huh?"

He was taken aback suddenly, because he saw clearly what he was holding in his hand.

Is this... a missile?


The extremely violent explosion made the ground tremble, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The shock wave of the explosion spread out from the wasteland, forming a sandstorm and sweeping around.

Fang Jing supported the seriously injured Sun Kuang, and looked in the direction of the wasteland in surprise.

From the very beginning, there were bursts of gunshots first, then there seemed to be the sound of dragons roaring, and now it turned out to be an explosion again.

"What the hell...what did Ye Chui do? The impact of this explosion..."

Fang Jing was shocked, but when she looked into the wasteland from the outside, she couldn't see anything—this was a scene deliberately created by the illusion.

Fang Jing also knows the illusion, she can imagine the tragedy in the wasteland at this moment.

Sun Kuang was even more shocked, he thought that he wanted to make gestures with Ye Chui before.

It was his luck that he was directly electrocuted and fell to the ground.

In such an emergency, what Sun Kuang subconsciously began to think of was: Ye Chui said to help greet the car quality inspection department, so he has to do it quickly...

"I have to go to the wasteland to take a look!"

Fang Jing bit her lip. He had already called Zheng Feng. Zheng Feng and other members of Longya Group [-] should be here soon.

"No, it's too dangerous inside!" Sun Kuang said hastily.

"Don't worry, I'm very witty..." Fang Jing thought that the mask Ye Chui gave her was still in the room, so she hurried back to the room to get the gas mask.

"Sister Jing, what's going on?" Fang Jing's employees looked outside in fear at the door of the factory building and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry..." Fang Jing's thoughts turned, and she cleverly thought of an excellent reason, "There is a movie being made here, you can go back to work, it's fine."

"Making a movie?" Several employees were stunned at the same time.

Is this the scene of making a movie... What a big investment!

Fang Jing hurried back to the room, took the mask, and then rushed out quickly. She hurried into the wasteland.

"What's the matter? Tell me quickly!" Fang Jing asked anxiously as soon as he walked into the wasteland.

She was speaking to the phantom.

"That guy has been dealt with." The image of the phantom middle-aged uncle appeared beside Fang Jing.

"Solved? Hurry up and take me there!"

"Okay, you come with me."

Ye Chui could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"This boss is a bit sharp..."

He was still a little terrified at the moment.

What worried him even more was that the messenger of Hellfire was just a messenger, in other words, the messenger of Hellfire.

A guy who delivers a letter can fight like this?

How powerful should the other people in this organization be?

What a fucking Alexander...

Originally reborn in this world, Ye Chui has always lived a very comfortable life. He enjoys making small troubles, and his mentality is leisurely.

But at this moment, there is no way to continue to relax, and this world still has dangers that cannot be ignored for him.

"It seems that I have to pile up my personal force value..."

Ye Chui pondered in his heart, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Well, the tattoo armor on this guy is pretty good, but how stupid it is to put this thing on the body, why don't I just make a suit of armor that can be worn on the body... like Iron Man."

While thinking about these things, Ye Chui walked forward to check.

The steel egg also turned into a car form, driving over with some fatigue.

Just now he was forced to make a big move and directly released the No. 13 fierce soldier, which exhausted his energy.

But at this moment, the steel egg already has the ability to automatically absorb the surrounding energy, and the place is full of fire power, so he can recover soon.

"Boss, this guy is too tough, the fierce soldier you gave me is not strong enough, can you help me upgrade it?" Steel Egg complained.

The battle just now was really difficult, but it was also a lot of fun, which made Gangdan feel very enjoyable.

How interesting it would be if a Hellfire Bringer or something would come every now and then.


Ye Chui tilted his head and thought about it.

"I can develop hundreds of fierce weapons at will, but it is impossible to increase the lethality too much... Wait for a while, I need to understand the power of wind and the power of water from the fourth level of the Calcining Heart Sutra. When I understand the power of wind, I can increase the rate of fire of your bullets, and the lethality can be increased several times, even hundreds of times!"

"Hey, I'm looking forward to that boss." Gangdan said with a smile.

The explosion just now blasted a big crater with a radius of [-] meters on the ground, and now Ye Chui and Gangdan have walked to the side of the crater.

This violent explosion did not directly blast the Hellfire Messenger into slag, and his body was slightly charred and lying under the big pit.

Just now he grabbed Steel Egg's small missile with his right hand, but now the whole arm is gone.

The tattooed battle armor on his body has faded and should no longer function.

"I don't know if this guy has passed his last breath..." Ye Chui thought in his heart, hoping that this guy had his last breath, then he could try his own wall-passing software, forcefully break through his firewall, and try to read his consciousness.

In this way, a deeper understanding of hellfire can also be gained.

Just when Ye Chui was about to jump off the big pit, Fang Jing came over from a distance: "What happened here? What happened to the explosion just now?"

Just as Ye Chui was about to answer, his face suddenly changed.

At the same time, the strange laughter of the hellfire messenger rang out again.

The broken body jumped away, it was all the last effort, with the black flame burning in his hand, he looked at Fang Jing.

At this moment, he was at the end of his strength, and he knew that if he attacked Ye Chui or Gang Dan, he might be able to dodge it with their reactions.

So he chose to attack Fang Jing, even if he was about to die, he had to pull a back.

His arms flicked, and the flames were about to pop out.


The third update... I originally said that I would update two chapters in one day, but after thinking about it, let’s try to update one more chapter~~ I don’t know if you like these recent battle plots, and then there will be a sudden news, this novel The name will also be interpreted, that is, this technological kingdom, what is a kingdom~~~~ Finally, for the sake of another chapter of Cannon Cannon, do you vote for a few Sanjiang tickets or something~~~ already I've been dragged to the end~~ It's okay without a Sanjiang ticket recommendation ticket~~~


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