"go to hell!"

The Hellfire Messenger's ferocious voice rang out, his arms swung, and the black flames were about to pop out.

Neither Ye Chui nor Steel Dan could react in time.

The situation is extremely dangerous in an instant!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of a car starting, and a black figure rushed over quickly!

This is a car, but it is not a steel egg.

It was one of those 25 car babies. After growing up during this period of time, the car was already more than one meter long, and its whole body was black.

He was as fast as lightning, and before Ye Chui and Gang Dan had time to react, he rushed up and slammed into the Hellfire Emissary.


The black flame popped up, but it had deviated from the original direction.

With a bang, it hit Fang Jing's side.


Ye Chui screamed angrily, and before the Hellfire Messenger's body fell to the ground, he had already swooped up and swung the hammer round in the air.


The hammer with flames and lightning hit Hellfire Emissary's left shoulder without fancy.

Flames splashed, followed by the sound of bones breaking.

The Hellfire Messenger let out a terrified scream and fell to the ground.

It smashed into the ground half an inch!

The black car then fell to the ground.

There was a big battle here, and all the car babies, led by the Honda Accord, avoided far away to prevent being implicated and endangered.

But this little black car sneaked over and helped a lot at the critical moment, saving Fang Jing's life.

Ye Chuiluo stood next to the little car, with a bit of surprise on his face: "The car baby's intelligence is only equivalent to a child at a certain age. Was the little car's behavior just now intentional or deliberate?"

This thought flashed through his mind, but he hurriedly looked at the Hellfire Emissary.

This thing isn't dead yet.

But just now Ye Chui's hammer hit the weak point of the tattoo armor on his left shoulder.

This place is like the door of a golden bell jar. When the door is broken, the Hellfire Bringer is greatly injured, and his body is sluggish.

The body size that had been increased due to the injection of vitality has also shriveled.

He stared at Ye Chui faintly, full of cruelty and hatred.

"I'll be back..." he said in a hoarse voice.

"Fuck, do you think you're the Terminator?" Ye Chui snorted coldly, and then tightly grasped his face with one hand.

While this guy is still breathing, Ye Chui wants to quickly read his consciousness!

After Ye Chui merged with the computer, it was equivalent to installing a computer system in his consciousness, and Ye Chui named the computer system Tianhammer 1.0.

At this moment, Sky Hammer 1.0 is running rapidly, trying to break through the firewall of Hellfire Messenger's consciousness and forcibly access his consciousness.

In the past few days, Ye Chui has been researching this kind of software to break through the firewall, but he has been unsuccessful.

Now time is urgent, Ye Chui is exhausting all his strength to do this thing again.

"Break it, break it for me!"

He opened his eyes wide and almost growled.

The Hellfire Messenger seemed to realize something, and the veins on his head bulged, resisting Ye Chui's consciousness violation.

His life was only half breathed, his consciousness was about to lose consciousness, and he couldn't resist at all.

"got inside!"

Soon, Ye Chui was overjoyed, he had rushed into the consciousness of the Hellfire Emissary.

"Hurry up and read his memory file, I don't know if there is any important information!"

Ye Chui's Tianhammer 1.0 system is running quickly.

Several video files play quickly.

The consciousness of the Hellfire Bringer is getting weaker and weaker, and he is about to die.

"Huh? What is this?"

Suddenly, Ye Chui felt something.

Anyone's consciousness contains three types of content.

They are memory files, skill software, and viruses.

Viruses can be said to be a kind of mental illness.

But now, Ye Chui felt that there was a virus in the consciousness of the Hellfire Messenger.

"This virus...is not good!"

Just when Ye Chui realized the virus, the virus suddenly attacked and got entangled in Ye Chui's consciousness!

It's like using a computer to log in to a page with a virus, and then get infected by the virus!

Ye Chui paled in shock.

Fuck me, I haven't installed antivirus software on my Tianhammer 1.0 system yet!

He hastily withdrew his consciousness from the consciousness of the hellfire messenger!

Afterwards, Ye Chui only felt dizzy for a while, and something had already entered his consciousness!

"Oops, infected by a virus!"

Ye Chui screamed in his heart.

However, the virus hasn't started to cause trouble yet, Ye Chui quickly operated his Sky Hammer 1.0, trying to delete the virus.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?" Gang Dan and Fang Jing had already walked down the pit, Gang Dan asked with concern, Fang Jing also showed concern, "You seem to be looking a little unhappy."

"I'm fine..." Ye Chui shook his head.

He can temporarily control the virus, but it will take a lot of effort to delete the virus.

"Is this guy completely dead now?" Steel Egg then looked at the muddy Hellfire Emissary beside him.

"His heart has stopped." The phantom figure emerged.

He can observe all movements within his domain, and he can also feel his heartbeat.

Afterwards, the phantom looked at Ye Chui again: "Boss, you don't seem to be in a good condition..."

"A little tired, but I'm fine." Ye Chui shook his head, the virus in his consciousness could only be cleared by himself.

Then, Ye Chui's expression suddenly froze slightly.

"Huh? What's going on here..."

He looked up, and saw a portal in the sky, which slowly opened.

Steel eggs, phantoms, and Fang Jing cannot see this portal.

Only when Ye Chui comprehended the power of the heart and raised his sense of spiritual energy to several levels, could he see this portal manifest.

Ye Chui was puzzled: "How did this thing appear, where does this door lead to, and what is revealed on the other side of the door is... the breath of the underworld!"

Human beings are born with spirits.

When a person dies, the soul will enter reincarnation and be reincarnated.

This underworld is also called hell. It is a spiritual space with the ability of reincarnation.

When Ye Chui built the car reproductive system, he built a car symbiosis network, which belongs to the reincarnation of steel eggs and other car lives.

And the underworld is the reincarnation of human beings.

At this moment, the portal appeared in the sky, could it be because the Hellfire Messenger died?

Bursts of spiritual energy emanated from the body of the Hellfire Emissary, combined into the shape of the Hellfire Emissary, and was slowly absorbed into the portal.

The essence of the soul is a mass of spiritual energy.

After the Hellfire Messenger reassembled his form, he looked at Ye Chui with extremely ferocious eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I will come back..."

Naturally, others couldn't hear his words, but Ye Chui could hear them. Fang Jing standing beside Ye Chui couldn't help shivering, feeling a chill hit her body.

"It's so cold..." Fang Jing hugged her shoulders and squatted on the ground, but her eyes were on the two black cars. He often came to the wasteland these days, and he was very familiar with this black car.

And Ye Chui frowned slightly, and then threw Huo Lei Shen's hammer away.

The Hammer of Huo Lei Shen quickly transformed in the air, becoming the image of a tall man, who is Ye Chui's clone Huo Lei Shen.

The God of Fire and Thunder flew in the air and stopped directly before getting the portal.

He was evolved from Ye Chui's comprehension of the power of the heart, combined with energy, and has the ability to shuttle between spirit and reality.

At this moment, he stopped in front of the Hellfire Emissary and punched out.

"No...it's impossible...no..."

The Hellfire Messenger let out screams, and was blasted to the heart by this punch, and disappeared like a puff of blue smoke.

He clamored before that he would come back, maybe he could really return to the world again through reincarnation, but now he has completely disappeared.

Afterwards, Ye Chui's avatar Huo Leishen turned to look at the portal.

The portal began to close slowly.

"I don't know what the other side is like. I feel that this underworld is a little different from the general underworld. Someone tampered with reincarnation?"

Huo Lei Shen immediately walked to the door, intending to push the door and enter it.

However, the door was firmly closed.


When Huo Lei Shen wanted to push it away, a pleasant female voice reminded: "The identity cannot be verified, and the opening failed."

Ye Chui: "...Fuck me, is this an electric door with automatic identification?"


The first update~~~~Please ask for Sanjiang tickets, please recommend tickets, please collect~~~


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