Ye Chui tried several times to control Huo Leishen, but he still couldn't open the door.

In desperation, he had to give up.

"If it's an ordinary underworld, with the power of my heart, I should be able to travel unimpeded, but there is no way to do this. Someone has tampered with the rules of the underworld and modified reincarnation. If you want to enter, you must be recognized by the rules..."

The underworld is a spiritual space, and Ye Chui should be able to enter and exit at will after realizing the power of the heart.

But at this moment, it is restricted, and it is obvious that someone has tampered with it.

Huo Lei Shen landed again and stood beside Ye Chui.

And the empty portal in the sky also disappeared.

Ye Chui's heart power can summon this door again at any time, but he just can't open that door.


Fang Jing suddenly let out a series of screams!

Ye Chui was startled and trembled all over, wondering if there are any powerful enemies lurking around?

It turned out that Fang Jing was screaming while squatting on the ground tightly covering the gas mask on her face, looking extremely shy.


Soon Ye Chui understood what was going on, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Huo Lei Shen is Ye Chui's avatar. After he was evolved, he was in the image of a man, but this man was naked and did not wear clothes.

——It’s not Ye Chuizhong~ The taste likes to find excitement.

The main reason is that Huo Lei Shen is a combination of spirit and energy. To put clothes on him, one must use the power of the heart to control energy and create it.

It would take a lot of time, and Ye Chui didn't want to ask Huo Leishen to do anything for the time being, so he didn't prepare for it.

Of course, it's okay to let Huo Lei Shen wear ordinary clothes, but it's not too late because the situation is critical...

When Huo Lei Shen evolved in the air just now, Fang Jing didn't notice that she had been teasing the black car all the time.

Huo Lei Shen suddenly landed on the ground, and when she raised her head, she happened to see a rather majestic part of Huo Lei Shen.

Fuck, it's such a big one! ! !

She just screamed...

Ye Chui waved his hand, and the God of Fire and Thunder turned into a flame and disappeared into Ye Chui's palm wrapped in lightning.

"Okay, he's gone." Ye Chui squatted down funny and patted Fang Jing's shoulder.

Fang Jing was terrified, she raised her head carefully, and looked around through her fingers.

After realizing that the "big worm" was gone, she breathed a sigh of relief and let go of her hands completely.

"That person... who is that person?" Fang Jing asked Ye Chui angrily, "It seems that he suddenly appeared from the sky?"

Ye Chui pointed to the phantom phantom beside him: "He made it."

Mirage immediately looked embarrassed: "Boss..."

Ye Chui raised his brows, what the hell, is there a problem with carrying it for the boss?

"Well, I made it out to tease Fang Jing..."

The phantom had no choice but to admit it, and he felt wronged.

"You are so hateful, you scared me to death!" Fang Jing immediately began to scratch at the illusion.

These days, Fang Jing is already very familiar with the illusion, and it doesn't matter if they playfully accuse each other,

And the phantom accepted all of them with a helpless face.

Ye Chui chuckled, and then he squatted down strangely and looked at the small black car.

"This car is a little different..."

Ye Chui put his hand on the front of the car, and explored the whole car with the power of detection, and then Ye Chui's eyes lit up.

"It's an accident that he has this structure!"

Ordinary car babies, although they have consciousness, do not have the ability to transform into Transformers.

After all, the structure of Transformers is much more complicated than that of ordinary smart cars.

The car reproductive system is equivalent to a magic weapon for mass production of cars. It is very difficult to create Transformers in this magic weapon.

This is a very small probability event.

But if there is a chance, it is possible, and this little black car is that possibility.

It can be said that this black car is mutated.

Other car babies have intelligence after they grow up, but they are just cars after all. They have a milder personality, and they don’t even like racing cars, and they are more homely.

But this black car is not like that. He inherited the "gene" of Steel Egg Transformers, and like Steel Egg, it is a car that can fight.

He naturally likes the passionate feeling of chasing speed.

When he realizes it himself, he can transform into a humanoid form.

Just now, he also knocked away the attack of the hellfire messenger completely by instinct, saving Fang Jing's life.

"Lightning is different from other babies, Boss, I think he is the most like me." Steel Dan said at this time.

"This car is called Lightning?"

Ye Chui is more sensitive to names: "I think..."

"He likes the name Lightning very much, so you don't have to worry about changing it, Boss." Steel Egg said hastily.

Ye Chui: "...Damn!"

Afterwards, Ye Chui inspected Xiao Hei in detail and was very satisfied.

"I promised Shouhou before that I would build him a car. It just so happens that after Lightning grows up, I can hand it over to Shouhou. With the friendship between Shouhou and Steel Dan, I believe he and Lightning can also become friends." Ye Chuck thought to himself.

Suddenly, Ye Chui felt dizzy.

"Oops, the virus from the Hellfire Messenger is about to explode..."

Ye Chui rubbed his forehead vigorously.

His Skyhammer 1.0 system has been trying to isolate the virus, but now the virus is about to get out of control.

"We must quickly find a way to upgrade the system!"


Sun Kuang was seriously injured and was sent directly to the hospital.

Zheng Feng regained power in the Eighth Team of Longya. After he arrived here, Ye Chui explained some things to him and asked him to try to cover up everything that happened here.

"Brother Ye, you don't seem to be doing well?" Zheng Feng noticed that Ye Chui's complexion was not good, and hurriedly asked with concern.

"It's nothing, I was too tired just now." Ye Chui explained.

Fang Jing said with concern: "Ye Chui, our Longya No. [-] team has the best medical facilities, why don't you go check them out?"

"Yes, I can let them use the most advanced technology to help you check." Zheng Feng also said hastily, Ye Chui's life and death are related to his life, and he has to care about it.

"I'll just go back and have a rest." Ye Chui naturally wouldn't agree, Steel Dan stopped aside, he walked over and got into the car, "I'll go first, I'll leave the matter here to you."

"Alright Brother Ye, I promise not to let things here leak out." Zheng Feng hastily promised.

This is a pun, he will not let the explosion that happened here be reported to the media, and most importantly, he will not let the secrets of the wasteland be exposed.

"Very good." Ye Chui nodded with a smile.

The steel egg started and walked away.

Fang Jing looked at the figure of Gang Dan, her face was still full of concern, Ye Chui must have suffered some injuries, I don't know if Yan is serious...

"Hey..." Seeing Fang Jing's expression, Zheng Feng immediately understood, and said, "Jing Jing, you are so slow, you should do it yourself at this time, Ye Huo's plan has failed. God, you can move freely, hey, I don’t need to tell you what to do, right?”

Fang Jingqiao blushed, but she nodded, "Yes."

Zheng Feng showed a faint smile on his face, Fang Jing is his good subordinate, if Ye Chui hooks up with Ye Chui, Ye Chui might take off the capsule on his stomach in a moment of softness...


"This virus seems to be a morbid consciousness..."

On the way back, Ye Chui sat in the car with his eyes closed and meditated, and the car was handed over to Gangdan to drive automatically.

Viruses in consciousness, to put it bluntly, are some psychological problems.

The virus that Ye Chui was infected with was a kind of morbid consciousness, and Ye Chui roughly figured out what it was through analysis at this time.

If I had to use one word to accurately describe it, it would be: Faith.

Blind and mad faith!

This Hellfire Emissary has a pathological belief in a certain existence, and this belief can even be said to be a kind of cage, making him obey.

And this kind of admiration has a great power of transmission, and other people are extremely easy to be infected, and follow along to believe in that existence.

Ye Chui entered the consciousness of the Hellfire Messenger, and was immediately infected by this belief.

Vaguely, Ye Chui felt that his consciousness was being shackled and wanted to make him succumb to a certain existence!

"If I don't get rid of this virus as soon as possible, I will become a slave to that existence and obey him!"

Ye Chui felt the urgency.


The second update~~~ There will be another update in the evening~


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