When he returned home, Ye Chui's face was ugly and pale.

Yu Xue was squatting on the big armchair drinking a kind of nutrition granule for pregnant women. When she saw Ye Chui's appearance, she was startled and said casually, "Why do you look so bad, you won't be molested by a female hooligan Bar?"

"..." Ye Chui sweated for a while before continuing, "I'm just a little uncomfortable."

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Yu Xue showed some concern.

On the computer screen next to him, Ozawa also showed a concerned expression: "Brother Ye, is it okay?"

"No, it doesn't work if I go to the hospital, I can recover after a period of rest." Ye Chui said leaning against the wall.

His consciousness was about to lose consciousness, and the virus was more difficult than he had imagined.

"Then go and rest quickly." Yu Xue said quickly, she walked to Ye Chui and asked, "How long do you want to rest."

"Maybe it will take a day or two." Ye Chui thought for a while and said, if he can't defeat the virus within a day or two, he will only be infected by the virus.

But Ye Chui is confident that he can defeat this virus!

"A day or two?" Yu Xue immediately opened her eyes wide.

Ye Chui thought that Yu Xue was worried about him, and he was about to tell Yu Xue not to worry, but he heard Yu Xue said first: "Then I have to cook by myself?"

"..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes, girl, are you a foodie?

Ye Chui walked into the bedroom leaning on the wall, and sat on the bed a little weakly, his eyes had already started to blur.

It's like playing Lianliankan all night, only to have to take the political science exam the next day. The sleepiness hits me, and I can't bear it anymore.

"I just need to rest, don't send me to the hospital!" He hurriedly told Yu Xue.

"You seem to be very serious..." Yu Xue was a little frightened, "Do you really not need to go to the hospital?"

"No, don't send me to the hospital!" Ye Chui repeated.

He was infected with a virus in his consciousness, which cannot be detected medically. If he was sent to the hospital, the doctor might not help him.

To tide over the difficulties, he can only rely on himself.

He climbed into bed, lay down and closed his eyes, and fell into a stupor, or rather, he entered some kind of dream-like situation.

With an inexplicable expression on Yu Xue's face, she stood aside and waited for a while, but Ye Chui remained motionless.

"You're kidding, right?"

She asked tentatively.

"Hey, don't make trouble anymore, I will get angry if you make trouble again!" Yu Xue then shouted.

But Ye Chui remained motionless, as if he had hung up.

Yu Xue's petite body trembled for a moment, feeling a little bewildered.

Her subconscious reaction was to quickly call Ye Chui to the hospital, already picking up the phone in her hand.

But she thought of Ye Chui's instructions again, and stopped.

"Big sister, what happened to him?" Yu Xue had no choice but to ask Xiao Ze for help.

Ozawa was silent for a moment.

Regarding the current situation, she is even more clueless than Yu Xue, but she believes Ye Chui's words.

"Brother Ye doesn't want you to send him to the hospital, so don't send him. I believe Brother Ye must have his own ideas."

When Yu Xue heard what she said, she nodded.

"Then...then I know big sister."

For the next few hours, Ye Chui remained unconscious,

Yu Xue felt his breath and heartbeat every once in a while.

After finding out that he was still alive, I was a little relieved.

She moved a small bench and sat by the bed, resting her chin on her hands and waiting for Ye Chui to wake up.

Yu Xue's psychology is actually a little naive, Xiao Ze told her that Ye Chui would be fine, and this became her sustenance, thinking that Ye Chui would be fine.

But Ozawa is getting more and more anxious...

She was worried about Ye Chui, and at the same time felt a little powerless about her abilities.

This emotional fluctuation quietly changed her intelligence ideology...

At this moment, she suddenly felt that someone on the Internet was attacking him, trying to locate her!

Ever since she inexplicably received an invitation letter from hellfire last time, and then deleted the invitation letter at will, she has been harassed by others, and some people want to explore where she is.

However, she resisted and did not let the other party locate her position.

This kind of hide-and-seek confrontation has happened countless times.

But at this moment, Ozawa was extremely irritable, and she had no patience to hide anymore.

So, she launched a counterattack!

Recently, Ye Chui asked her to learn hacking techniques, and she is quite proficient in this aspect.

"It's good that all the annoying guys disappear."

Such a sentence quietly emerged in Ozawa's consciousness.

Then, she, who had been dodging defenses all this time, launched a stormy counterattack against the person who attacked her...


Ye Chui felt very hard.

At this moment, he is trying his best to resist the virus in his consciousness.

It's like a group of stunning naked beauties suddenly appearing in front of a hungry man, constantly seducing him, but his little friend is tied with explosives, which will explode if he makes a rash move, he has to suppress the desire in his heart.

Fuck, it's killing me!

——The virus keeps tempting Ye Chui like this, making Ye Chui believe in a certain powerful existence.

While Ye Chui resisted this temptation, he kept trying to delete the root cause of the virus.

The power of the virus is getting stronger and stronger, just like there are more and more beauties in front of hungry men, their bodies are getting more and more sexy, and the seduction is getting more and more coquettish...

If Ye Chui gave up resisting at a certain moment, then he would be swallowed up by the virus immediately, putting shackles on his consciousness, completely believing in that powerful existence, and unable to disobey the orders of that great existence.

Ye Chui continued to resist, developing anti-virus software that could protect his consciousness system.

According to the theory of cultivation civilization, this anti-virus software is a set of skills to defend against the attack of the primordial spirit.

This is a silent battle...

And three hours after Ye Chui fell into a coma.

In a small dark apartment in a coastal city in Huaxia.


There was a bang from the host computer, followed by thick smoke billowing, and the computer screen went black all of a sudden.


Sitting in front of the computer was a skinny 25-year-old man with messy hair.

"Who is this Maria Aoi? I have been trying to locate her for the past few days, but she has been hiding and hiding. Why did she suddenly start to fight back just now, and the technique is so powerful that she directly implanted a A worm virus that I have never seen before, it made my hard drive scrapped in a very short period of time..."

"This person's hacking skills are much better than mine!"

The skinny man wiped the sweat from his forehead, but a smile appeared on his face.

"However... she has been hiding before, not confronting me head-on. It is very difficult for me to locate her position, but she attacked me just now, and she exposed her position... Hehe, we can finally do business!"

The skinny man took out a mobile phone as he spoke.

"Who should I turn to for this mission..." He thought for a moment, and then his eyes lit up, "Just him, after completing this mission, he should be able to advance to become a C-level killer. The seven killers here are all C-level and above killers!"

This skinny man is a killer manager!

He dialed a phone number, and after a while, the other side connected. It was a man's voice: "Hello, Xiao Jingjing, do you have a new mission?"

"How many times have I told you, don't call me Xiao Jingjing!" The skinny man shouted angrily, "You can call me boss, or my name, Wang Jing!"

"Okay Xiao Jingjing, I remember Xiao Jingjing!" The man named Xiaoshuai on the other side immediately said respectfully.

Wang Jing: "..."

"Little Jingjing, what is your mission to find this handsome guy?" Xiaoshuai continued to ask

Wang Jing rolled his eyes, but he didn't correct Xiaoshuai's title, but gave the order in a dark voice.

"Room 22, Building 403, xx District, xx Street, Xizhou City. There is a person who lives there who likes to play games. His name is Maria Aoi. Go and kill him!"

"This kind of task again?" Xiaoshuai seemed to feel very boring, "Can you change it? Killing this kind of ordinary person is not a challenge."

"Don't be ignorant. After completing this task, you can accumulate enough points to become a C-level killer. If you are lucky, you may even be valued by those big shots. Then you will be prosperous..." Wang Jing smiled longingly, then shook her head, "In short, you should go and complete this task first."

"Okay, Xiao Jingjing, I'm in Fanghai City now, and I'll be able to feel Xizhou City tomorrow morning."

"Call me when you're done."

hang up the phone.

"Xiaoshuai's skills are very good, and he has the hope of becoming an A-level or even an S-level killer..."

Wang Jing whispered to himself.

"Unfortunately, it's just that my mind is a little abnormal."


Ye Chui fought against the virus in his consciousness, and the night passed in the blink of an eye.

Early morning hours.

Yu Xue's eyelashes twitched, then she turned over and hugged a human-shaped thing beside her tightly.

It's so comfortable to hold.

She groaned in satisfaction.

After a while, she realized what was happening, and hurriedly opened her eyes.

Then she discovered that she was hugging Ye Chui, and her white and tender calf was still resting on a certain part of Ye Chui...

Yu Xue was stunned for a while, then silently got up from the bed, and then took a deep breath.

Then, she screamed desperately.

"Ah ah ah ah..."


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