Yu Xue screamed, but soon she found that there was no audience for her screaming.

Ye Chui was still lying on the bed as if dead, completely unresponsive.

Yu Xue calmed down for a while, she thought of something, hurried to Ye Chui's side, sniffed Ye Chui's breath, and then felt her heartbeat.

"It's okay, I'm still alive..."

Yu Xue stayed by Ye Chui's bedside last night. She didn't know what happened to Ye Chui, but Ye Chui said not to let her notify the doctor, so she obediently didn't notify the doctor, but stayed by the side for a moment. .

I was very worried, slowly getting more and more sleepy at night, and then I accidentally rolled onto the bed and fell asleep...

Yu Xue watched Ye Chui's face bulge, and didn't get off the bed in a hurry.

She just sat there, bent her knees and tilted her little head to look at Ye Chui's peaceful sleeping face.

It has only been two months since I met Ye Chui, but it feels like I have known you for a long time, and then I will continue to be together like this heartlessly.

She knows that her thoughts are sometimes naive, but she just doesn't want to face more problems.

Just like this, being a small house girl, having nothing to do with quarreling with Ye Chuifa, and then following the big sister to play the game in a magnificent manner...

Maybe it's not bad to stay like this for a lifetime, anyway, her father's family property of several hundred million will be left to her at that time, and she is not short of money to spend.

But she knew that was impossible.

Who is she in Ye Chui?


Seems a little closer than friends.


I don't feel that way at all.

Yu Xue began to struggle with this problem, and the more he struggled, the more he felt a headache, and finally he just stopped thinking about it, and let's talk about it later.

She slowly lay down on her side.

In fact, it is very comfortable to lie beside Ye Chui like this...

But at this moment, the cell phone in Ye Chui's pocket suddenly rang.

Yu Xue pouted, and then took out his mobile phone from Ye Chui's pocket.

The name displayed on the phone is: An Le'er.

"Lele..." Yu Xue read the name lightly, and then her little face became even more tangled.

To accept or not to accept?

I haven't spoken to Lele for two months...

When she said that in Xinglin Villa, she thought that the two of them would never be good sisters again.

After all, that kind of words are very serious to An Le'er.

She sat cross-legged on the bed, hugged her chest, and stared at the phone like this, thinking that if there was no answer here, then An Leer would automatically hang up, right?

Unexpectedly, the phone kept ringing like this.

The phone rang continuously, and Yu Xue suddenly felt that the phone was really annoying!

So she picked up the phone and dropped it to the ground with a bang.

The phone is still ringing.

Yu Xue jumped out of bed and stepped on the phone with her bare feet.

Then she let out a scream and almost fell to the ground.

"Why is the stinky phone so hard!"

——Ye Chui's mobile phone is naturally extraordinary, no exaggeration, this quality is definitely easier to use than Nokia!

Yu Xue wrinkled her little nose, feeling a little wronged in her heart.

She then picked up the phone again.

"Lele is a big idiot. If she doesn't answer, she will keep calling, right? It's so annoying!"

Thinking of this reason, Yu Xue snorted and pressed the connect button.

An Le'er's voice on the other side immediately rang out: "Ye Chui, you finally answered the phone, is it because Xiaoxue is by your side so you have to go outside to answer the phone? It's really hard for you, Xiaoxue is too willful, If she finds out that I called you, she will definitely be upset, and I will trouble you to go outside when you answer my calls. By the way, I bought some clothes for Xiaoxue when I was shopping two days ago. When you come to me, remember to take it back, but don't tell Xiaoxue that I bought the clothes..."

An Le'er's voice kept coming, and then she finally realized something was wrong: "Hey, Ye Chui, why don't you talk?"

"Lele..." Yu Xue finally spoke.

She originally wanted to pretend to be cold.

But hearing An Le'er's words, she was immediately moved.

Her voice trembled, with an unbearable cry.

"Xiaoxue?" An Le'er was also taken aback, she didn't expect that it would be Yu Xue who answered the phone, she became a little nervous, "Xiaoxue...why is the phone in your hand, you...have you had breakfast yet? "

——An Le'er was obviously a little incoherent.

"Lele, I miss you so much." Yu Xue sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

"Xiaoxue, why are you crying!?" An Le'er was even more anxious, asking hastily.

"I...I..." Yu Xue stretched out her hand to wipe her eyes, and wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to say it. When she saw Ye Chui lying on the bed, she immediately thought of an excuse, and said, " Ye Chui fainted, it has been a day and a night, and he still hasn't woken up."

"What!?" An Le'er was startled, "How could he faint... Xiaoxue, are you at home now?"


"Then you wait, I'll rush over!"

The phone then hung up.

Yu Xue could imagine that An Le'er was rushing over here.

She suddenly became nervous, how would she face An Le'er later...

Yu Xue looked down at the clothes she was wearing. She always dressed casually at home, but An Le'er definitely couldn't let An Le'er see this outfit that exposed her panties, so Yu Xue hurriedly began to change clothes.

Just after changing clothes, the doorbell rang.

"So fast?" Yu Xue couldn't help being taken aback. It's only been 5 minutes since just now, right?

Could it be that An Le'er called Ye Chui after arriving outside the community?

Yu Xue walked to the door, took a deep breath, and made mental preparations before opening the door.

There was a beautiful woman standing outside the door, but it was not An Le'er, but Fang Jing.

"Xiaoxue, is Ye Chui there?" Fang Jing walked into the room familiarly, then looked around to find Ye Chui's figure.

Some time ago, when Ye Chui was building the iphone6s production line, Fang Jing was asked to come over to take care of Yu Xue. The two played games together during that time, and they have become good sisters, and their relationship has become very familiar.

"He's in the bedroom... Sister Jing, why are you here?" Yu Xue frowned strangely.

It’s tricky!

Because Fang Jing's attire at the moment was obviously carefully prepared!

Two slender black silk legs under the miniskirt, and the low-cut T-shirt made the two balls of softness almost squeezed out, and there was a wave of turbulence at any movement, and the upturned buttocks twisted and twisted when walking...

Is she here deliberately to show off?

"Ye Chui was injured a little yesterday. I came to see him, ah! What's wrong with him?" Soon, Fang Jing found Ye Chui lying on the bed in the bedroom.

Yu Xue also hurried into the bedroom.

Fang Jing half-kneeled on the bed, checking Ye Chui's state: "Is he in a coma? Xiaoxue, how could he be like this?"

"He fainted right after he came back yesterday..." Xiaoxue explained.

"Then why didn't you send her to the hospital?" Fang Jing immediately turned to ask Xiaoxue.

"He wouldn't let me go to the hospital, saying he would wake up..."

"He really said that?" Fang Jing frowned, then continued to check Ye Chui's physical condition, and even jumped on the bed, lying on Ye Chui's body, and put her ear on Ye Chui's chest to listen for his heartbeat.

Yu Xue couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "...Are you checking him or taking advantage of him?"

"He looks very strange. His body seems to be fine, but his eyes are bloodshot. It is obvious that he is suffering mentally... What's going on?" After a while, Fang Jing stopped, but the worries in his heart did not The slightest reduction, "No, he must be sent away!"

She immediately found her mobile phone and wanted to make a call. She wanted to contact the Qianlong team. It was not easy for Yu Xue to hear the call, so she planned to go outside to make a call.

However, just as she opened the door, she was suddenly taken aback.

An Le'er has arrived.

She was wearing a decent lady's suit, tall and slender, with a soft and capable appearance, and she already had the air of a strong woman - Ye Chui had always trained An Le'er as a strong woman.

Seeing Fang Jing An Le'er was taken aback.

Fang Jing also froze.

This is the first time the two have met.

A woman's intuition is scary at times, like now...

They sensed something intuitively, as if there were sparks flying in their eyes.

"Hi, my name is An Le'er, and I'm Ye Chui's business partner. I help him sell cars."

"Hello, my name is Fang Jing, and I'm also Ye Chui's business partner. I help him produce cars."


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