"Hi, my name is An Le'er, and I'm Ye Chui's business partner. I help him sell cars."

"Hello, my name is Fang Jing, and I'm also Ye Chui's business partner. I help him produce cars."

The two introduced themselves to each other, shook hands symbolically, and then kept examining each other with their eyes.

Women are born to love beauty, especially when two women find that the other party may compete with themselves in a certain aspect, they will pay more attention to this aspect.

Yu Xue came out of the bedroom, intending to prevent Fang Jing from calling someone to take Ye Chui away, but she saw An Le'er at a glance, and her movements suddenly became slightly stiff.

"Lele..." She called softly.

"Xiaoxue, are you okay?" An Le'er walked past Fang Jing and came directly in front of Yu Xue.

She is very concerned about Yu Xue, and when she meets Ye Chui these days, she will talk about Yu Xue's situation, and she always treats Yu Xue as the best sister in her heart.

"Lele, I'm sorry." Yu Xue apologized in a low voice.

"Why are you apologizing?" An Le'er laughed, grabbing her slender shoulders with both hands, "You didn't do anything wrong."

"But what I said that day was so exaggerated..."

"What, I have already forgotten."

After the two said a few words like this, the grudges in their hearts seemed to disappear in an instant.

The sisterhood between them was not something that would disappear after a single quarrel, and the two of them had already wanted to reconcile in their hearts, and at this moment, they had returned to their previous state with just a few words.

——If Fang Jing wasn't on the side, An Le'er would definitely hug Yu Xue if she wanted to show off her temperament.

Fang Jing froze for a moment, then thought of Ye Chui's matter again, and hurriedly wanted to continue contacting the Qianlong team.

"Wait!" Yu Xue shouted hastily, "Ye Chui said, just let him lie down and rest by himself."

"But he looks very serious now." Fang Jing hesitated.

An Le'er then asked, "How is Ye Chui now?"

While speaking, she rushed into the bedroom.

"He looks like this, you need to call an ambulance." This was An Le'er's reaction after seeing the unconscious Ye Chui.

Yu Xue rushed into the bedroom again, jumped onto the bed, and stopped An Le'er with her hands: "No, he said he must never go to the hospital!"

"But what if he is seriously ill like this?" An Le'er was very worried, "We must rush to the hospital."

"I don't think we should go to the hospital." Fang Jing said a little bit tit-for-tat, "I know a place where the medical technology is more reliable than the hospital. I think we should take him to that place!"

"No, he can't go there either!" Yu Xue shouted hastily.

The three girls have their own opinions.

Yu Xue insisted on letting Ye Chui stay at home, Fang Jing hoped to bring Ye Chui to the Qianlong team, and An Le'er wanted to send Ye Chui to the hospital.

When a girl has a conflict about something, especially if the matter is related to a boy with a delicate relationship, a quarrel will happen.

They quarreled.

And at this time, Ye Chui's eyes moved slightly, but unfortunately none of the three saw it.


After a night of struggle, Ye Chui finally defeated the virus.

Relying on his perseverance and unyielding mentality, as well as the unique vision and experience from the master craftsman, he finally won the final victory.

This confrontation in consciousness was silent, yet extremely dangerous.

But in the end, Ye Chui defeated the virus and completely deleted the virus.

"I don't know how this belief virus was produced. If you are entangled with it, you will have a sincere belief in a certain existence, and be driven by him until death."

"Cultivation civilization has a kind of puppet worm, which can make that person become a puppet if planted on another person, but the puppet has lost the ability to act on its own, and this virus makes people believe in that existence and sacrifice their lives. Totally unlimited."

"In the civilization of comprehension, only those demons will have such means, using evil classics and secret methods to confuse sentient beings."

"This is the magic path..."

Ye Chui just thought about it, but couldn't think of a reason.

If the earth has also gone through the path of cultivation and civilization, there may have been some exercises that can confuse sentient beings.

"Hellfire...what the hell is it?"

At this moment, the Sky Hammer 1.0 system installed in his brain has been successfully upgraded to Sky Hammer 2.0.

Most importantly, Ye Chui evolved an anti-virus software through the fight against the virus.

This antivirus is called Sky Hammer Kill, which can clean up some low-level viruses.

Consciousness killing softness in cultivation civilization is similar to some exercises that protect the primordial spirit from harm. Ye Chui also knows some exercises of the same kind, but these exercises need to be driven by the power of origin. For Ye Chui Vertically speaking, it doesn't have much effect, but it can still be used as a reference.

Running Sky Hammer Kill, Ye Chui checked his consciousness system again, and then he woke up from his lethargy.

As a result, just as Ye Chui regained consciousness, he immediately exclaimed in his heart.

An Leer, Fang Jing, Yu Xue, and three girls were standing by his bed arguing...

"What's the matter!?"

Ye Chui's face suddenly sweated, why did An Le'er come over, and why did Fang Jing come over to join in the fun?

Hearing the three girls arguing exuberantly, Ye Chui immediately made a wise decision——

"Continue to pretend to be unconscious..."

However, at this moment, Ye Chui's expression was suddenly startled.



Just half an hour ago.

Xizhou Airport.

A man in a neat suit came out carrying a suitcase. He was tall and well-proportioned, and he wore an elegant top hat on his head.

His eyes were even more sharp like a flying eagle, looking around vigilantly.

There were two girls walking by. They glanced at the man and couldn't help talking in a low voice. After walking away, they secretly looked at him.

"Hey, is there anything wrong with being handsome?" The man couldn't help sighing in a low voice, "I was secretly discussed by the girls again, I don't know how many girls will miss me and be heartbroken just because they saw me , maybe I will never fall in love with anyone else again..."

He looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, his eyes were blurred for a moment, and he felt that it was a sin to be so handsome...

The two girls who have gone away at this moment are discussing in a low voice——

"Is there something wrong with that person's brain just now? He still wears a suit on a hot day?"

"Yeah, you can see that his mind is definitely not normal when he looks like a god."

"And it's too ugly, isn't it?"

"Do you have the feeling that he especially misses Ruhua in Zhou Xingxing's movie?"

——This flower-like man is the D-level killer Xiaoshuai who was instructed by Wang Jing to do a mission in Xizhou City.

Xiaoshuai hailed a taxi outside the airport, said an address, and then the taxi drove quickly.

Half an hour later, the car stopped outside the community where Ye Chui was.

Jumping out of the taxi with a funny and cool posture, Xiaoshuai straightened his slightly slanted hat, looked sharply at the community ahead, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The goal of this mission is just ordinary people. People? Sigh, there is really no challenge, ordinary people are like floating clouds to me..."

"Hey!" The driver rolled down the window and poked his head out, with a fierce expression on his face, "What are you muttering about, give me the money quickly."

Xiaoshuai took out his wallet to pay the bill, he sneered in his heart, he dared to speak like that to a killer like him, he was really tired of life...

"Crazy!" The driver took the money and cursed, started the car and drove away.


Looking at the back of the taxi driving away, Xiaoshuai cursed fiercely: "It's a good thing you run fast, otherwise it's up to me to deal with you!"

He snorted and walked into the community.

Soon, Xiaoshuai came to the downstairs of the residents of Ye Chui's house.

"The fourth floor, the third room..." He looked up and made sure it was that room.

Just as he was about to enter the residential building, a laughing voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"Young man, are you hungry, buy a Roujiamo?"


That's all for today.


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