The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

130 The virus that makes people mentally ill

Xiaoshuai turned his head to look, and found that the person who was talking was an uncle who sold roujiamo.

This uncle is Gu Feihai, because he looks so much like Wu Mengda, so everyone calls him Uncle Da.

"No need." Xiaoshuai refused.

I imagined that a handsome guy with such taste would eat that kind of food from the roadside stalls of ordinary people?

Uncle Da Da then said, "Young man, I haven't seen you before. Are you new here? Or are you visiting relatives?"

"You old man, why do you care what I do here?" Xiaoshuai snorted coldly, thinking that he would not be too charming, as for making this old man attracted...

What a sin.

Then he stopped talking to the uncle and got into the residential building.

The smile on Uncle Da's face disappeared.

He looked at Xiaoshuai's back, thoughtfully.

"It's here."

Xiaoshuai went directly to the fourth floor and found Room 403. With a smile on his face, he took out a pair of black gloves from his pocket and put them on.

About to knock on the door.

A hand was suddenly placed on his shoulder.

"There's someone behind you!?" He trembled in his heart.

As a killer, his senses are very sensitive, if there is someone standing behind him, how could he not feel it?

He hurriedly turned around, swung his left hand, and a half-foot-long dagger was already in his hand.

——Although his brain is a bit abnormal, his skills are definitely not covered.

The cold light flickered, and the dagger stabbed directly at the person behind him.


His wrist was suddenly grabbed.

One end of the dagger was only a few inches away from the man's throat, but it couldn't stab any further.

"It's you!?"

Seeing who it was that grabbed his wrist, Xiaoshuai was stunned.

The person who firmly grasped his wrist turned out to be the uncle who sells meat buns downstairs.

"Young man, your skills are pretty good." Uncle Da said with a smile.

Xiaoshuai struggled vigorously, but found that his wrist was firmly grasped by the uncle, and he couldn't break free at all.

His other hand immediately punched out.

But Uncle Da had been on guard for a long time, and his other hand blocked his punch like lightning.

Then the body leaned forward sharply.

His shoulder bumped into Xiaoshuai's arms,

The force was so fierce that Xiaoshuai couldn't help but let out a soft cry, and his body staggered.

"who are you!?"

There was a terrified expression in his eyes, and he realized that the Uncle Da in front of him might not be an ordinary person.

Uncle Da didn't answer him, and after leaning against him, he struck out his hands like lightning again, with a few soft bangs, hitting Xiaoshuai's key parts respectively.

Fast and precise.

Xiaoshuai showed a horrified expression, and with a bang, his dagger fell to the ground, and his body slowly fell down.

At the same time, Ye Chui, who was in the bedroom, was shocked: "There is a murderous look!"

He jumped out of bed.

Yu Xue, Fang Jing, An Le'er, and the three girls were still arguing, so they naturally couldn't feel any murderous intent. When they suddenly saw Ye Chui jump up, the three of them were startled, but then they showed pleasant expressions.

"Ye Chui, are you awake? Are you alright?" An Le'er asked hastily.

Fang Jing wittily made a possession, and then continued: "It's good that you're fine, people are worried about you."

Yu Xue stared at Ye Chui with a suspicious expression: "Did you really faint or did you pretend to be fainted? Why do I feel that you are fine now?"

Ye Chui didn't talk to the three girls, he just hesitated for a moment, walked past the three girls, and walked towards the door vigilantly.

His senses are very sensitive, and he just sensed a murderous aura outside the door.

"Could it be that the people from Hellfire killed them again?"

This makes him have to worry.

When he got to the door, he pulled the door open.

Outside the door, Uncle Da was picking up Xiaoshuai who was unconscious, and was about to leave.

Seeing Ye Chui open the door, he was a little surprised.

Ye Chui was also surprised, what's going on?

Did the murderous aura I felt just now come from this Uncle Da?

The three girls had already walked to the door. Seeing the situation outside, they all felt a little strange, and they didn't understand why Ye Chui suddenly came to open the door.

"Hehe... This is my friend, he's drunk, I'll take him back." After being slightly stunned for a moment, Uncle Da immediately pointed to Xiaoshuai and said.

"Uncle Da, you are so old, let me help you." Ye Chui couldn't help but walk to the other side of Xiaoshuai, took his arm, and then carried the handsome guy away with him without Uncle Da's rejection. up.

An Le'er, Fang Jing, and Yu Xue seemed to be completely left alone, and the three girls looked at each other in dismay.

"He obviously ran away on purpose!" After a while, Yu Xue muttered angrily.


Together with Uncle Da, Ye Chui carried the handsome guy to Uncle Da's residence in this community.

It is very close to Ye Chui.

Walking into the room and throwing Xiaoshuai on the sofa in the living room, Uncle Da immediately closed the door of the room and drew the curtains.

He looked at Ye Chui with a complicated expression.

Ye Chui has already seen that Xiaoshuai is not his friend, but the one who was knocked out, but he doesn't seem surprised at all?

"Who is this guy in a suit on a hot day?" Ye Chui briefly checked Xiaoshuai's injuries, and then asked Uncle Da.

"Killer." Uncle Da said simply and directly.

At this moment, he is no longer that kind of hippie smiling face, he walked into the bathroom next to him, there was a sound of washing, and he came out after a while, as if he had been completely changed into another person.

Uncle Da's appearance has been dressed up.

At this moment, Ye Chui could not help but feel astonished when he revealed his true self and suddenly saw his original appearance.

Because his original appearance is completely different from Uncle Da's always smiling and friendly image.

About 40 years old, his temples are faintly gray, his appearance is serious and even a little cold, and his eyes are very sharp.

His original name was Gu Feihai.

"You seem surprised to hear that this man is a killer?" Gu Feihai asked curiously.

Ye Chui shrugged his shoulders: "I'm just surprised that your disguise skills are so good, no wonder Xiaoxue didn't recognize you."

Gu Feihai smiled quite complacently, and then said: "Who did you offend, they actually sent killers to deal with you."

——Yu Xue stayed at home all the time, and the killer could only be targeting Ye Chui, that's why Gu Feihai asked this question.

"I did provoke a lot of people outside." Ye Chui admitted honestly, "But... I don't think the other party will send a killer to deal with me, especially this kind of killer who looks weak."

"Very bad?" Gu Feihai scoffed at Ye Chui's words.

What is a bad killer? It's because he's so awesome that he directly KOs the opponent, okay?

However, Gu Feihai did not say these words.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "For the sake of you being Xiaoxue's boyfriend, I will help you once and find a way to solve this matter. I am still famous in the Tao."


Ye Chui really wanted to remind Gu Feihai that he just lived with Yu Xue, and the relationship was a little closer than friendship.

But a boyfriend or something doesn't count at all...

But thinking of Gu Feihai's recent act of buying all kinds of pregnant women's health care medicine for Yu Xuekuang, Ye Chui gave up this idea. He felt that this person would definitely not listen to what he explained, and might even fight him desperately.

"Thank you." Ye Chui nodded to Gu Feihai. He didn't expect anything from Gu Feihai, but since he was so helpful, he wouldn't refuse directly. Find out who this guy is from.

While speaking, Ye Chui put one hand on Gu Feihai's forehead silently.

The Tianhammer 2.0 system was running quickly, and wanted to forcibly access the consciousness of this handsome guy.

As expected, Ye Chui encountered a firewall.

"The breakthrough firewall software I researched before has been automatically upgraded when it breaks through the Hellfire Messenger's heart defense, and now it is running through the Sky Hammer 2.0 system, which is even more effective. It couldn't be easier to enter the consciousness of this mere killer!"

It only took more than ten seconds for Ye Chui to break through Xiaoshuai's firewall and gain access to the opponent's consciousness.

"This is……"

Ye Chui was surprised very quickly, because the first thing he felt when he read the consciousness file of this handsome guy was a virus.

The virus was about to infect him.

"Run Sky Hammer Kill!"

Ye Chui hurriedly ran the antivirus software he had just developed to prevent the virus infection.

He wondered in his heart: "Could it be that this killer also has the same kind of crazy faith virus as the Hellfire Messenger?"

Soon Ye Chui figured out what the virus on Xiaoshuai was.

"This is not a belief virus, but... a virus that confuses people."

"Infected with this virus, it will directly make people mentally ill!"


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