The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

131 Have you never looked in a mirror since you were born?

Ye Chui discovered a virus in Xiaoshuai's consciousness, the effect of this virus is to make people mentally ill.

In other words, this handsome guy is mentally ill...

At this moment, this psychotic virus wanted to infect Ye Chui immediately.

However, Ye Chui's Sky Hammer Killer ran directly, perfectly guarding Ye Chui's consciousness, so that the virus had no chance to attack.

"The same type of virus is also divided into levels. If the levels are divided into seven levels, and level seven is the highest level, the level of mental illness of this killer should be four levels, which can be regarded as a moderate level of mental illness..."

Ye Chui has the big weapon of Sky Hammer, so he is not afraid of being infected by the virus, so he curiously began to study the psychosis virus.

"It turns out that the mental illness virus is formed in this way. It is somewhat similar to some obfuscation of the primordial spirit in the world of cultivation and civilization. If I can use this virus at will, it can be regarded as a means of attack, which can make others mentally confused at will."

Originally, Ye Chui never thought of increasing his own attack ability, because he felt it was unnecessary.

But meeting the Hellfire Emissary gave him a sense of crisis.

It must be time to do some preparation.

He also needs to study a set of tattoo armor similar to Iron Man, so as to prevent him from being harassed by a powerful enemy like the Hellfire Emissary—I don’t know how Hellfire made that kind of Yuanli Liquid, Ye Chui wants To accumulate force value, you can only rely on these equipment to help.

Soon, Ye Chui analyzed how the psychosis virus was formed, which is equivalent to that he has mastered a technique that confuses people's consciousness.

He can evolve this virus at any time, and then plant it in the consciousness of others.

Next, Ye Chui went to check the killer's memory file.

"This guy is a killer, I don't know if his memory files are encrypted..."

Memory files also have level restrictions. Ye Chui is not familiar with this killer, and the authority in the other party's consciousness is probably the lowest level. With such a low authority, it is probably difficult to see any useful information.

But soon Ye Chui was shocked.

"Damn it, isn't this guy too narcissistic?"

Ye Chui found that he could see the killer's memory file without hindrance, but what made him sweat a little was that there was no useful information in it.

It's all extremely narcissistic memories of "I'm so handsome." "How can other people live if I'm so handsome."

——When someone spits at him, he will feel that it is someone admiring him.

There were too many similar things, Ye Chui quickly gave up and continued reading.

He sized up the killer for a moment, and couldn't help muttering: "Have you never looked in a mirror since you were born..."

And when Ye Chui was tossing, Gu Feihai was not idle.

He made a bunch of things, such as ropes, knives, nails, alcohol and so on.

"What are you going to do?" Ye Chui couldn't help asking when Gu Feihai arranged all the writing on the coffee table.

"How about asking something out of his mouth, are you interested in watching it?" Gu Feihai said with a sneer.


Ye Chui could almost imagine what would happen later, he shook his head.

"Forget it, keep busy, I have something to go first."

Shit, the young master is mentally healthy, and he is absolutely not interested in torturing people!

Ye Chui said goodbye to Gu Feihai.

Gu Feihai did not keep him and watched him leave.

"This kid doesn't seem to care that he is being hunted down by a killer? His calmness doesn't seem to be faking. It's strange. I have investigated this person's background. His background should be very ordinary. What is his will like? How did you develop it?"

Gu Feihai shook his head, he didn't think about it if he didn't understand.

Then, he looked at Xiaoshuai who was still in a coma.

"Hey, I haven't done this kind of thing for a long time, I really miss it..."


Ye Chui returned to the residence.

When he opened the door, he saw three girls sitting side by side on the sofa, staring at him faintly.

Ye Chui suddenly felt dizzy.

"What did you do just now!?" Yu Xue immediately jumped up and questioned Ye Chui.

Ye Chui explained with a wry smile: "You also saw how hard it was for an old man, Uncle Da, to support that man. Didn't I go to help him?"

"There are ghosts only if you believe in you!" Yu Xue snorted with puffed up face.

An Le'er walked up to Ye Chui's side, looked him up and down a few times, and asked with worried eyes: "Ye Chui, what's the matter with you being in a coma yesterday?"

"I fell into a coma because I was exhausted, but I'm fine now." Ye Chui explained.

Fang Jing said reluctantly: "I think it's better for you to check it in detail."

"This is unnecessary..."

"It has to be checked again!" The three girls said in unison.

Ye Chui said helplessly: "...Okay."

These three girls were very concerned about Ye Chui, and insisted on taking Ye Chui to the hospital for some examinations.

Of course nothing was found.

Only then did they breathe a sigh of relief.

At noon, the group of four ate at a restaurant again. During this process, Ye Chui felt a little terrified.

——These three women are not easy-going lamps. They seem to be close to each other like sisters, but they are secretly competing with each other, but they are not ambiguous at all.

One of the people on the dining table picked up vegetables for Ye Chui, and the other two immediately moved after hearing the news, and there was a pile of vegetables in Ye Chui's bowl in a blink of an eye.

"Eat." The three girls were still staring at him.

Ye Chui silently lowered his head to pick up the rice.

He is not good-looking, but each of the three girls is a big beauty of the disaster level, which makes the surrounding people cast envious and jealous eyes on Ye Chui.

Ye Chui was very annoyed by this kind of gaze.

Shit, haven't you seen 8 silk's counterattack and soaked in three goddesses at once?

After a meal, the girls had to pretend to be reserved, even Yu Xue who usually robbed Ye Chui for food at home didn't eat much, most of it fell into Ye Chui's stomach.

After this meal, An Le'er had to go back to the shop to stare at the decoration, and Fang Jing also had some things to do.

Before parting, An Le'er pulled Yu Xue aside to talk, and Ye Chui happened to have time to chat with Fang Jing.

"What's the attitude of the Qianlong team about Hellfire?" Ye Chui asked.

These questions were hard to say in front of An Le'er Yu Xue just now, but now it's time to ask them.

Fang Jing stretched out her hand to brush her hair, looking very coquettish, she also quietly squeezed her shoulders, making the cleavage on her chest look deeper, and then continued: "The corpse of the hellfire messenger has been thoroughly dissected. Yes, but nothing seems to be found, the leader is discussing the countermeasures, and I don’t know what kind of results can be obtained.”

"What should we do about the matter in Maple Leaf Town?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

Fang Jing developed a production line for assembling mobile phones in Maple Leaf Town in order to draw out Hellfire. Now that Hellfire has been drawn out, the Nightfire Project was about to succeed, but Sun Kuang stepped in and failed. This kind of thing happened. I'm afraid there is no need for the Nightfire Project to exist anymore.

"It's still being discussed above, maybe...the Night Fire Project will come to an end." Fang Jing was a little bit reluctant.

It's a pity to make millions every week.

Ye Chui was even more reluctant. Fang Jing stayed in Maple Leaf Town and could help him take care of the situation in the wasteland, and with the power of Qianlong Group, it was much easier to do many things. This is definitely a super big background Ah yes.

He sighed: "Let's see and talk about it when the time comes, maybe there will be a turning point."

"Well, I'll let you know when the decision is made." Fang Jing nodded, and she glanced at Fang Jing and Yu Xue beside her, "Then I'll go first."

"it is good."

Ye Chui turned his head to look at An Le'er and Yu Xue. The two girls seemed to have reconciled completely, and they talked non-stop with laughter. When Ye Chui turned his head again, Fang Jing was still standing in front of him.

"Is there anything else?" Ye Chui asked a little strangely.

Fang Jing bit her lip and rolled her eyes at Ye Chui, really puzzled!

She had to take the initiative.

Ye Chui only smelled a gust of fragrant wind, Fang Jingren had already thrown himself into Ye Chui's arms, it was an ambiguous hug.

Ye Chui's expression was slightly surprised, but then he enjoyed it.

The pair of soft flesh on Fang Jing's chest is really comfortable. I don't know what it would be like to bury your face in it?

Before Ye Chui could savor it carefully, Fang Jing had already turned and walked away.

Ye Chui smiled with enjoyment, and walked back to Fang Jing and Yu Xue.

"It's a deal, you must come when the time comes." The two girls were talking about something before, but when Ye Chui walked over, he just heard An Le'er say so.

Yu Xue nodded, her small face was a little strange: "Don't worry, and I have already thought about what gift I want to give!"

"Okay then, we'll see you later." An Le'er smiled and said to Yu Xue, and then looked at Ye Chui, her face was a little unhappy, "Have you made an agreement with Fang Jing?"

"Yeah..." Ye Chui replied, obviously feeling An Le'er's displeasure, he hastily explained, "Fang Jing is my business partner, she is a technical consultant for a car factory, this Xiaoxue can testify, we When I saw her for the first time, Xiaoxue was there too."

"I can testify to this." Xiaoxue said immediately.

But when Ye Chui looked at her gratefully, she then said: "But I can't guarantee the relationship between Ye Chui and Sister Jing."

As she spoke, she also showed a very distrustful expression to Ye Chui.

Fuck, did this girl say that on purpose?


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