"You don't have to worry about the cars. The first batch of cars will be shipped in a few days. There is no problem with the quality inspection department. It's just in time for the Xizhou Auto Show in a few days." When sending An Leer away, Ye Chui said to her.

An Le'er nodded, she basically didn't care about the car, she believed in Ye Chui.

"By the way..." Ye Chui thought of something, and then asked very curiously, "There must be car models at the auto show, have you found our car models yet?"

"I'll take care of these things, you don't need to care about them!" An Le'er glared at Ye Chui angrily.

I know that men are most interested in car models.

Ye Chui chuckled: "Aren't I thinking about our career?"

"Do you want me to call those models out to have a meal together?" An Le'er said with a cold face.

"Can you?" Ye Chui's face was filled with joy.

Seeing that An Le'er's expression became even more unhappy, he hurriedly changed his words: "I'm just kidding, I trust your vision, and the car model you're looking for must be top-notch."

An Le'er snorted lightly and stopped talking.

While talking, the two returned to Ye Chui's neighborhood, where An Le'er's car happened to be parked.

She opened the car door, turned her head and said to Ye Chui, "I'm leaving first... If you don't feel well, you must remember to go to the hospital for examination."

"I see." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He thought of Fang Jing's white eyes just now, thought he understood, and hugged her without An Leer's initiative.

The civilized world of comprehension does not pay attention to this kind of thing, and if they have a good impression of each other, they will go directly to open a house.

Don't pay attention to hugging and kissing, it seems that there is more to learn in this area.

Hugging An Leer and Fang Jing is a completely different feeling.

However, An Le'er's body suddenly stiffened, with a surprised expression on her face.

She struggled subconsciously, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she looked at Ye Chui with some reproach.

The relationship with Ye Chui is very harmonious these days, and it's okay to hold hands occasionally or something, but it's the first time to hug like this.

"Eh?" Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, "Don't she want me to take the initiative to hug her?"

Ye Chui let go of his hand in embarrassment: "Be careful on the way back."

While speaking, Ye Chui seemingly unintentionally put his hand on An Le'er's shoulder.

He wanted to visit An Le'er's consciousness, to see how much authority he had in her heart.

Authority represents the degree to which a person is open to another person, as well as the degree of trust.

In the hearts of Xue Xue and Fang Jing, Ye Chui has five levels of authority.

As far as women are concerned, level five authority means that they have a good impression and are willing to share some concerns, and it doesn't matter if they are occasionally flirty.

But they haven't risen to the height where they can breastfeed, the highest is second base - if Ye Chui touches Yu Xue or Fang Jing's breasts by accident, they may be very angry, but they won't kill Ye Chui because of it.

If it is a level-[-] authority, then you can directly hit a home run, and you will be pulled directly to open a house without rejection.

If it is a level [-] authority, it is the level of loyalty and unswerving life and death.

At this moment, Ye Chui was very curious about his authority in An Le'er's heart.

But soon, he showed a surprised expression.

"Access denied?"

Ye Chui was a little surprised. With level five authority, he could easily get in. With level four authority, he could get in with a little effort.

But An Le'er's firewall is very tough, and she doesn't give Ye Chui a chance at all.

Doesn't this mean that Ye Chui's authority in her heart is level three or lower?

No way... It feels like An Le'er has feelings for him, doesn't she?

The contact with An Le'er was only a few seconds, and then An Le'er couldn't wait to get into the car, started the car and left.

in the car.

An Le'er's heart beat faster, and she was obviously shy about Ye Chui's hugging her just now.

"It was a surprise that he hugged me just now, but I..."

An Le'er showed a bit of embarrassment on her face.

In fact, she has a rare mental illness, a mental illness that even Yu Xue, who is as close as a sister, is not aware of.

— Misogyny.

She secretly saw a lot of psychiatrists, but they couldn't help her solve this kind of thing. She could only rely on herself.

Since college, she also tried to communicate with some boys, but she gave up before further development.

Ye Chui is by far the one who fascinates her the most. She can bear holding hands occasionally, but she can't stand anything further.

She had kissed Ye Chui once before, which was the most daring move she had ever done to a boy in her life.

"If Ye Chui knew that I have this kind of mental illness, would he still be willing to pursue me?"

An Le'er was thinking about these things while driving.


"Don't look, he's already gone away." Yu Xue said to Ye Chui who was in a daze, the little girl seemed very upset.

"Oh." Ye Chui came back to his senses, "Then let's go home too."

"Why let's go home, it's as if the relationship between this beauty and you is so close." Yu Xue muttered softly.

"Fuck, then you moved out of my house." Ye Chui was very unconvinced.

Yu Xue stared at Ye Chui: "Do you really want me to move away?"

"A little bit." Ye Chui thought it was a little bit, living with a girl named Yu Xue, and usually wanting to watch a porn movie for self-entertainment has no chance, but seeing this little girl's bare underwear is alluring , but it's annoying to watch too much, and I don't let you touch it...

"Hmph, then I won't move away!" Yu Xue snorted angrily.

I have made up my mind, I will depend on Ye Chui for the rest of my life!

The two returned home noisily, but just as they went upstairs, Ye Chui and Yu Xue were both taken aback.

There were two people standing at the door of the house.

One of them is Gu Feihai, and the other is a middle-aged man with a short and slightly fat body.

This middle-aged man was unattractive and ordinary-looking, but he stood there with a calm expression, which made people feel a very majestic aura.

Ye Chui had seen this kind of breath in An Le'er's father, An Huashan.

It belongs to the momentum of the superior.

Ordinary people will naturally feel a little frightened and unable to bear this kind of person.

Of course... Ye Chui is immune to this kind of thing.

He looked at the two of them curiously.

Yu Xue, who was walking in front of Ye Chui, froze for a moment.

There was some surprise on the little girl's face, but it was quickly replaced by deliberate indifference.

"Xiaoxue." The middle-aged man showed a smile on his dark face, "I haven't seen you for so long, and you don't know how to call Dad?"

——This unremarkable middle-aged man is Yu Xue's father.

Ye Chui was shocked, how beautiful must Yu Xue's mother have to be to neutralize her father's genes and give birth to such a juicy girl?

"What are you doing here!" Yu Xue puffed out her mouth as if she didn't like seeing her father.

"I'm here to take you back." The middle-aged man said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for so long, you don't know how much Dad misses you."

"What are you thinking about? Just remember to transfer money to my card every month." Yu Xue muttered. She made a lot of money by mixing in the relic ol.

"I sent you money on time every month."

As he spoke, the middle-aged man seemed to have thought of something, and instantly became very angry——

"But Xiaoxue, what's the matter with you? I asked someone to check the balance in your card, and it didn't decrease. Are you my daughter? Do you spend money? Do you remember what I taught you? , you can spend money for me vigorously every day, and if you spend no more than 10 yuan, can you sleep comfortably? You even make money for yourself, and I would be ashamed to say it!"


Ye Chui was filled with emotion for a moment.

He said that the world of local tyrants really doesn't understand...


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