The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

133 Yu Goudan—You deserve this name

"Xiaoxue, I heard that you and Lele had a quarrel, but you can't come here to torture yourself if you have a quarrel, come on, come back with me."

The middle-aged man walked to Yu Xue's side again, persuading him earnestly.

"Don't leave, I'm going to live here from now on." Yu Xue said firmly, she pulled Ye Chui in front of her as a shield, "This is my cohabiting boyfriend, let me go back with you, you can ask him if he can answer promise!"

"Promise! I have absolutely no objection." Ye Chui said immediately.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man was not happy: "Boy, it is your blessing that my daughter is with you. What is your attitude? When you hear my daughter say that, you should immediately firmly express that you will never let my daughter leave , This doesn’t even mean how you can be your boyfriend!?”

Ye Chui immediately rolled his eyes: "Then I firmly disagree with letting Xiaoxue leave?"

"No way!" The middle-aged man became even angrier, "Xiaoxue is my daughter, I insist on taking her away today, do you think you can stop me?"

Ye Chui: "... rub."

The middle-aged man looked at Yu Xue again: "Xiaoxue, you know my personality, and no one can change the things I have decided, even if you don't come with me!"

Yu Xue pursed her mouth and looked aggrieved, holding the corner of Ye Chui's shirt with both hands, looking very pitiful.

——This girl's acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite, full of emotions, restrained emotions, not exaggerated, with depth, most people will not be able to bear it when they see her like this...

Ye Chui praised him in his heart.

Then he directly pulled Yu Xue's little hand away: "Stop pulling, if you have the ability, you really cry first?"

Yu Xue's little nose wrinkled, but she still didn't shed tears after all, she stared at Ye Chui: "He has no conscience!"

"Xiaoxue, the boss misses you too much, you should at least go back and stay with him for a few days." Gu Feihai gently advised at this time.

Yu Xue glanced at Gu Feihai and muttered, "No."

"Smelly girl, why don't you let Dad worry so much?" The middle-aged man was already unhappy.

Yu Xue was even more unhappy: "Yu Goudan, I don't want to go back with you!"

Yu Goudan?Ye Chui was taken aback, what is this called?

When the middle-aged man heard Yu Xue's words, he was even more furious: "Is there anyone who calls your father's name directly like this?"

Yu Xue seemed to know that she had gone too far, so she didn't say a word.

Ye Chui looked surprised.

Yu Goudan is the name of this middle-aged man?

For a moment, he was full of affection for this middle-aged man.

Fuck, such a high-end and elegant name, it doesn't make sense if you don't like it!

He promoted the name Goudan countless times but was rejected. Unexpectedly, he finally met someone with this name today.

Ye Chui looked at Yu Xue's father and shouted in his heart: You deserve this name!

At this moment, Yu Xue's father softened his tone and said to Xue: "Xiaoxue, stop making trouble, let's go, go back with me, and I will give you an extra 50 pocket money every month from now on!"

"I don't want it." Yu Xue tilted her head and said firmly.

Ye Chui hurriedly persuaded Yu Xue: "Xiaoxue, your father is also doing it for your own good. I think you should stay with your father for a few days."

Yu Xue glared at Ye Chui a few times, she was very angry, thinking that if she showed this guy her underwear every day, wouldn't he be tempted at all?

In fact, Ye Chui has already seen that the little girl is being arrogant, and she is not determined at all, but she just doesn't want to agree so easily.

"You and your dad haven't seen each other for a long time, let's have a good chat in the room first." Ye Chui patted Yu Xue's little head and said with a smile.

At the same time, Ye Chui's consciousness also quickly visited Yu Xue's consciousness.

During the last visit, Ye Chui discovered that there was a virus in Yu Xue's consciousness, and she had mild autism.

Autism is a mental illness.

But Yu Xue's autism is mild, only grade one.

This autism is the main reason why Yu Xue has recently become a house girl. If this virus is deleted, she can restore her original cheerful personality.

"Sky hammer kill!"

Ye Chui immediately ran the anti-virus software he had researched, invaded into Yu Xue's consciousness, and completely eradicated the virus in the blink of an eye!

Sky hammer kill is mainly for defense, and the anti-virus function has been improved.

That is to say, Yu Xue's autism virus can be easily removed, but if it is replaced with a more advanced one, such as the level [-] psychosis virus of the killer Xiaoshuai, he is not capable of removing it so easily.

After removing the autism virus, Yu Xue's cute little face was slightly stunned, showing a puzzled expression.

In the moment just now, she suddenly felt a lot more cheerful, turned her head to look at Ye Chui, her big eyes were full of doubts.

Then Ye Chui opened the door and let Yu Goudan...Yu Xue and his daughter enter the room.

Gu Feihai suddenly whispered into Ye Zhuo's ear: "I have something to tell you, come out with me."

It seems to be about the killer.

Ye Chui nodded, and instead of following Yu Xue and his daughter into the room, he went downstairs with Gu Feihai.

"That killer didn't come to kill you." Gu Feihai said bluntly, "He said his target was the people who live in this room and play games."

"He came to kill Yu Xue?" Ye Chui was stunned.

In fact, he originally thought that the killer's purpose was very strange, and he didn't feel like he was here to kill him, but he didn't expect that the target was Yu Xue.

Who did Yu Xue offend?

It shouldn't be, although this girl has a bit of a surname and a bit of a local tyrant, but it's not enough to attract people's hatred and invite a killer, right?

Could it be... Zhang Yueyang?

——No matter what, Ye Chui would never have thought that the killer's target is actually his computer Ozawa...

"After I discovered this, I immediately contacted the boss. This is a matter for Xiaoxue. I can't let Xiaoxue's life be in any danger." Gu Feihai continued, he was explaining to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui smiled, naturally he didn't care about these things, he continued to ask curiously: "Then what about the killer now?"

If the killer is targeting him, then he doesn't care, but if it's someone close to him, then Ye Chui can't be calm.

Reading the killer's consciousness, maybe some information can be found.

"I've already thrown it into the Limu River." Gu Feihai said with a faint smile.

Limu River is a big river near Xizhou City.

Ye Chui was speechless: "Forget that I didn't ask..."

Afterwards, Gu Feihai took a look at the neighborhood, and said with nostalgia: "I bought Roujiamo here for two months, and I'm really reluctant to leave when I want to leave."

"The Roujiamo you made is really good, it's a pity." Ye Chui echoed with a smile.

"Hey, I just like this. When I retire, I will find a place to sell Roujiamo every day. This kind of life must be good." He said with a smack of his mouth.


Back upstairs again, Yu Xue's father and daughter had already discussed the issue of whether to stay or not.

"I'm going back." Yu Xue said to Ye Chui with some reluctance.

This result was also expected by Ye Chui.

Yu Xue stayed at Ye Chui's place because of her autism, and now that she's back to normal, she naturally feels a little shameless staying here.

"Yeah." Ye Chui nodded.

I suddenly felt a little bit reluctant. I was used to this girl staying in the room and playing computer games every day. She wanted to leave suddenly, feeling a little lonely.

"There will be a birthday party in a few days, do you want to come?" Yu Xue said suddenly.

"Birthday banquet?" Ye Chui was taken aback.

"It's the birthday party of Lele's little mother, Yang Shanshan. I've already agreed with Lele just now that I will go with her, or you can go too." Yu Xue seemed to think of something interesting, " I've already thought about what gift I want to give her, it must be very interesting."

"Okay, then I will definitely join in the show." Yu Xue said with a smile immediately.

"It's done." Yu Xue said with a smile.

Yu Xue left without bringing anything, and all the belongings she bought these days were left with Ye Chui.

Then, Yu Xue's father walked past Ye Chui, he gave Ye Chui a complicated look, and then followed Yu Xue downstairs.

Ye Chui shook his head and walked back to the room.

The room was still the original room, and the screen of Yu Xue's local tyrant machine was still the game screen of Ruins OL.

The girl who could play the game was no longer there, which made the room a little more lonely.

Ye Chui sat on Yu Xue's big armchair, feeling a little bit under his buttocks, reached out and pulled out a cover.


Ye Chui broke into a sweat, threw the thing aside, and sighed in a low voice.

"I'm definitely not used to it."

The screen in front of him flashed, and Ozawa's appearance appeared in front of Ye Chui.

"Brother Ye, I can accompany you." She said in a tactful voice, "If you feel bored, I can also download porn for you to watch."

"Hehe, that's right." Ye Chui said with a smile, thinking that his computer knows how to love people...

and many more!

Ye Chui was taken aback suddenly, Ozawa's words just now seemed a bit too mellow?

It was completely different from her blunt tone before, full of emotion.

What's more, she used to call Ye Chuiye brother, but now she changed to Ye Chuiye brother who feels more intimate.

Ye Chui thought of something, and hastily put his hand on Ozawa's main unit, probing out his power of detection.

After exploring for a while, Ye Chui showed joy on his face.

"The consciousness has been fully awakened, Ozawa, you have already advanced to become an intermediate magic weapon!"


The next update is in the early hours of the morning, and the new week will naturally be on the list~~~~~ The name of the next chapter is "It turns out that the appearance of porn is a shocking conspiracy"~~~ Are you looking forward to it~~~Next Zhang said quite eloquently, welcome to join us in the early morning~~


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