The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

134 This A Movie Is Clearly a Shocking Conspiracy

Ozawa on the screen smiled and nodded to Ye Chui.

"I don't know what's going on, but after you fainted yesterday, I've been worried about you, and my data logic system has changed unconsciously, and I seem to understand a lot of things at once."

"That's right, I didn't expect you, Ozawa, to be promoted to an intermediate magic weapon so quickly." Ye Chui swept away the original loneliness and felt very happy.

Ye Chui has comprehended the power of the heart, and can help Ozawa advance to an intermediate magic weapon in minutes, allowing her to have complete wisdom.

But Ozawa rejected Ye Chui himself, wanting to figure out some things by himself.

But now, she really turned on her intelligence by herself, and was promoted to a middle-level magic weapon.

Awakening consciousness through external force is completely different from self-awakening.

Being able to awaken consciousness on your own is invaluable to a magic weapon, and there will be great achievements in the future!

Seeing Ye Chui happy, Ozawa on the screen also smiled.

——She is very proud now. After Yu Xue left, there were only her and the owner left in this room.

An Le'er and Fang Jing, two women, don't want to snatch their master away from her!

"Brother Ye, do you want to watch porn? I can download a lot of them for you to watch." Ozawa suddenly said with a smile.

"Eh? This..."

Ye Chui looked at Ozawa's face with a somewhat smirk, and suddenly felt that the attributes of his computer seemed a bit unorthodox...

"As long as I can find it online, I can show it to you every minute." Ozawa continued.

Then, at least tens of thousands of covers of various pornographic films were listed on the screen in an instant.

All kinds, all tastes.

Ozawa still remembered that when Ye Chui just awakened her, he asked her to help download these things, and now he is even more familiar with it.


On the screen, Ozawa was grinning, completely uninterested in being stared at by this chick.

"Forget it." Ye Chui shook his head.

Suddenly, a hint of doubt appeared in Ye Chui's eyes.

Ye Chui didn't think much about this movie before, thinking it was just a product of technological civilization.

But at this moment, he suddenly had another idea——

"This porn is easy for people to sink into and unable to extricate themselves. I don't know how many men consume their essence for this. It's very similar to the sacrifice of the evil way of cultivation civilization!"

"In the cultivation civilization, those crooked ways use witches to confuse all living beings, and make people fall into the bewildered tenderness of the witches, so as to gather the willingness of all beings and use them for their own use."

"The wish power of all living beings is a kind of spiritual sustenance. If people are obsessed with this evil witch, the power of evil will be strengthened."

"But the porn actresses in modern civilization are more bold and unrestrained than those evil witches. These movies can be seen everywhere on the Internet. Every day, there are teenagers who are dying for Yi. If someone really has a heart to control this porn The appearance of that will gather the power of all sentient beings..."

"This porn is clearly a terrifying conspiracy!"

Ye Chui broke out in a cold sweat from his own speculation, and then he shook his head hastily.

"Maybe I'm just thinking too much..."

These are just Ye Chui's thoughts for a moment.

Ozawa on the screen seemed a little frustrated when he heard Ye Chui's refusal.

But soon, she rolled her eyes and said to Ye Chui with a smirk: "Or, Brother Ye, do you want to see me perform live for you?"


Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, a live performance?

——Fuck me, my computer is a bit bold.

"What's so funny about that?"

"I can change into various clothes for you to see, Brother Ye." Ozawa said with a smile.

Then the screen flashed, and her clothes instantly changed into a uniform.

Police uniforms, nurse uniforms, student uniforms, teacher uniforms...

All kinds of uniforms are in constant rotation, and they are of various styles, the most important thing is the one that saves fabrics to the extreme.

Ye Chui was immediately angry.

"Ozawa, what are you doing, you think I will be tempted so easily... By the way, isn't this nurse's uniform a bit coquettish?"

"Hee hee, I can still dance in this uniform for you to see."

Ozawa's body danced on the screen.

The dynamic music also sounded, and it felt like a dream.

The tall and sexy body is covered with a translucent cloth as thin as a cicada's wing, revealing the flesh, which is indescribably moving.

From time to time, she flicked up her clothes, showing off her radiant spring flesh to her heart's content, such a rippling scenery.

It's too ugly!

Ye Chui stared fixedly at the computer screen, with a critical look on his face!

The young master just wanted to see if Ozawa could dance a little better?

It turns can.

"What, do that action just now, that is, do that bending and squatting action again." Ye Chui looked at it with relish.

Ozawa acted like I would listen to you, obediently did what he did just now.

That water snake waist, small buttocks, and that pair of soul-stirring slender legs...

"Ozawa, do you know where Xiaoxue put the tissues?"

two hours later.

"Ozawa, it's not good for you to be like this." Ye Chui said to Ozawa on the screen with a sad face.

Ozawa has learned all of Xiaoxue's ability to pretend to be pitiful, and has carried it forward. She has a face of great grievances, and she is tearful and moving: "Brother Ye, Ozawa knows that he was wrong, and he will never dare to do it again." If you do this, don't be angry..."

"Can you put on your clothes first when you talk?" Ye Chui interrupted her.

"OK, all right."

Then Ozawa started to get dressed.

The elegant and confusing background music sounded quietly, Ozawa raised a slender beautiful leg, took the panties with both hands and slowly put them on, and slowly pulled them to the waist, with slight movements, with a sense of charm, She even had a face full of enjoyment, extremely emotional...

It took her 3 minutes to put on the clothes in the blink of an eye.

Ye Chui: " did it on purpose, didn't you?"

"Hee hee, do you want me to take off my clothes slowly?"

"Still taking off?"

Ye Chui finally understood that after his computer consciousness was awakened, he was completely a female hooligan!

"...Then take it off."


it's getting dark.

After Ozawa calmed down completely, Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought to himself that his computer was really abominable, do you know what it means to be hard-pressed?Thanks to him, he has strong physical fitness, if it is someone else, wouldn't he be exhausted and die?

He sat on the armchair where Yu Xue was playing games and closed his eyes.

There is something he wants to confirm.

Since waking up this morning, he has not had a chance to conduct experiments.

The room was pitch-black, save for the glow emanating from the computer screen.

Ye Chui's tightly closed eyes snapped open, and in an instant, a portal appeared in front of his eyes!

This is exactly the portal that appeared when the Hellfire Messenger died.

This portal is to the spiritual world.

Ye Chui has the power of heart and can summon this portal at will, but he can't pass through it.

The spiritual world, or the underworld, has been tampered with by a certain power, and no one can enter it without his permission.

Ye Chui waved his right hand, and in the lightning flame, his avatar Huo Leishen was summoned, floating in the air, and walked to the front of the portal.

The real portal is a kind of spiritual energy, which cannot be seen or touched by ordinary people, but the God of Fire and Thunder is between entity and energy, and can touch this portal.

He reached out and pushed the door open.

"The identity cannot be verified, and the opening failed." An electronic synthesizer sounded.

Ye Chui controls the God of Fire and Thunder, boom!boom!boom!He punched the door three times in a row, but the door remained motionless and was not affected at all.

"Sure enough, I can't open this door with my current strength!"

Ye Chui thought for a moment, and then his eyes lit up.

He controlled Huo Lei Shen to put his hand on the door, and then the Sky Hammer 2.0 system started to operate.

He is evolving the belief virus that the hellfire bringer infected him yesterday.

This virus can be said to be a sensory emotion, but it can also be understood as a programming code.

Ye Chui had fought against this virus before, and he already knew it like the back of his hand. Now he has directly evolved this virus, which is exactly the same as the original virus, but under Ye Chui's control, it is a disguised virus. .

The virus is an emotion, and Ye Chui's consciousness is connected with Huo Leishen, and the virus is then transmitted to Huo Leishen.

"Authentication passed, successful opening." The electronic synthesizer sounded.


A new week begins, please recommend tickets, collect and reward~~~~~


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