"Authentication passed, successfully opened."

As the electronically synthesized sound sounded, the door in front of Ye Chuihuo and Thunder God's avatar also slowly opened.

Ye Chui was excited, not knowing what was waiting on the other side.

"This is……"

Soon, his eyes widened.

As expected, the other side may be a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair, or a hell on earth.

But Ye Chuijue didn't expect that what was waiting on the other side was... a room.

An ordinary looking room.

There are wardrobes, tables and chairs, and very modern decoration.

"How could this be... is this really a spiritual space?"

The spiritual space is also called hell and the underworld. It is the place where the soul decides rewards and punishments and reincarnation after death. It should be very scary. The so-called purgatory on earth is the most terrifying place in the world.

But here is such a room?

Ye Chui controlled Huo Leishen and walked in.

The size of this room is only about [-] to [-] square meters. There are two doors in total. Apart from the door that came in, there is another door that leads to nowhere.

Ye Chui walked into the room, and the door slowly closed behind him.

He tried it, and by operating the belief virus, he found that he could open the door again and leave at will. At the same time, his avatar of Fire and Thunder God also maintained the connection with the main body, which reassured Ye Chui a lot.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly Ye Chui was taken aback, and saw a portrait on the wall next to him.

Seeing this portrait suddenly, the belief virus that evolved in Ye Chui's heart became agitated uncontrollably.

It seemed that some kind of power had been activated to make Ye Chui surrender under the portrait.

"This belief virus, what it believes in is the person in this portrait!"

Ye Chui immediately understood, he hurriedly used the sky hammer to suppress the restless virus, and after a while, he completely suppressed the virus.

This virus was evolved by Ye Chui, as long as he wants, he can delete it at any time.

But Ye Chui could tell that the virus here was equivalent to a kind of identity authentication. The virus existed on his body, and he replaced the original Hellfire Messenger, so Ye Chui didn't dare to delete it at will.

Ye Chui looked at the portrait seriously.

"This portrait is clearly in front of me, but I can't see the face of the person in the portrait, I can only feel a terrifying majesty!"

The portrait is close at hand, but the face cannot be seen.

It's not that the portrait is not clear, but that there is a mysterious aura permeating the portrait, which makes people unable to see the true faces of the characters on the portrait, and can only feel a terrifying aura that makes people want to kneel down uncontrollably.

"Could it be that the person in this portrait modified the order of the spiritual world and made it look like this?"

Ye Chui guessed in his heart.

He flipped through the small room and found any useful information.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The sound came from another door in the room.

Ye Chui was shocked, and looked nervously at the door.

After a while, there was another knock on the door, and at the same time a crisp girl's voice said: "[-], I received a report that you have returned, I am your new liaison officer, can we talk ?”

Hearing the girl's voice, Ye Chui thought secretly.

"[-]? Is this the name or code name of the original Hellfire Emissary? What is the liaison officer? But she said she is the new liaison officer? Then she should have never seen the Hellfire Emissary before... I'll get in touch with her first, maybe she doesn't recognize me!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui was about to open the door immediately, but then he thought of his naked state.

He rummaged around in this room, and finally found a few black robes in a side cabinet, and took them out to wear on his body.

——This robe is a materialized product of spiritual energy, it is very soft to wear on the body, and when Ye Chui puts it on, a string of numbers is automatically displayed on the chest of the robe: 95'.

"This robe seems to have the function of verifying identity, and since it is worn on me, since this string of numbers is displayed, it means that my disguise is successful."

Ye Chui opened the door nervously, he was a little apprehensive, wondering if his identity would be revealed.

He was ready to run away at any time.

The door was pulled open.

Appearing on the other side was a petite girl.

"You, hello! My name is Xingmei, please... please take care of me!"

The girl seemed to be more nervous than Ye Chui when she first saw Ye Chui, she nodded hurriedly and said, her voice stuttered a bit.

Seeing her reaction, Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that she didn't know what the original Hellfire Emissary looked like before.

Only then did Ye Chui take a serious look at the girl's appearance.

She is only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she looks very sweet and small, giving people a pink and lovely feeling.

He has long, smooth maroon hair, but he is wearing a short skirt uniform with a fashionable style, just like an ordinary white-collar office worker.

While Ye Chui was looking at her, she also raised her head to look at Ye Chui, her eyes were full of curiosity.

"Your name is Xingmei, are you my new liaison?" Ye Chuishun said following Xingmei's words just now.

Xingmei nodded quickly: "Yes, [-], I just got my liaison officer license, you are the first executor I take care of, and I need you to take care of me in the future."

Ye Chui heard a new term, executive.

He had already stood outside the door, pretending to look around unintentionally, Ye Chu could not help being shocked in his heart.

Outside the room is a long corridor, with countless rooms on both sides, each room has a house number, the house number of Ye Chui's room is [-], it seems that this house number is also a code name.

Others were walking in the corridors, men and women of all races, young and old.

One of them walked by in front of him. He didn't know what he did, and his appearance gradually changed, from a middle-aged man to a young girl.

——This girl even cast a wink at Ye Chui.

At the same time, some people hurried past in uniform like Singmi.

Ye Chui is very good at observing words and expressions, and he has figured out many things in a very short time.

The original Hellfire Emissary was an executive, code-named [-]. Ye Chui replaced him and became the new [-].

Here, appearance is not the basis for judging a person's identity, but the belief virus in everyone.

Ye Chui evolved that virus characteristic, which is equivalent to him completely replacing the original [-].

"I must get more information!" Ye Chui thought to himself.

He looked at Xingmei, a little girl who stood cautiously in front of him.

This little girl looks innocent and messed up, as if any lollipop can trick her away.

It happens that a lot of information can be extracted from her.

"You are my new liaison officer? It's unlucky that you have assigned me a new person." Ye Chui pretended to be very dissatisfied with Xingmei.

"I'm sorry!" Xingmei quickly apologized nervously, "Although I'm a newcomer, I will definitely work hard, please believe me."

"Working hard?" Ye Chui looked distrustful, "Why should I trust you?"

"Then...then what are you going to do?" Xingmei looked at Ye Chui with a pitiful face.

"Well, I want to ask you some questions, if you can answer them all, then I will trust you." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Xingmei immediately waved her small fist, and said very seriously: "Okay, I will definitely not let you down."

Ye Chui nodded in satisfaction, and pointed to the room he came out of: "Then let's have a good talk in my room."

"Ah, that's not allowed!" Xingmei hurriedly waved a pair of small hands and said, "This room is the communication point between Hellfire and the real world, and only people with physical bodies can enter it. Once a ghost like me enters it, it will immediately disappear. torn."

Hearing Xingmei's words, Ye Chui was stunned: Is this little girl a ghost?

He was surprised in his heart, but his face was very calm, and he nodded: "Well, yes, I am testing you, your performance is very good, you did not make this stupid mistake, then let's find a secret place to continue talking , is there any recommended place?"

"Yes, come with me!" Xingmei said quickly.

Then Ye Chui followed her into the corridor.

The tension in Ye Chui's heart gradually disappeared, and his guess was confirmed. The way to identify the identity here is the belief virus on everyone's body, and appearance is not important.

At least no one was suspicious of the shape of Ye Chuihuo's avatar.

A few minutes later, Xingmei brought Ye Chui to an elegant hall, like a coffee shop.

In fact, this is indeed a coffee shop, and the tables and chairs are separated by potted plants to maintain privacy between each other.

Someone was sitting there, seeming to be discussing something.

"This is the place where the liaison officer and the executive are in contact. You don't have to be afraid of being overheard when you talk." Xingmei introduced to Ye Chui. She seemed to be deliberately showing off, making Ye Chui believe that she knew the way.

Ye Chui nodded: "Well, you are right."

He and Xingmei came to a table by the window, and immediately a waiter in a maid outfit brought two cups of coffee.

This is the spiritual world, it is virtual, Ye Chui seems to be in a dream, what he feels is the same as the real world.

Coffee tastes just like real coffee.

Ye Chui looked out through the window at this time, and was shocked again.

The outside stretches as far as the eye can see, it is a piece of land like a virgin forest, and there are still buildings that look like ruins.

It seems that countless years ago, there was a big war here, and a lot was destroyed.

"Nine-five-two-seven, if you have any questions, just ask me!" Xingmei's words made Ye Chui ponder.

Ye Chui came back to his senses, and said to Xingmei: "Don't call me [-], call me by my name."

"Name?" Xingmei was taken aback for a moment, "But I... But I don't know your name, Hellfire's executive database only registers code names, there are no names, but you can tell me what your name is. There's nothing wrong with calling names."

"Well, it seems that you know a lot." Ye Chui immediately said with a smile, as if I was testing you.

——Ye Chui doesn't have to be afraid of saying something wrong, because after saying something wrong, he can immediately use "I'm testing you" as an excuse to get over it.

And hearing Ye Chui's praise, Xingmei showed a sweet smile, and smiled.

Ye Chui thought for a moment, then said, "You can call me Huo Lei Shen from now on."

"Oh, God of Fire and Thunder." Xingmei whispered the name again.

Ye Chui paused, and then asked the girl in front of him ponderously: "I'm going to ask you a question—you can tell me first, what is the purpose of our hellfire existence."

"Ah? You asked me this question." Xingmei seemed very surprised, "This question couldn't be simpler. Hellfire influences the birth of technology, develops technological civilization, and makes human development go astray, leading to the desolation of cultivation civilization, and we finally The purpose is to..."


The answer to why this novel is called the Kingdom of Science and Technology of the Grand Master of Artifact Refining is revealed in these two chapters~~~~


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