"...And our ultimate goal is to absorb the wishes of all beings!"

Xingmei said with a smile, and then she showed Ye Chui a proud expression that the question was too simple.

Ye Chui was slightly taken aback, absorbing the will power of all beings?

The power of will belongs to the power of gods, and it is a power that can only be used by gods. Ordinary people try to control this kind of power, which is crooked.

"How to absorb the wish power?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"This is easy to explain. Our Hellfire develops technological civilization and allows various technologies to appear in the world. Cars, mobile phones, televisions, refrigerators, and the Internet, these things have now become indispensable to people's lives. People We must rely on these things to survive, and this dependence is a kind of willingness, and they will automatically gather in the hands of the inventors of these technologies, that is, we Hellfire."

Xingmei explained, she showed a sweet smile, and asked Ye Chui: "Do you think my explanation is correct?"

"That's right." Ye Chui nodded calmly, but was extremely surprised in his heart.

Technology was born for this reason! ?

Doesn't this mean that the emergence of technology is actually a big conspiracy?

Ye Chui pondered for a moment, and then asked again, "The power of will is finally collected in the hands of the inventors of technology, but now there are countless manufacturers of various electrical appliances. Are these people from Hellfire?"

"Of course not." Xingmei hurriedly shook her head, "We Hellfire only need to absorb the top talents in the industry, and then let them develop technology, and when a technology is successfully developed, we will use some means to distribute it to these manufacturers middle.

For example, the Apple mobile phone, everyone knows that this mobile phone was designed by Joe's team, but in fact it was designed by our Hellfire, and then the design was transformed into inspiration and put into the heads of those design team members, so Speaking of which, this Apple mobile phone is the result of our hellfire, and the aspirations generated by people using this mobile phone will come to us. "

It turned out to be like this, Ye Chuan nodded in his heart.

"By the way!" Xingmei thought of something, she asked Ye Chui, "Huo Lei Shen, I read the information, you went to perform the mission before, and you were looking for a man named Brother Hammer to absorb him into our hellfire, and he agreed No? The time limit for this task is only seven days."

There is still a time limit for the task?

Ye Chu's heart moved, and he said: "He has agreed to join our Hellfire, but what should I do next?"

"This is about the executive, what do you ask me to do?" Xingmei was taken aback for a moment, and then she said to Ye Chui with a sweet smile, "You must be testing my understanding of various professions, right? Hehe, This is not difficult for me, you can take him to the contact point of our Hellfire in Fanghai City, let him be baptized, and then he can enter this world through prayer at any time and become a designer."


After thinking about it for a while, Ye Chui understood what it meant.

The so-called baptism is to plant a belief virus in the consciousness of the other party, so that the members who join Hellfire will wear the shackles of consciousness, and will never betray the organization.

No wonder the Hellfire is so mysterious that Qianlong Group can't even confirm its existence.

This belief virus seems to have played a very large role.

Brother Ye Chui Hammer's identity attracted Hellfire's attention because of his talent in counterfeit mobile phones, and he wanted to absorb him into Hellfire.

And when Ye Chui enters, he will become a designer, specializing in designing various high-tech things.

"I also know about your executives, hehe, what's the matter, am I still qualified?" Xingmei's big eyes looked at Ye Chui expectantly.

"That's right, I've started to believe in your ability now." Ye Chui praised with a smile.

Give her a sweet date first.

Xingmei smiled sweetly, very happy.

Then she seemed to think of something again, and hurriedly said: "By the way, besides technology products, the entertainment industry is also a way for Hellfire to absorb wish power."

"Entertainment circle?" Ye Chui's eyes widened.

Ye Chui is very familiar with wish power, just after Xingmei finished speaking, he already understood how the entertainment industry absorbs wish power, and he was shocked.

To put it bluntly, wish power is a collection of human emotions.

People pray to produce willpower.

People's desires will produce will power.

People love a star, and this love is also a will.

The entertainment circle, this is something unique to technological civilization, and it is absolutely impossible to see this kind of existence in cultivation civilization.

In the civilization of comprehension, singing, performing and dancing are called singers, and their status is not high.

But in this technologically civilized society, celebrities are the most famous type of people.

To be called a star, there are hundreds of thousands or even millions of fans.

This fan's love for the star is a powerful wish.

In order to make Ye Chui believe in her abilities, Xingmei tried her best to show off the information she knew, and she continued: "Those who have the potential to become stars will also receive invitation letters from our hellfire, let them accept our In this way, the wish power generated by those fans' love for them will also be transferred to our hellfire."

"There are tens of thousands of people who can be called stars. Did everyone receive an invitation letter from Hellfire?" Ye Chui asked strangely.

"Of course not." Xingmei shook her head, her soft maroon hair fluttering, "There are also some lucky people who accidentally become popular, but such stars are just short-lived, without the support of our hellfire, they will soon be popular." Outdated. Even the stars we have chosen, when they are not good enough, we will give up."

This is indeed the case. There are very few stars in the entertainment industry that are evergreen, and many of them are short-lived.

Suddenly Ye Chui thought of something, and he couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

——He is very self-cultivated, and the mountain collapses in front of him without changing his color.

But even so, the idea that came to him suddenly made him unable to hold back for a while.

He almost tremblingly asked Xingmei: "According to what you're saying...is pornography also a way to absorb wish power?"

Hearing Ye Chui's question, Xingmei blushed, and then said: "Yes, a...that kind of thing was researched by a senior cadre, and when watching that kind of thing, many people will sink into the **** Among them, he even spared no effort to expend his energy, and the power of desire generated by this ** is much greater than the love of celebrity fans..."

It's so fucking true!

Ye Chui was completely speechless.

Fuck, porn is really a huge conspiracy...

"You seem surprised?" Xingmei saw Ye Chui's loss of composure, her eyes widened in confusion.

"Eh..." Ye Chui hurriedly regained his composure, and said to Xingmei with a smile, "Am I surprised? Heh, it's because I found out that you are so capable, and I am very pleased."

Xingmei suddenly became happy: "Really, hehe, I thought you would dislike me as a liaison officer."

"I like you very much." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Damn, if such a pure little girl doesn't like who she likes, if it were someone else, Ye Chui would have revealed his secrets a long time ago!

Ye Chui picked up the coffee in front of him, took a sip, it was very mellow, just like the coffee in the real world.

He smiled and looked at Xingmei who was happy, and continued: "Although I have already believed in you, I still need to continue to test your ability. How about this, please tell me the things here in detail again." , For example, you said you were a ghost, what's going on?"

"Oh, okay." Xingmei nodded quickly, and then continued to speak seriously, "Our ghost is..."


Meanwhile, in the real world.

Ye Chuiyuan was not as calm as his Huo Lei Shen avatar showed.

In the dark room, he walked back and forth in the room a little irritable.

After owning the doppelganger, he can do two things at once.

Huo Lei Shen's avatar continued to talk to Xing Mei, wanting to know more information.

But Ye Chui's deity was thinking about other things.

"This technological civilization turned out to be a big conspiracy. Don't all people living in a technologically civilized society be kept in captivity like livestock?"

"Cars, mobile phones, household appliances, the Internet, and even entertainment circles and movie stars, these are all conspiracies, a big conspiracy to absorb the power of life-long wishes!"

"Who is the existence that established Hellfire and controlled all of this?"

Ye Chui's somewhat irritable figure suddenly stopped.

What did he think of.

"Although I don't know what that existence is doing these things for, but I'm sure of one thing... the power of the will of all beings is the power of gods, a power that only gods can use, and other people can only use it in crooked ways! "

"Those who established Hellfire must be plotting something terrible!"

"Since I have decided to live in this world, I can't see him continuing like this."

Ye Chui's eyes sharpened instantly.

"I want to rob him of the power of sentient beings!"

For a moment, Ye Chui's blood was almost boiling.

"I'm a grand master of crafting. This technology is the same as crafting. Since the world has been controlled by Hellfire with technology, then... I will build a technological kingdom to fight against him!"


Strictly speaking, this story has just officially started now... This chapter was written with too much effort. I wrote it for nearly six hours, deleted it several times, and finally wrote it. I feel that I have explained something clearly. I hope everyone will like it... This is about urban cultivation, so there will naturally be some cultivation things, but most of the focus will be on how the protagonist builds this technological kingdom, and various cultivation-style technological products will follow one after another. Let’s look forward to it~~~~ Only two chapters have been updated today, but it will be updated three times a day starting tomorrow. I hope everyone will vote for it, and click it. It’s a forced push for the time being. There is only one chance. Cannonball wants to go to the homepage of the click list Go to show your face, I hope everyone can realize this little wish, thank you.


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