The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

137 On Strategies for Establishing a Science and Technology Kingdom

"... Then the young master will build a technological kingdom to fight against him!"

Ye Chui made a decision.

He didn't make this decision casually, but after some careful consideration, he made up his mind when he thought it was feasible.

"Hellfire uses technology to absorb the will of all human beings. The most common technologies that people rely on are mobile phones and the Internet. People spend most of their time in this area in their daily lives."

"I want to continue to develop the counterfeit mobile phone production line in Maple Leaf Town, expand the scale, sell counterfeit mobile phones to the world, and occupy the mobile phone market!"

"In terms of the network... Ozawa is fully awakened now, just leave it to her. Later, I will prepare hundreds or thousands of hosts for her, so that she can have more clones and form a powerful navy army. Master Yun Yiyun's special surname, as long as there are enough avatars, it is easy to completely control the wind direction of the network."

"There are also cars. I want to make the Sky Hammer series cars the most popular car brand in the world, and popularize Sky Hammer cars all over the world!"

Various thoughts kept gushing out of Ye Chui's mind.

If you want to snatch the will power of all beings through technology, it is not enough to just do these things.

There are countless technological products.Cars, mobile phones, and the Internet are just three of the more representative ones.

Ye Chui wants to use these three kinds of surgery first.

"I have to buy a few more luxury cars quickly. To build a worldwide car brand, I have to show the courage to build a car race. Only one Honda Accord is not enough."

Ye Chui then continued to think.

The first batch of car babies are about to grow, and Ye Chui has done some experiments, and there is no mistake, and now it can continue.

There were 25 cars in this first batch, and there were only 24 cars except Xiao Hei, which was far from enough.

"My card is about 700 million now. Let's buy all of them into luxury cars. Although I can transform scrapped vehicles, the quality is not as good as that of luxury cars. This is a matter of pedigree."

Thinking of this, Ye Chui couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

Shit, the young master is going bankrupt again.

He looked at the dark hut, he had planned to buy a better place for a long time, but he never had the chance.

"The matter of the car is imminent. Let's talk about the new residence when we save money... just continue to live here for the time being."

"I have to find another place for the steel egg." Ye Chui thought again, "If the car race of the steel egg is to be multiplied on a large scale, the wasteland outside Maple Leaf Town is not enough. More places are needed. But is there enough room there?"

These are issues that need to be considered, Ye Chui rubbed his forehead and felt quite a headache.

But he also felt that he was full of fighting spirit.

Ye Chui thought of another way for Hellfire to absorb the will power of all beings—the entertainment industry.

"This is much more difficult. How can I prevent Hellfire from absorbing the power of the entertainment circle?"

"The entertainment circle seems to have become the most important circle in the world today. It is not easy to snatch the power of will from this entertainment circle..."

"Unless, I can build a brand new entertainment circle?"

Ye Chui then shook his head again.

It's too far-fetched to establish a brand new entertainment circle.

However, Ye Chui didn't know that after a while, he really "established" a brand new entertainment circle...

Ye Chui was thinking like this, and at the same time, his Huo Lei Shen clone kept getting a lot of information from Xing Mei, a careless liaison officer.

This also gave Ye Chui a deeper understanding of Hellfire.

Infernals have a strict hierarchy.

Except for the existence at the apex, below is the cadre class.

Cadres are divided into three categories: high-level cadres, middle-level cadres, and low-level cadres.

Then there are three types of operators.

They are Liaison Officer, Executor, and Designer.

Liaisons accuse the equivalent of brokers.

Usually a liaison officer will be in charge of several executors, they are responsible for receiving tasks and then releasing them to the executors they are responsible for.

However, because Xingmei is a newcomer, she is only in charge of an executive now.

The mission of Hellfire is to recruit newcomers.

For example, Ye Chui developed the iphone6s, which caused a sensation. The cadres of Hellfire became interested in Ye Chui, so they issued a task to absorb Ye Chui.

The former No. [-] executor received this task and carried it out. Only then did a series of things happen.

In addition, another task of the executor is assassination, mainly targeting those who have rejected the invitation of the lower or higher.

——High-end talents will be destroyed if they are not used by me!

Of course, not all Hellfire invites require an executor to do so.

After all, there are too many talents in the world.

Some are notified by letter.

And this kind of invitation with a slightly lower level of importance, if it is rejected, the cadres of Hellfire will contact ordinary killers to carry out the killing task.

The former Xiaoshuai was sent to Xizhou City for this reason...

Of course, Ye Chui still didn't know that Ozawa had attracted Hellfire's attention because of his amazing game operation skills, and he wanted to send her an invitation letter from Hellfire, but his computer directly rejected it.

The predecessors of executives are generally killers and wanted criminals.

When they attract enough attention from the Hellfire, they will be invited to join the Hellfire as an executive.

The predecessor of the liaison officer was a ghost in hell.

After a person dies, the soul is absorbed into the spiritual space, some of which go to reincarnation, while the other part chooses to stay in the spiritual space.

Xingmei is a part of people who choose to stay in the spiritual space.

This type of people is called ghosts, they have no entity and cannot enter the real world, they can only exist in the spiritual space.

In the entire underworld, there are hundreds of millions of ghosts like Xingmei wandering around.

Among them, only a very small number of ghosts are lucky enough to be liaison officers, and Xingmei is one of the lucky ones.


Ye Chui controlled Huo Lei Shen and got a lot of useful information from Xing Mei.

But there are still some problems, but he can't get the answer from Xingmei.

For example, when the executor is performing tasks, he can get a kind of subsidy from Hellfire - Yuan Qi Liquid.

But how this vitality liquid was produced, Xingmei didn't know.

In addition, in the vast and endless hell of the underworld, there are various relics in the forest. Xingmei does not know where these relics come from.

"It seems that I still have a lot to know..." Ye Chui thought to himself.

He originally mixed in just to get answers to some questions.

But now, he decided to stay here for a long time.

"It's been said for so long, Huo Leishen, do you believe me now?"

Xingmei looked at Ye Chui and asked cautiously.

This little girl has been talking non-stop for two hours, and the waiter dressed as a maid brought her several cups of coffee. At this moment, her big eyes are full of hope: "Can I be your liaison officer?"

"Of course you can be my liaison officer. I hope we can take care of each other in the future." Ye Chui immediately said with a smile.

He had already obtained a lot of information from this little girl, so naturally he had no reason to continue talking with her.

Xingmei was very happy and cheered, a faint blush appeared on her pink face, she was extremely cute.

Then, she continued: "By the way, Huo Lei Shen, you have to finish the task of Brother Hammer quickly. There are only seven days left in the time limit. If you don't take him to the contact point of Hellfire in time for baptism, It will be judged that the task has failed, and you will receive punishment at that time."

"Well, I see." Ye Chui nodded with a smile.

Before, when he knew that there was a time limit for the task, Ye Chui came up with a plan...

Then Ye Chui's Huo Lei Shen clone bid farewell to Xing Mei and returned to his room.

In addition, the door to the real world opened wide, Huo Leishen stepped forward and returned to Ye Chui's side.

He also brought out the black robe he was wearing. This thing belongs to the materialization of spiritual energy. Ye Chui stretched out his hand, and Huo Leishen took the black robe and transformed into the form of a hammer together. The hammer has turned black.

Ye Chui tossed it twice in his hand, and Thor's Hammer turned into a burst of flames and disappeared again.


From now to Friday, there will be three updates, and we will continue to add updates after it is released~~~ I hope everyone will support, thank you.


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