The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

138 It is impossible for my computer to be so chaotic

Ye Chui tossed it twice in his hand, and Thor's Hammer turned into a burst of flames and disappeared again.

"It's time to call Fang Jing!"

Ye Chui found the phone and immediately dialed Fang Jing's number.

The phone rang once and was connected, and Fang Jing's excited voice came from the other side: "Ye Chui, what's the matter with you calling me so late?"

"Fang Jing, where are you now?" Ye Zhizhi asked.

Hearing Ye Chui's question, Fang Jing was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I'm in a hotel, because I want to stay in Xizhou City and wait for the results of their discussion, so I didn't go back to Maple Leaf Town at night. Ye Chui , why do you ask this question?"

"The hotel? I have something to find you." Ye Chui said.

"Come to see me?" Fang Jing's tone was a little surprised, and she asked in a shy voice, "It's so late, why are you looking for me?"

"I have something very important to tell you." That matter is indeed very important, and it was a strategy that Ye Chui thought of before.

"Can't...can't wait for tomorrow?" Fang Jing asked.

"It's best now." The sooner this matter is the better, otherwise there may be some changes.

"Now..." Fang Jing's voice became even softer. She understood what she was witty, and after a while of silence, she said, "Can't we talk on the phone?"

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone, I want to tell you in person." Ye Chui continued, he felt a little strange, but he just wanted to talk to Fang Jing about something, why did he feel that Fang Jing looked a little strange.

Is it inconvenient?

It's really inappropriate for a big man to go to a girl at night.

However, just when Ye Chui was about to give up, Fang Jing agreed.

"Okay, I'm at Yuxin Hotel, come."

After saying this, Fang Jing quickly hung up the phone.

"The room in Yuxin Hotel, you should tell me first..."

Hearing the busy tone from the other side, Ye Chui felt a little speechless.

What happened to this witty girl?

He tried to dial back, but then he shook his head again.

"Ozawa, help me find out where the Yuxin Hotel is."

Ye Chui turned to the computer next to him.

Ozawa's figure appeared, and she seemed a little unhappy: "Brother Ye, you have been masturbating for three hours this afternoon, isn't it enough and you need to find other women to solve it?"


Ye Chui rolled his eyes, Ozawa's thinking was a bit inappropriate, he just happened to have something to talk to Fang Jing at ten o'clock in the evening, because the matter was urgent, so he was going to the hotel where she was staying Talk about... Ozawa actually misunderstood him!

"Brother Ye, if you are still not satisfied, I can continue to help you." Ozawa continued, his voice charming to the bone.

"I'm going to do business." Ye Chui explained seriously.

Ozawa showed an aggrieved look: "Isn't it a serious thing for someone to let you see the uniform and temptation?"

"...What kind of serious business is this?" Ye Hang's head was sweating, "Can you tell me where the Yuxin Hotel is first?"

Ozawa showed an angry expression and said, "I can tell you, but you have to promise me one condition."

Damn it, the computer even negotiated conditions with the young master?

Ye Chui said helplessly: "You can tell me what the conditions are."

"Wait until you come back and watch me dance for two hours. Hehe, I synthesized the seductive scenes from a hundred movies and created an ultimate dynamic and charming dance, which is guaranteed to make you want to die." Xiao Xiao Ze said with a proud face.

"Still watching?" Ye Chui couldn't help sweating profusely, isn't his computer a little coquettish?

Ozawa smiled again.

"Actually, Brother Ye, I think you should build a body for me first. I have studied all kinds of poses and movements in ten thousand porn movies, and I am definitely more professional than those art actors. I guarantee that you will not like others How about any woman, isn't that an attractive proposition?"

Build a body for Ozawa?Is this an inflatable doll...

It is definitely the rhythm of a dead house.

"...Did you awaken your consciousness to do something?" Ye Chui asked her with a face of condemnation.

As a high-end artificial intelligence life, don't you feel humiliated that you think about something every day?

Hearing Ye Chui's question, Ozawa immediately showed a face of shyness, and then she nodded.

Damn, she nodded!

——You are an artificial intelligence, dear!

Putting it in any laboratory and scientific research institution is an existence that can make those scientists look up crazily.

And you actually said that the reason you awakened your consciousness is to do this kind of thing...

Well, Ye Chui was actually quite relieved in his heart.

After Ye Chui promised Ozawa that she would watch her two-hour ultimate dynamic and charming dance, she finally helped Ye Chui find the location of Yu Xin Hotel.

And she also kindly invaded the hotel's customer registration database, and told Ye Chui the room number where Fang Jing was.

"Master, this is your best walking route. On the way, you will pass three bedding stores, which are open 24 hours a day. According to your size, I suggest you buy xx brand xx and xxx brand xx Size number..."

"Fuck, Ozawa, you are enough!"

Ye Chui slammed the door and went out, he felt very ashamed.

"It's impossible for my computer to be so's unscientific."

At this moment, in a certain room of Yuxin Hotel.

"It's already ten o'clock. It's self-evident what he's going to do to find me so late!"

Fang Jing walked back and forth in the room, making inferences wittily.

She looked tense.

"But the key is what should I do..."

When we separated from Ye Chui during the day, Fang Jing still thought Ye Chui was puzzled.

But is he taking the initiative too far now?

"What kind of posture should I use later, I have no experience in this area... No, I shouldn't think about this issue now. What I should think about is whether I want Ye Chui to succeed... In other words, do I want to prepare a condom or something? of?"

I walked back and forth a little irritably for a while, and the more I thought about it, the more confused I became.

Already completely flustered.

Suddenly, she thought of something and rushed into the bathroom.

Fang Jing's appearance was reflected in the mirror, because she had stayed in the bedroom since returning from Ye Chui's place, so she looked rather sloppy and her hair was messy at the moment.

"How can I meet people like this!?"

Fang Jing was taken aback, and hurriedly wanted to put on makeup first.

But accidentally messed up the makeup on his face again.

Helpless, she had no choice but to tear off her clothes in a hurry, wanting to take a shower first.

"It should only take 10 minutes from Ye Chui's house to here, hurry up, hurry up..."

But the more Fang Jing thought about it, the more flustered she felt.

It's even more of a mess...

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes passed.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Ye Chui has arrived?" Fang Jing was taken aback.

She was standing naked under her disheveled hair at the moment, just in time to wash the foam off her body.

"Hurry up and get dressed..." This was the only thought in Fang Jing's mind.

She went to find her clothes, only to find that the clothes were completely soaked due to the flurry of hands and feet just now.

Fang Jing was a little dumbfounded: "There is a hair dryer in the bathroom to dry clothes, but there is not enough time, what should I do?"

The knocking sounded again.

Ye Chui's voice came in: "Fang Jing? Are you in there?"

"He's already here...what should I do?" Fang Jing was even more anxious, "If I don't open the door for a long time, will Ye Chui directly hit the door..."


Suddenly Fang Jing saw the bathrobe hanging on the side of the bathroom, and her heart skipped a beat.

"I can put on this bathrobe first and open the door with Ye Chui, and then go back to the bathroom and find a way to dry the clothes."

Thinking of this witty note, Fang Jing immediately took off the bathrobe and put it on herself.

Then she took a look in the mirror again, and after making sure that nothing was revealed, she nodded in satisfaction and walked out of the bathroom to open the door.

Outside the door, Ye Chui felt a little strange: "There is movement inside, Fang Jing should be inside? But why didn't you open the door so late?"

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Chui's heart moved, and then he planned to pry the door open - Ye Chui can easily open this card type door lock.

But before he could move, the door of the room opened by itself.

Fang Jing appeared at the door with a calm smile on her face.

Her hair was wet, and she was wearing a white bathrobe, which was thick and surrounded her body. She greeted Ye Chui with a smile: "Ye Chui, you are here."

Ye Chui nodded: "Oh, were you taking a bath just now?"

"Yes." Fang Jing nodded, and then hurriedly said, "But I didn't take a bath because you wanted to come."

"Uh... I see." Ye Chui nodded a little strangely, don't you need to say this kind of thing?

"Come in first." Fang Jing continued, and opened the door to let Ye Chui in.

Ye Chui walked in with a strange expression.

It feels a bit strange for Fang Jing to act like this.

Could it be... This girl is going to use a beauty trick on him again?

Fang Jing closed the door calmly, and she let out a soft breath.

She thought to herself that she was indeed the smartest, and now she just had to pretend to be unintentional and go back to the bathroom and put on her clothes again.

——At this moment, she didn't notice at all that when she closed the door, she accidentally caught a corner of her clothes in the crack of the door, and any small movement of her could completely tear off the bathrobe... …


The second update~~~ There will be another update in the evening, looking forward to your support~~~Thank you~~~


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