Fang Jing's hotel room is [-] to [-] square meters in size, with all kinds of furniture and electrical appliances available.

Ye Chui looked it over, thinking that the hotel room was better than the place where he lived, and he immediately started to complain.

The young master must hurry up to make money, and then buy a big house filled with beauties...

Fang Jing, who was standing at the door, said softly, "Sit casually first, and I'll take a shower."

"Bath?" Ye Chui was a little strange, "Didn't you take a shower just now?"

Fang Jing had a witty expression on her face. She had already thought of an excuse, and said calmly, "I was taking a bath just now, but I haven't finished washing it yet, so I have to continue washing it."

"Continue to wash?" Ye Chui was speechless.

Do you still have to continue washing in the shower?


Ye Chui looked at Fang Jing and suddenly became puzzled.

In the middle of the night, he came to the girl's room. Not only was she unprotected, but she had just taken a shower, and her wet hair said that she would continue to take a shower.

I'm second, isn't this kind of development a bit too evocative?

It's like the plot in countless movie clips: the hero comes to the heroine's room in the middle of the night, the heroine refuses but says she wants to take a bath, then the door of the bathroom is half open, and the beauty is half leaning against the door , naked...

Seeing Ye Chui looking at herself, Fang Jing blushed suddenly, thinking that maybe her bathrobe was not properly worn and leaked out?

She hastily lowered her head to look at herself, and only after she found that the package was tightly packed did she feel relieved.

But her lowering her head seemed a bit shy.

It seems that some decisions have been made, but there is some hesitation in the heart, and the shy answer is even more touching.

Ye Chui felt his heart beat slightly faster, but he didn't expect Fang Jing to be so unrestrained, and just washed himself clean and waited for him.

What a considerate girl.

In this case, he must take the initiative, otherwise, wouldn't it be a thunderbolt.

So, Ye Chui showed an ambiguous smile on his face: "Do you want to continue taking a bath, how about I wash it for you?"

"Help me take a bath?" Fang Jing was startled when she heard Ye Chui's words.

Then, a look of anger appeared on her face.

Ye Chui is clearly teasing her by saying this, playing a hooligan on her!

Fang Jing was very annoyed, wishing she could slap Ye Chui immediately!

Although everyone is familiar with and likes me, is Fang Jing such a casual person?

She walked towards Ye Chui, raised one hand aggressively, and then... With a sharp sound, the bathrobe on her body was pulled off.

The young girl's delicate and pure white body was displayed naked in front of Ye Chui.

Fair skin, tall and sexy, she is the kind of girl with a good figure who can be a model directly.

At this time, it is displayed in front of Ye Chui so unhindered, it is like a flawless work of art, full of holy atmosphere, but it also arouses the most primitive desire in a man's heart.

If this is a work of art, it will last forever, but Ye Chui only wants to keep it forever.

The room fell silent for a moment.

Fang Jing felt that her body was stiff, she lowered her head and looked at her body with some difficulty, she was naked, without any clothes on.

Raising her head, Fang Jing looked at Ye Chui.

Because she wanted to slap Ye Chui just now, so she had already walked in front of Ye Chui, and the distance between the two was only half a foot.

She saw the astonished expression on Ye Chui's face.

The expression slowly turned into a smile.

Ye Chui smiled lightly: "Fang Jing, in fact, you don't have to spend so much time creating this romantic moment. What do you want to do? Isn't it just a matter of one sentence? But having said that, I admit that this scene is very interesting. The impact is replaced by anyone who can't help being attracted."

Saying so, Ye Chui coughed lightly, then reached out to grab Fang Jing's shoulder.

He should take the initiative where he should take the initiative...

Fang Jing woke up in a start, and hurriedly dodged Ye Chui's hand, and then panickedly wanted to put the bathrobe on again, but the corner of the bathrobe was caught in the crack of the door, and she couldn't pull it off no matter what. Tears flowed from anxious eyes.

"Uh..." Ye Chui was stunned, thinking that she was suddenly embarrassed, although Fang Jing was usually careless, but in fact her character was a little shy, so Ye Chui kindly said, "Then you want me to help you?"

Fang Jing's body trembled slightly, and she shook her head hastily. At this time, she wisely gave up her bathrobe and ran into the bathroom.

In addition to the living room, there is only one bathroom and toilet in this hotel room.


Fang Jing rushed into the bathroom and closed the door forcefully.

She leaned against the door and panted lightly, feeling that she was really ashamed and thrown home.

"Hello? Are you okay?" Ye Chui's concerned voice came to mind outside the door.

"I'm fine!" Fang Jing said angrily, but there was a bit of weakness in her voice. She felt that her face was very hot, and her body felt an urge to burn.

Leaning against the door, panting violently, it took a long time before she calmed herself down a little.

"It was an accident just now. Although he saw his body, it's the 21st century now. I just took a look and didn't feel anything to be afraid of..." Fang Jing persuaded herself in this way, she took a deep breath, "Now The most important thing is to be tactful, and I will explain it to him later, yes, you must be tactful..."

She thought so in her heart, and then wanted to quickly dry the clothes she just took off and put them on.

However, just as she was about to take the clothes she had just taken off and put in the basket beside her, she only heard a "squeaky" sound, and accidentally slipped under her feet.

She was taking a shower in the bathroom just now, and there was a layer of water on the ground floor, mixed with the bubbles of shower gel, it was very smooth.

After she accidentally slipped and fell, she bumped into the bathtub with her head straight.

A crisp "pop" sound.

Fang Jing let out an exclamation, and then passed out.


Ye Chui had already taken off his trousers - he felt that a large part of the reason why Fang Jing was shy was that she was still wearing clothes after taking off Ye Chui, so it was better for Ye Chui to plan to take off her own clothes for her sake.

At this moment, he suddenly heard movement in the bathroom.

"Fang Jing?" Ye Chui called out hastily, but there was no response, so he knocked on the door, "Fang Jing, what's wrong with you?"

Still no response.

Ye Chui frowned, he felt something was wrong.

"It's not a gentleman to rush into the bathroom where a girl takes a bath... But her body has been seen just now, so don't worry about it anymore?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately grabbed the doorknob of the bathroom, and the power of fire surged out in his hand, which immediately burned the doorknob red, as if it was about to melt, and with a little more force in his hand, with a click, the bathroom door was slammed opened.

Push the door in.


Ye Chui was startled and saw Fang Jing half lying on the ground, apparently fainted.

"How is this going?"

Ye Chui hurried over to check on Fang Jing's situation, he saw a big bump on Fang Jing's forehead.

"She just slipped and accidentally hit her forehead and passed out, but it's not a serious problem."

Ye Chui felt a little relieved, then he picked up Fang Jing and put her on the bed outside.

Judging by Fang Jing's appearance, he probably won't be able to wake up for a while.

"What's the matter? You've fainted with your pants off!"

Ye Chui feels extremely depressed, and his friends are fighting high. If I knew this, it would be more interesting to just watch Ozawa's coquettish performance at home and then masturbate...


Today is the third update~~~~~ I will keep three updates every day in the future~~~~I hope everyone supports~~~~~;

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