Ye Chui looked at Fang Jing who was lying sideways on the bed, feeling extremely depressed for a moment.

Fang Jing's figure is the best among the girls around Ye Chui, tall and sexy, with hips and chest.

Lying beside her so quietly at this moment, Chi Guoguo exposed everything about her without a doubt.

Her body is slightly curly, her slender legs are intertwined, the mysterious forest between her legs is looming, her wet hair is tightly attached to her white and round shoulders, and a profile of her beautiful and peaceful face is revealed.

She closed her eyes, with tears hanging on her long eyelashes, like a wounded child seeking psychological comfort.

Ye Chui looked a little crazy, he had many women in the cultivation civilization, but now facing Fang Jing still gave him a very special feeling.

"This moment..."

Ye Chui grabbed Fang Jing's left leg with one hand, and Fang Jing's right leg with the other hand, and slowly separated.

The mysterious jungle in front of him had already unfolded in front of his eyes, full of irresistible attraction.

There seemed to be a mysterious and cheerful ballad swaying softly: "On the right side of that left leg, and on the left side of the right leg, there is a black forest..."

"...I'm sorry for myself if I don't do something."

Ye Chui is ready to go and go to the black forest ahead to find out.

However, at this moment, he was suddenly taken aback.

Because he saw tears streaming down Fang Jing's face suddenly, with a very strange expression on his face, which was a self-blaming and painful expression.

"Could she have woken up?" Ye Chui guessed in his heart, "Although she is awake, but I am embarrassed to open my eyes, but what is crying..."

——Mr. came to your hotel room in the middle of the night to talk about serious matters, but you took the initiative to seduce him, okay?

"I never force people to do things like this. If you are not ready, we can talk about it later..." Ye Chui sighed and Fang Jing said.

Although he was particularly reluctant in his heart, he never had to be strong in this regard. After all, the most meaningful thing is to be happy with each other.

Fang Jing still kept that strange expression, weeping silently, but did not speak.

"Huh?" Ye Chui was stunned, "She doesn't seem to wake up... What kind of sad dream is this going through?"

Ye Chui let go of her feet, put his hands on her forehead, and the Sky Hammer 2.0 system was running, accessing her consciousness.

Fang Jing's subconscious firewall had little effect on blocking Ye Chui, and soon Ye Chui entered her consciousness.

Memory files, skill software, viruses.

The three consciousness files are automatically classified by his Tianhammer 2.0 system. Ye Chui also entered Fang Jing's consciousness before, but he didn't check it carefully. Only now did Ye Chui discover that Fang Jing also had a virus in his consciousness.

This virus is a mental illness.

Ye Chui checked carefully, and found that Fang Jing's virus was "self-blame."

For some reason, she has been deeply blaming herself.

"What has she been blaming herself for?"

Doubts arose in Ye Chui's heart. This kind of self-blame virus was as high as five levels, and it was already deeply ingrained in Fang Jing's consciousness. Just keep on upgrading.


Ye Chui was taken aback again. He checked Fang Jing's memory files and found that one of them was playing.

This file is being played, that is to say, Fang Jing is reliving this memory at the moment.

Fang Jing cried and blamed herself, probably because of this memory.

Ye Chui involuntarily started watching.

This memory is not long, only about ten minutes.

In the memory video, Fang Jing is only about 15 years old. Compared with now, she has a more pure and cheerful feeling. She should have just come home from school, pushed the door and walked into the house, calling for Mom and Dad, but her steps suddenly stopped. Dayton because she saw a guest in the house.

That man was sitting on the sofa with his back to Fang Jing, Fang Jing didn't see him.

Fang Jing's parents showed panicked requests for a moment, and her mother hurriedly said: "Fang Jing, you should go back to your own room."

"Mom, who is this uncle?" Fang Jing looked at the strange guest curiously.

"Don't worry about these things, go back to your room!" Fang Jing's mother continued, her voice was very serious, and that kind of expression was rarely seen before.


"Listen to your mother and go back to your room!" Dad, who was always kind, had a serious look on his face at the moment.

Fang Jing felt a little unhappy, thinking that her parents were so strange today, she still had a lot of interesting things that happened in school to tell them.

She turned her head and walked upstairs to her room with her schoolbag on her back.

She took out her homework book and started to do homework. She is in the third year of high school and has heavy homework to do every day, but she only needs half an hour to finish all these homework.

Those formulas that can drive people crazy seem easy to her, maybe because she inherited the cleverness of her father and mother.

Mom and Dad are a pair of very famous scientists, and she will be a scientist when she grows up.

Thinking this way in her heart, she suddenly heard the sound of something breaking outside, as if something had fallen to the ground.

Fang Jing frowned and listened to the movement outside, but there was no other sound coming in.

She was puzzled for a moment, then opened the door and walked out.

The living room outside was empty, there was no one there, and a vase fell to the ground.

"Father? Mom?" Fang Jing called out, but did not respond.

where did they go

Fang Jing was suddenly a little restless, not in the mood to do her homework, but sat in the living room and waited for her parents to come back.

However, at night, Mom and Dad didn't come back.

They never appeared in front of Fang Jing again.


"Why am I so stupid? Mom and Dad looked obviously a little bit wrong at the time, but why couldn't I see it? If I could be smart enough to notice this and then call the police secretly, maybe Mom and Dad wouldn't be missing. I'm so unwitted It's..."

This kind of self-blame began to take root in Fang Jing's heart.

It has been ten years now, and this kind of self-blame has never stopped, tormenting her.

Ye Chui also suddenly understood why this girl was always obsessed with such things as being witty. If she had been more witty, her parents would not have disappeared.

"I didn't expect her to have such a past..."

Ye Chui knew about the disappearance of Fang Jing's parents. Those two were well-known scientists in China. They disappeared innocently while leading a certain scientific research project, and were suspected of being absorbed into Hellfire.

This is why Fang Jing wanted to explore Hellfire.

"It is indeed possible that her parents were absorbed into Hellfire and became designers." Ye Chui pondered in his heart, "I don't know, can I help her find them?"

Ye Chui withdrew from Fang Jing's consciousness, looking at Fang Jing's silently weeping face, his heart was quite complicated for a moment.

Stretching out his fingers, he gently wiped away the tears from her face.

I don't know how many nights, she recalled this memory, and then wept silently?

Ye Chui's impulse just now has calmed down, this is not the time to do that kind of thing.

"It's better to wait until she wakes up."

Ye Chui lay sideways beside Fang Jing, stretched out his hand, and turned off the light in the room.

In the darkness, she could vaguely hear Fang Jing's well-proportioned breathing.

Originally, Ye Chui didn't need to sleep, and the exhaustion in his heart could be swept away by simply exercising the power of his heart.

But at this moment, sleepiness hit him, but he didn't want to keep himself awake, he wanted to fall asleep.

And so he fell asleep...

Blink to the second day.

Ye Chui moved his head comfortably, he felt very comfortable, why didn't he feel that his pillow was so soft before.

"No, this doesn't seem to be a pillow..."

Ye Chui opened his eyes, and was startled immediately, it turned out that he was lying in Fang Jing's arms, wanting to die.



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