The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

141 Isn't this the legendary beast?

No wonder I slept so comfortably.

Ye Chui sat up, looking at the pair of plump and soft flesh in a perfect semicircle.

With a slight movement, there was a burst of turbulent waves, jumping and jumping like two little rabbits.

It's so naughty, Ye Chui couldn't help but wanted to punish this pair of disobedient little white rabbits.

So, he stretched out his hand and slowly grabbed the opponent...

But at this moment, the sudden groan made Ye Chui's movements stiff.

Fang Jing woke up at the same time. She stretched her waist like a kitten, and moaned comfortably. It was obvious that she slept very comfortably.

Then she opened her eyes.

From her field of vision, she could just see Ye Chui's hands in the shape of a dragon's grip, stopping in mid-air.

Her eyes glanced down again, and she saw that under Ye Chui's dragon claw, it was her pair of tall and straight breasts...

Fang Jing, with a somewhat sleepy expression, suddenly became fully awake.

An ordinary woman would definitely not be able to help screaming when encountering such a situation.

But is Fang Jing an ordinary girl?She was tactful not to scream.

She just had an extremely complicated expression on her face, and then said to the aggrieved Chong Ye Chui: "Beast!"


Ye Chui was puzzled.

Fuck, he didn't do anything last night, and slept all night with the big beauty in his arms... Isn't this the legendary beast?

But now is not the time to struggle with Fang Jing's words.

"Accidentally fell asleep last night, but it's not too late, let's continue." Ye Chui said with a pair of dragon claws and continued to grab.

I really want to try the feel.

With a sound of "snap!", Fang Jing opened Ye Chui's hands.

She hastily pulled the towel over her body, sat up against the wall, and stared at Ye Chui.

At this moment, Fang Jing's heart was extremely complicated, and all kinds of thoughts kept coming out in a mess: "What happened last night... Did we do it... What kind of posture did you use... Did you use a condom..."

Seeing Fang Jing's glaring eyes, Ye Chui's blood turned half cold, and he explained: "You accidentally fell down and passed out last night..."

"Then you shouldn't take advantage of me." Fang Jing's voice was full of tears.

"How did I take advantage of you." Ye Chui said innocently.

"I... I don't have any clothes on..."

"When I came last night, you didn't have any clothes on, and you still tempted me." Ye Chui couldn't help recalling the scene last night. Fang Jing suddenly pulled down her bathrobe. Stimulate people's eyes.

"Who tempted you!" Fang Jing wanted to explain something, but she didn't know how to explain it for a while, and finally she thought of an excuse, pointing at Ye Chui and said, "It's all your fault, Come to the hotel to find me at ten o'clock in the evening, you must have bad intentions in the first place."

I'll wipe it, if I have bad intentions, what do you mean if you take a bath and don't wear clothes?

Ye Chui had no choice but to explain obediently: "I really had something urgent to ask you last night, and I'm afraid something might change if time drags on."

"Can't you talk about important things on your phone?"

"I can't tell on the phone."

Fang Jing still stared at Ye Chui fiercely, she felt that what Ye Chui said was just an excuse: "Then tell me, what's the matter?"

"It's about Hellfire. Although the Hellfire Emissary has died, I have a friend who can pretend to be the Hellfire Emissary and take his place, and then he can bring me back into the Hellfire. In this way, we Then we can proceed with the Nightfire plan." Ye Chui said.

This is the strategy that Ye Chui thought of when he was chatting with Xingmei.

The mission that [-] had to perform before was to absorb Ye Chui into Hellfire.

If this mission fails, ninety-five-two-seven will be punished.

Now Ye Chui's Huo Leishen avatar has replaced [-], and he will be punished instead of [-] if the mission fails.

That's why Ye Chui wanted to continue implementing the Yehuo plan.

Besides, this night fire plan is Qianlong Group's plan against Hellfire, which can make Hellfire face more enemies, so why not Ye Chui?

Fang Jing was stunned when she heard Ye Chui's words: "You... are you telling the truth?"

"Of course it's true." Ye Chui nodded with a smile, "I know about your parents, don't worry, I will find a way to find them."

The angry expression on Fang Jing's face suddenly disappeared, and she looked at Ye Chui, her eyes filled with tenderness for an instant.

This night fire plan is really important to her.

Facing failure before, she didn't know how disappointed and sad she felt in her heart, but now, she knew that the plan could go on, which was really a great comfort to her.

"Thank you!" Tears welled up in Fang Jing's eyes, and she looked at Ye Chui with incomparable gratitude.

She suddenly rushed over and hugged Ye Chui tightly.

Ye Chui was a little surprised, but then he understood in his heart, he knew how important it was for Fang Jing to find the opportunity to find his parents.

It took a long time before Fang Jing let go of Ye Chui.

Her face was flushed at the moment, with a bit of coquettishness.

The towel that was used to cover her body just now had already been thrown away, she didn't seem to care that Ye Chui saw her body anymore, the tenderness in her eyes was boundless, let you pick it.

At this moment, Ye Chui naturally wouldn't be ignorant of style, he smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand to brush away Fang Jing's beautiful hair on his forehead.

Let's have a long kiss first.


A cell phone rang suddenly!

Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, what the hell, who called in the morning! ?

Fang Jing and Ye Chui felt a little embarrassed for a moment, and wanted to ignore the phone and continue, but the phone rang and rang, almost endlessly.

Surprised by the ringing of the mobile phone, Fang Jing couldn't hold back any longer. The courage she mustered up just now seemed to disappear without a trace. I found my phone.

The phone call was from Zheng Feng.

Fang Jing pressed the connect button, and Zheng Feng's voice came from the other side: "Fang Jing, why did you answer the phone so late?"

"I...I'm sleeping..." Fang Jing hurriedly found an excuse, "Captain, what do you need?"

"You go to Hailan Commercial Building. Regarding the issue of hellfire, the discussion above has already reached a result."

"Ah?" Fang Jing was slightly stunned, and then she continued, "Captain, I also have something to tell you about Hellfire."

"Well, you come to my place first, some people have been sent by the leader, and want to meet you first." Zheng Feng continued.

"Someone wants to see me?" Fang Jing looked at Ye Chui again, "Does Ye Chui go there together?"

"No, Ye Chui is not an official member after all, so there is no need to meet."

"Oh." Fang Jing nodded.

At this time, Ye Chui suddenly snatched the mobile phone from her hand.

Ye Chui's face is very ugly.

He was very angry and irritable.

"Zheng Feng." Ye Chui's voice was very angry.

"Huh?" Zheng Feng on the other side was obviously taken aback, "Brother Ye?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Brother Ye, you, why are you by Fang Jing's side? Just now Fang Jing clearly said that she was sleeping... oh." Zheng Feng suddenly understood something, and the oh sound seemed to say that this is the case, Brother Ye, you are so amazing.

— Shit, the young master is even angrier.

"What are you doing now?" Ye Chui then asked.

"I'm having breakfast and porridge." Zheng Feng said with a smile, with a somewhat ambiguous smile that men can understand.

"How much porridge is there in your bowl?"

"Huh? Brother Ye, why are you asking this... There's still half a bowl left, do you want a drink?"

"Pick up this bowl of porridge."

"What are you doing with it..."

"Let you do it!"

"Uh... well, I've already picked it up."

"Put it on top of your head." Ye Chui continued to order.

"..." The other side was silent for a moment, then Zheng Feng continued, "I've already put it on top of my head, brother Ye, what are you doing?"

"Turn the bowl upside down."

"Upside down... upside down?"

"hurry up!"

"Brother Ye, you..."

"three two……"


Fang Jing: "..."



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