Ye Chui hung up the phone and threw it aside when he heard a rattling sound coming from the other side.

Then he looked at Fang Jing: "Shall we continue?"

Fang Jing shook her head hastily: "Don't...I, I have to hurry to the Hailan Commercial Building."

"It doesn't matter if it's later, Zheng Feng will definitely have no objection." Ye Chui continued.

Fuck, it was about to start just now, but it was interrupted by a phone call from Zheng Feng, Fang Jing seemed to be shy...

Next time I see Zheng Feng, I must beat him up.

"I still don't want it..." Fang Jing's expression was a little flustered, and she found a reason, "We don't have condoms!"

"The hotel can provide this." Ye Chui continued.

"I don't want to use the hotel." Fang Jing hugged the towel vigorously, and looked at Ye Chui with a slight resistance in her eyes, but her appearance like a lamb made Ye Chui feel the new trend even more. Ye Chui suggested: "Then I go out to buy it now?"

Ozawa had given him the addresses of several bedding stores, one of which was just outside the Yuxin Hotel.

Fang Jing still shook her head, she suddenly frowned slightly, and said to Ye Chui pleadingly: "Don't wait...tonight, okay? I...I will go to see the captain later, if that happens, it will be the first time for him, It will be embarrassing to see other people at that time..."

This voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Was she shy about this?

But Ye Chui felt that Fang Jing was cute at the moment, and said with a smile: "You mean, shall we continue at night?"

Fang Jing nodded shyly, then asked Ye Chui: "Are you okay?"

"Okay." Ye Chui had no choice but to endure it for the time being.

He has to think about Fang Jing no matter what, and it's nothing to wait for a day anyway.

Ye Chui gave Fang Jing a smirk and continued, "It's okay to wait until evening, but I'll charge you a little interest now."

"What interest?" Fang Jing showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"Let me touch your breast first, okay?"

Said with a smirk in his mouth, Ye Chui grabbed the soft flesh on Fang Jing's chest with a pair of dragon claws.

I almost got it just now, but was opened by Fang Jing. This account must be settled first.

"Ah!?" Fang Jing was startled, and hurried to avoid it.

But Ye Chui's dragon claw can be dodged so easily?

Almost before Fang Jing could react, Ye Chui's hand had already firmly grasped the lump of soft flesh.

Fang Jing exclaimed, her face flushed red, she wanted to take Ye Chui's hand away, and shyly shouted: " let go!"

let go?Let the young master wait until the evening to continue, how can he wait for such a long time without some compensation.

Two balls of soft flesh full of elasticity were rubbed back and forth in Ye Chui's hands, and Ye Chui even showed a look of enjoyment.

Fang Jing's breasts are full, white, tender and smooth.

When Ye Chui saw her for the first time, he accidentally tore off her shirt. At that time, Ye Chui's eyes were stared straight, and Ye Chui was deeply impressed by the trembling chest of big white rabbits.

Now that his wish has been fulfilled, it is natural that he will be addicted to it.

Fang Jing was so shy that she wanted to take Ye Chui's hands away, but in the end she gave up resisting, her face flushed.

She couldn't bear the kneading of Ye Chui's hands, and she couldn't help but began to gasp in a low voice.

Ye Chui moved his mouth closer, bit her little mouth tightly, and continued the affectionate long kiss that was interrupted just now.

Fang Jing's eyes were already blurred, and her whole body seemed to be melting.

Ye Chui's big hand reached down again, stroking her upturned buttocks, and slowly moved towards the dense jungle between her legs...


At this time, Fang Jing woke up suddenly, she hurriedly pushed Ye Chui away, and shouted pantingly: ", don't go any further!"

Ye Chui was very depressed, why stop? Didn't you also feel it just now?

Fang Jing seemed to be afraid that Ye Chui would rush over again, she hurriedly jumped off the bed and rushed into the bathroom. After a while, the sound of water splashing could be heard, it seemed that she was taking a cold shower.

"It's me who should take a cold shower..." Ye Chui looked down at his excited little friend, and sighed, "Hey, let's take a rest first, and fight again at night with a gun."

(ps: It must be pushed until it is pushed~~~~ Forgive the Cannon Cannon for selling it here, it will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow, and the relevant scenes will be reserved until after it is on the shelves. Time to cheer~)

When Fang Jing came out of the bathroom again, she was already dressed.

"I reserved a hotel room for a week, you don't need to leave in a hurry...I'll go first!" Fang Jing said hastily.

After what happened just now, she almost dodged her gaze towards Ye Chui.

Especially the smirk on Ye Chui's face, and the teasing eyes that looked at her like a lamb, made her a little unbearable, and hurriedly picked up the bag on the bedside table, a little impatient left the room.

Ye Chui then went to the bathroom to take a shower and got dressed.

Of course he won't stay here forever.

Leaving the hotel, Ye Chui bought some things outside and planned to go back.

"Huh? This place is quite close to the 4S store that I worked with Lele. Why don't you go to the store and have a look."

Thinking of this, Ye Chui changed direction and walked towards the 4S shop.

Now the shop is about to be renovated, and An Le'er has even recruited some employees.

"Originally, I cooperated with Lele to build this store just for fun. I wanted to fulfill Lele's dream. But now, since I plan to establish a technological kingdom and snatch Hellfire's will power, the auto industry I have to keep fighting, I want to let the 4S stores of Tianhammer Automobile spread all over the world, this is just the first one, there will be a second one soon, and a third one... and Lele will be the one I cultivated The spokesperson of the automotive industry!"

Ye Chui was eating a pancake fruit in his hand, while wandering slowly outside some car 4S shop.

At this moment, the shop has been decorated in sevens and eighties, but the signboard has not yet been prepared.

After all, Ye Chui's Tianzhu car has not passed the inspection of the car quality inspection department, and has not yet qualified for listing, so it is not appropriate to list it now.

And just next to this electronic store, there is also a 4S store that is in hot preparations.

The scale is vaguely larger, and the decoration is also extremely luxurious.

This store is naturally owned by Zhang Yueyang.

He opened a shop nearby because he wanted to compete with Ye Chui.

This is an imported brand auto service shop.

Ye Chui didn't take this seriously: Are imported cars great?Look at how the Xiaoye's Tianhammer brand super smart car is so cool and crazy!


Ye Chui walked outside the 4S store where he cooperated with An Leer, and suddenly heard a man's voice coming from inside.

Looking inside through the glass door of the store, Ye Chui saw a man in a suit discussing something with An Le'er.

"Miss An, although you are the boss, you still have very little experience. In this regard, you can just listen to me. I have a lot of experience in this industry. The layout of the store follows what I said. That's enough, you can leave this matter alone."

The voice was a bit ostentatious, with a sense of majesty.

An Le'er said in a panic: "Shaoyang, I know you have rich experience, but the store I want in my mind is not like this..."

——Her voice was weak, it sounded like the tone of the boss, but it was a bit pleading.

"I'm a senior car sales manager. I signed the contract with you because I saw your future development here." The man in Shaoyang suit showed an unhappy expression, "If you insist on doing it according to your own ideas , I'm sorry, I can't stay with you any longer."


The third update today~~~I hope everyone supports~~Cannon Cannon, thank you everyone~~~ In addition, if you click on the list, can you work harder and rush to the homepage~~~


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