The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

143 Strategies for Developing a Strong Woman

An Le'er heard Shaoyang's words, and hurriedly said: "Please don't say that...well, I can modify the layout of the shop according to what you said."

"Hehe, that's the best." Shao Yang laughed, "Miss An, leave these matters to me in the future, and you don't want to interfere. I promise to make this 4S shop flourish, don't worry."

An Le'er was a little unhappy, her face was puffed up, but she still nodded with a forced smile: "Yeah."

Standing at the door, Ye Chui frowned when he saw this scene.

He seldom bothered about the shop's affairs, and let An Leer take care of them.Obviously, this Shaoyang is a staff member invited by An Leer, and he may have special talents in some aspects, that's why An Leer accommodated him so much.

But An Le'er, as the store manager, can't hold back her employees, how can she be a strong woman if she continues like this?

"Lele is too young after all, and has no experience as a boss. It seems that I have to cultivate her potential in this area."

This thought flashed across Ye Chui's mind, he pushed open the shop door and walked in.

An Le'er and Shaoyang have stopped discussing. She was about to go back to her office when she suddenly saw Ye Chui and couldn't help but be taken aback: "Ye Chui, what's wrong with you?"

"I happened to pass by nearby, so I happened to come over to have a look." Ye Chui said with a smile.

When Shaoyang saw Ye Chui, he also looked over with doubts in his eyes.

An Le'er showed a smile on her unhappy face, she walked quickly to Ye Chui, pointed to the decoration of the surrounding shops, and asked Ye Chui: "Look at the decoration here, it will be ready in a few days." Completed and officially opened.”

Ye Chui looked at the shop, and could see that An Le'er had spent a lot of effort here.

Entering the store, there is an exhibition hall of automobile products, the style is mainly simple, but elegant and charming.Further on, there are some negotiating areas, consulting rooms and other facilities, which are very delicately designed, showing that An Le'er has spent a lot of effort.

Although it is still in the renovation stage, some employees have already started to work and are familiar with the environment here.

Except for some daily miscellaneous personnel, what Ye Chui cares most about is the five girls in uniform standing on one side chatting softly—they are car salesmen.

"Very beautiful." Ye Chui smiled and said to An Le'er: "I like the decoration style here very much, and I think it should continue to be maintained."

Hearing Ye Chui's praise, An Le'er showed a sweet smile.

But Shaoyang's expression on the side turned sour.

Just now he was still suggesting that An Leer change the decoration style here, Ye Chui said that now, isn't it tearing down his desk?

So, he snorted coldly and walked over, looked at Ye Chui, and said with a bit of disdain: "This is Mr. Ye, I heard that Miss An plans to cooperate with your automobile factory?"

"That's right." Ye Chui smiled and nodded.

An Le'er hastily introduced to Ye Chui: "This is Shaoyang, the sales manager I invited back. He is very good. He was a sales manager in a BMW 4S shop before. His performance is very good, which is very rare in the car sales industry." Talents."

Shaoyang was also very proud when he heard An Leer introduce himself like this: "I have been in this industry for five years. I have rich experience and strong strength. I also have five gold-medal salesmen under my command. They will follow me wherever I go. I went there, after I resigned from my previous company, several large car sales and service companies were robbing me, if it wasn't for the sake of An Leer's sincerity, I wouldn't have come here either."

Having said that, Shao Yang pointed to the five girls in uniform standing aside.

These few people are all gold medal salesmen, and they work under his subordinates.

Not everyone can do well in car sales, it requires solid car knowledge, and at the same time can be persuasive enough to customers, selling tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of cars, it is not convincing to sell How?

And Gold Medal Auto Sales has outstanding talent in this regard.

"Lele's flattering Shaoyang is probably due to the few gold medal salesmen under Shaoyang's hands."

Ye Chui understood in his heart, but still looked at Shaoyang with a slight smile on his face.

It seemed that Shaoyang's self-introduction meant nothing to him.

Shao Yang was immediately unhappy.

In his eyes, Ye Chui is just a small car manufacturer, not worth mentioning at all.

And the business of this store still depends on his means - it is no exaggeration to say that he is the backbone of this 4S store that is about to open!

Ye Chui's attitude now really makes him very unhappy.

"Mr. Ye, it's an honor to meet you today. It just so happens that I have something to tell you." Shaoyang then said with a sneer.

"What's the matter?" Ye Chui asked curiously, not knowing what this guy was trying to get in the way.

"I'm afraid our cooperation with you will stop." Shaoyang continued coldly, with a bit of vengeful pride on his face, "I've already contacted an Audi import car sales company, and they're very serious about our shop. After understanding, you are willing to cooperate with us, what kind of Tianhammer car is yours, you should find another car service company to cooperate with."

"What?" Ye Chui was a little surprised when he heard Shaoyang's words, and An Le'er beside him also showed a shocked expression.

"Shaoyang, what are you talking about? Why don't I know these things?" An Le'er asked hastily.

"Hey, Ms. An, I originally planned to talk about this matter with you, but now that Mr. Ye is here, I might as well talk about it." Shaoyang didn't do it because of himself. Feeling embarrassed about the decision, he took it for granted, "Let's stop our cooperation with Mr. Ye for the Tianhammer car brand. This small factory brand has no future at all. I promise not to cooperate with imported Audi." Years, you can get your investment back, and then there are various branches.”

Ye Chui was a little taken aback, and then he looked at Shaoyang with extremely unfriendly eyes.

Fuck me, this bastard actually plans to terminate An Le'er's cooperation with him!

Paralyzed, does the young master seem to be such a talkative person?

On Shaoyang's rather handsome face, there was a very smug smile, and he looked at Ye Chui with contempt.

Some time ago, Shaoyang resigned from his original shop and was looking for a new home when he happened to meet An Le'er.

Hearing what An Le'er said about her shop, he immediately concluded that this shop has no future - the 4S shop is a car service shop that cooperates with car brands, Tianhammer Auto?What kind of miscellaneous brand is this? Cooperating with this kind of brand is simply asking for a dead end.

In the past, when encountering such a situation, Shaoyang directly refused and would not think too much, but the situation of An Le'er made him hesitate again.

This girl is so naive and simple, she has no experience in business, and she seems to be a rich second generation.

Shaoyang is also an elite person who knows how to make use of everything. Combined with An Leer's personality, he immediately saw a huge potential for development in this shop.

So he agreed to An Le'er's request, and brought a few gold medal salesmen who had a good relationship with him to join this auto shop.

It's only been a week or two, and he has completely emptied An Leer's rights, completely treating this store as his own.

For some ideas that did not fit An Leer, he threatened to resign to get An Leer to compromise.

This trick is very effective, An Le'er is not unyielding.

Although he is just a car sales manager, from the bottom of his heart he already regards this place as his own territory!

At this moment, he told Ye Chui that he wanted to terminate the cooperation, and the tone he used was very natural. He felt that if he proposed to terminate the cooperation with Ye Chui's sky hammer car, An Le'er would definitely accommodate him and agree to him!

However, after hearing what he said, before Ye Chui could speak, An Le'er hastily shouted: "No, I won't stop working with Ye Chui!"


The first update today, the third update as usual today, I hope everyone supports~~~~


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