The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

144 Strategies for Developing a Strong Woman

Ye Chui was about to scold this guy, but before he could speak, An Le'er hastily shouted: "No, I won't stop working with Ye Chui!"

An Le'er's words were very firm, which surprised Ye Chui.

He decided not to speak, to see how An Leer would deal with this matter.

"Miss An, what are you talking about?" Shaoyang asked An Le'er angrily, "That's an imported Audi, much better than those junk knockoffs in China!"

"I will not suspend cooperation with Ye Chui, we have already agreed." An Le'er continued with some urgency.

"This is business, Miss An, your thinking is so naive."

Shao Yang was a little angry, feeling that An Le'er was very contemptuous.

He continued to persuade with a tone that I am doing this for your own good.

"I checked some information about this Sky Hammer car. Although the manufacturer is real, the manufacturer is in a remote town, and the specific parameters of this Sky Hammer car can't be found at night. I am afraid that this car has not passed the car at all. The quality inspection department has not obtained the relevant quality inspection certificate, right? This kind of car is too unreliable. Ms. An, since there is an opportunity to cooperate with imported cars, why do you still want to cooperate with this unreliable car? "

"I believe Ye Chui, his car will be fine." An Le'er said firmly.

She trusted Ye Chui very much, this kind of trust was simply unconditional, which moved Ye Chui a little.

"You trust Ye Chui? I'm sorry, but I don't trust him!" Shao Yang's voice raised a few notes, already a little out of breath.

He squinted at Ye Chui, and then continued to An Le'er: "Miss An, with my qualifications, I can go to a better place, but I chose to come to you because I was moved by your sincerity Yes, but if you want to continue to cooperate with this Sky Hammer car, I think it has no future. I'm sorry, then I'm afraid I can't continue to cooperate with you!"

Ye Chui couldn't help but slander in his heart when he heard this, what the hell, this guy always talks about his qualifications, it's really awesome.

However, Shao Yang's words were quite deterrent to An Le'er.

An Le'er's momentum weakened a little, and she quickly said: "Ye Chui is very talented in cars, I believe his cars will be successful, Shaoyang, can try it for a while. "

"I'm sorry, I won't waste my time on this kind of thing. Miss An, I came with five gold medal salesmen. I want to think about their future. If you have no future here, I'm not cheating." Are they?"

Shao Yang pointed to the five uniformed girls not far away, and continued: "Either we stop cooperating with Ye Chui, or we can only resign."

What he meant was that if An Le'er didn't do what he said, then he would resign, and the five gold medal salesmen would leave with him.

After saying these words, Shao Yang calmly waited for An Le'er to make a choice.

He is very confident in himself, the prosperity of this car 4S shop depends on him, An Le'er has no reason not to listen to him.

Before, he and An Le'er had many conflicts of ideas, but in the end, An Le'er didn't always give in to him obediently?

"Are you really not thinking about it?" An Le'er asked a bit embarrassed.

"Is there any need to think about it? Either stop the cooperation with Ye Chui, or I will resign!"

Shaoyang was very resolute, and he looked at Ye Chui proudly, the meaning in his eyes was obvious: Xiao Mian, this is my territory, I said that if I want to stop cooperating with you, I must stop cooperating with you!

Ye Chui's lips moved, as if he had said a word.

Shao Yang was stunned before he understood what word he was talking about: silly x!

"Then I'm sorry." An Le'er's voice sounded, "I can only choose to fire you."

"What!?" Shao Yang was shocked, "Miss, are you kidding me?"

"I'm not joking. You asked me to choose between you working with Ye Chui or letting you resign. I choose you to resign."

After saying these words, An Le'er seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

These few days, she was very depressed. She didn't want to lose Shaoyang and the few salesmen under him, so she was worried about gains and losses, and accommodated him in many places, and she really suffered a lot.

But now that he decided to let him resign, the depression in his heart was swept away.

"This..." Shaoyang froze for a moment, he didn't expect An Le'er to make such a choice, before An Le'er was so accommodating to him, now it's so happy to make a choice?He couldn't believe it, "Miss An, are you serious? You have to think about it, if I leave, those car dealers who came with me will also leave. "

"Shaoyang, you were fired by me!"

An Le'er was completely indifferent, she still had a lot of anger to vent in her heart!

In Ye Chui's playful eyes, An Le'er pointed at Shaoyang and accused him: "I've wanted to fire you for a long time. I asked you to be a sales manager, not to be the boss. Don't you just have Several years of experience, have some achievements, do you think it’s great? This shop is mine, and I have the final say on everything, and those car salesmen who came with you, want to leave with you, right? I will never stop them, but they are the ones who resigned themselves, and they can't get half a month's salary from me!"

An Le'er's chest kept rising and falling, and she shouted a series of shouts, and her originally weak momentum suddenly became much stronger.

It is this kind of aura that the boss needs to be able to cover the scene and stop the employees under him.

Shao Yang was startled all of a sudden, speechless, not knowing how to react.

The five gold medal car salesmen next to him also looked over in surprise.

In the impression that An Le'er was just a weak and deceitful image, it was the first time they saw them getting so angry now, and they couldn't help being a little stunned.

"Okay... I'll resign!" After a while, Shaoyang muttered such a sentence.

He accidentally looked at Ye Chui, but saw a faint smile on Ye Chui's face, clearly mocking him, that sense of shame was several times stronger than the disdain he showed to Ye Chui just now!

"Hmph, this store has no future at all!" Shaoyang quietly took a step back, putting distance between An Le'er and him, and then continued in a loud voice, "I have a better place to go if I resign from you. I might as well tell you that the manager of the 4S store next door has already contacted me privately and asked me to work there. I will resign from you and immediately take someone to the next door. I want to see you. How will the store open!"

"To the next door?" Ye Chui and An Le'er couldn't help but glance at each other.

It turned out that Zhang Yueyang had already come to dig the corner.

An Le'er had an angry look on her face, she was a very self-cultivated girl, but at this moment she was about to explode like a mad tigress, Ye Chui's hand suddenly placed on her shoulder.

He kept silent in the previous confrontation between An Leer and Shaoyang, because he wanted to hone An Leer and train An Leer as a strong woman. He still counted on An Leer for his future car business—— Judging from An Le'er's performance just now, she did not disappoint Ye Chui, she has the potential to be a strong woman.

However, now that Zhang Yueyang was mentioned, Ye Chui couldn't watch the fun from the sidelines.

Shit, why is this annoying thing so haunting?

Ye Chui smiled and walked in front of Shaoyang, not only did Shaoyang react, Ye Chui put his hand on Shaoyang's shoulder.

At the same time, the Sky Hammer 2.0 in Ye Chui's heart was also running quickly, forcibly accessing Shaoyang's consciousness.

Resign from here and go directly to Zhang Yueyang's shop next door?How could he be so cheap!

Ye Chui had studied Xiaoshuai's level [-] psychopathic virus before, and now he used his consciousness software to re-evolve this virus...


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