The Tianhammer 2.0 system installed in Ye Chui's brain ran quickly, evolving a level-four psychosis virus.

This consciousness virus is a mental illness, a strong mood swing.

Almost all the consciousness viruses that Ye Chui has seen can be re-evolved by running the Sky Hammer Killer.

——According to the theory of comprehension and civilization, this consciousness virus is equivalent to a method of attacking the primordial spirit.

Just like the level four psychopathic virus, if this virus is implanted into the consciousness of another person, the other person will become a level four psychopath.

At this moment, Ye Chui's hand was on Shaoyang's shoulder, touching his skin. While evolving the psychosis virus, he was also running the consciousness software that he made before to break through the firewall.

To implant a virus, one must first break through the opponent's firewall of consciousness.

This software for breaking through the firewall was successfully upgraded when Ye Chui broke through the firewall of Hellfire Messenger [-]. Now it only took Ye Chui two or three seconds to break into Shaoyang's consciousness successfully.

"Release the Level [-] Psychosis Virus!"

Ye Chui released the evolved psychosis virus.

This virus is very contagious, it is a strong emotion, like a drop of ink dripping into clear water, polluting Shaoyang's consciousness in a blink of an eye.

"What are you doing!?" Shao Yang opened Ye Chui's hand, looking vigilant.

He was afraid that Ye Chui would do something to him.

"Hehe, it's okay." Ye Chui said with a smile on his face, "When you get to the next door, you must work hard, I believe you."

I trust you?Is this mocking him?


He clearly knew that this was sarcasm, but Shaoyang felt very good in his heart, and he felt a little smug, thinking that he was indeed the best.

He smiled smugly, tossed his hair, and said in a poss that he thought he was super awesome: "Any 4S shop will have a prosperous business as long as I am there. My charm is that no one else can." blocked."

After saying this, he stretched out his index finger again to make a pistol look, aimed at An Le'er, fired a shot with a slap in his mouth, and then made a splash of blood again.In An Le'er's inexplicable expression as if seeing a psychosis, he hummed a few laughs, waved to the five gold medal salesmen next to him, and walked out of the shop while shouting: "Girls, Let's go and work in a better shop!"

——Do you have the sense of sight of the bustard?

The five gold-medal salesmen in uniforms were also a bit inexplicable, but they followed Shaoyang and left the shop.

An Le'er looked a little strange, she asked Ye Chui: "Could it be my illusion? Why do I feel that Shaoyang..."

"It seems to be mentally ill." Ye Chui continued for her, and he looked very grateful, "Lele, it's a good thing you fired him, otherwise it must be a disaster for this guy to stay."

How good it is now, let's go and harm Zhang Yueyang's shop.

An Le'er looked a little puzzled, how did Zhang Yueyang become mentally ill?

But she quickly shook her head in frustration: "Leave him alone, what should I do now? Shaoyang has left, and I have to continue to recruit car salesmen, but there is only one week left for the Xizhou Auto Show. It will be officially opened later, and the time will be too late.”

"It's okay, leave these to me." Ye Chui said to An Le'er with a smile.

"You?" An Le'er was stunned, "Can you find the car salesman?"

"Why do you need a car salesman?" Ye Chui smiled smugly. He already had an idea in his mind just now, "The role of a car salesman is to sell cars, but how can we use a car salesman for our cars?"

An Le'er was even more confused: "Ye Chui, what do you mean?"

"Our cars can sell themselves!"


"I told you before, the Tianhammer car I developed is a super smart car with artificial intelligence. At that time, those car salesmen will not be needed, and they will be able to sell themselves. This is more high-end than any gold medal sales. Are you on a higher level?"

An Le'er felt a little confused, the car sells itself?

Ye Chui persuaded An Le'er a few more words, letting her feel at ease.

An Le'er was still dubious, but she finally chose to believe.

It's just that An Le'er still has some headaches: "Even if the car can sell itself, we still need a car sales manager."

"This is also easy." Ye Chui smiled, "I have a very suitable candidate for this job."

"Who is it?" An Le'er asked curiously.


"Xiao Ze?" An Leer naturally knew who Xiao Ze was, she asked strangely, "Xiao Ze is your friend who is very good at playing games, right? Can she be a good sales manager?"

"Yes." Ye Chui affirmed with a smile.

Xiaoye's computer is omnipotent, and being the sales manager of an auto service shop is nothing more than a piece of cake.

Ye Chui changed his tone, and said, "But Ozawa can't work on site, so he needs to control it remotely."

"Remote control, this... can this work?" An Le'er had a suspicious expression on her face.

"No problem, I can connect this place with Ozawa's. There are so many cameras in this store, Ozawa can also be a security guard or something. By the way, other duties in the store such as after-sales service, public relations reception, etc. I will leave it to Ozawa to save manpower, and it is also very efficient." Ye Chui continued.

An Le'er was stunned: "Is this... alright?"

"Of course, this is called a fully automatic intelligent sales system." Ye Chui made it up casually.

By doing so, he can greatly relieve An Le'er's pressure.

He wants to train An Le'er to be a strong woman, but at this stage, she obviously can't hold the field. A real strong woman doesn't need to be fired when she encounters someone like Shaoyang, and she will be crushed directly. In the past, I didn't dare to complain even the slightest bit afterwards.

Seeing An Le'er's still hesitant face, Ye Chui said to An Le'er: "Go get me a cup of coffee, I'll connect this network with Xiao Ze's right now, what will you do next? Just discuss it with Ozawa."

"Oh." An Le'er nodded blankly, then turned to pour coffee.

When An Le'er turned to leave, Ye Chui took out his phone.

His mobile phone is directly connected to Ozawa, and he directly said to the mobile phone without pressing a button: "Ozawa, can you hear me?"

"Brother Ye, do you miss me?" Ozawa's numb voice came over immediately.

Ye Chui felt as if his whole body was about to go limp, and he hurriedly said, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm in the 4S store that I'm working with Lele right now, and you can find a way for me to connect to the network here."

"Brother Ye, do you want to watch me dance?"

"No...can you stop being so erotic in your mind, I'm looking for you for business!"

"Hee hee, I know, wait for me for a minute, and I will be able to contact you."

Putting away the phone, An Le'er just happened to walk over with a cup of coffee.

Ye Chui pretended to be very powerful and walked to the sofa next to him. The sofa was used for customers to rest, and there was also a computer on the coffee table next to him, which could be used to demonstrate various functional parameters of the car to customers.

I saw that Ye Chui snapped his fingers, his joints crackled a few times, and then he put his hands on the keyboard and knocked randomly.

An Le'er put the coffee aside, and watched Ye Chui typing on the keyboard with wide eyes.

She also knows a lot about computers, from her professional point of view... Ye Chui is definitely knocking.

"Ye Chui, what are you doing?" She couldn't help asking.

"I connected to the network data and connected to Ozawa, so that she can remotely control the network of the 4S store." Ye Chui said in a very stylish way.

An Le'er said strangely: "Ye Chui, it's not that I don't believe you, it's just...the computer is on standby."


Ye Chui immediately felt a little sweaty, but he continued to pretend: "At my level, I can still perform connection operations even in standby mode."

There was [-]% disbelief in An Le'er's eyes.


I saw that after Ye Chui's crackling knocks, he finally stretched out his fingers and pressed the Enter key on the keyboard.


The computer screen turned on by itself, and Ozawa's beautiful face flashed out from the screen.

"It's amazing!" An Le'er couldn't help exclaiming.


Chapter 3.


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