"That's amazing!" An Le'er couldn't help but cheered.

She looked at Ye Chui with admiration, she didn't expect Ye Chui to be such a good computer expert besides repairing mobile phones and transforming cars.

This man is indeed mysterious!

Ye Chui's gaze on An Le'er is very useful.

But at this moment, Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback.

An Le'er was also taken aback.

Ozawa on the computer screen was also obviously taken aback.

——This girl is only wearing a sexy hollow lace translucent pajamas, and she is standing in front of the camera, making a coquettish look.

It seemed awkward for a moment.

An Leer's surname tends to be conservative, and she didn't pay attention when the image of Ozawa appeared just now, but now that she sees her shameless attire clearly, half of her face blushes immediately, and she hastily turned her head away.

"She...how did she dress like this?"

"Well, she must have just woken up, so she's still in her pajamas...I'll let her change into other clothes."

Ye Chui hastily explained, "Damn it, my computer is really hot."

At the same time, Ye Chui hastily winked at Ozawa.

Ozawa stuck out her tongue mischievously, and the screen flashed, she had already changed into a relatively normal dress.

She originally received the order from her master, and thought she was going to have a passionate chat with her, but she didn't expect that there were actually serious things to do...

"Okay, she has changed her clothes." Ye Chui patted An Le'er on the shoulder, and then said.

An Le'er slowly turned her head and glanced at the screen. She was relieved when she saw that Ozawa on the screen was serious, but she was also surprised: "Why did she put on clothes so quickly?"

"I am a professional in undressing and putting on clothes." Ozawa on the screen said with a smile.

An Le'er's expression became very complicated in an instant.

What kind of occupation requires professional undressing and dressing?

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she was joking." Ye Chui gave Ozawa a look, and then said to An Leer, "Ozawa can take up any position, our store has just opened, and the employees of the company can trouble her as much as possible , she can afford most of it."

A formal 4S store needs various professional staff to provide services.

Car salesman and sales manager are just some of them. Others include after-sales service, customer service consultation, financial statistics and other positions, all of which can be controlled remotely.

In other words, even if Ozawa does not have a physical body, he can still work through a computer.

This is a piece of cake for Ozawa. An extra computer is equivalent to giving her an extra clone.

Although An Le'er believed in Ye Chui, she still hesitated about Ozawa's ability to work.

She thought about it, and said to Ye Chui, "Can I have a chat with Ozawa first?"

Ye Chui understood what An Le'er meant, and wanted to have a simple interview.

If An Le'er blindly believed in himself, then he would be even more disappointed in An Le'er.

Ye Chui nodded: "Yes, you can ask her any questions you have."

"Well, that's fine."

An Le'er then sat in front of Ozawa, and began to ask some professional questions about car marketing, financial statistics, etc.

Ozawa answered quickly, the answer was almost exactly the same as the description in the book

——Can it be different? They are all the answers directly from Baidu.

An Le'er quickly showed a satisfied expression.

While the two were talking, Ye Chui stepped aside and made a phone call with Fang Jing.

He wanted to know what happened to Fang Jing.

However, to Ye Chui's surprise, Fang Jing's cell phone was turned off.

Ye Chui called Zheng Feng again, but Zheng Feng's cell phone was still turned off.

"Did they turn off their mobile phones during the meeting?" Ye Chui was a little puzzled, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

After half an hour.

An Le'er had an understanding of Ozawa's ability.

She thinks this is definitely a talent, and she is very familiar with the car sales and service industry!

——Can you not understand, any point of knowledge can be completely mastered through the Internet within a second.

"You will be my sales manager from now on." An Le'er was very satisfied with Ozawa.

"You're welcome, customer service consultation, after-sales service, and even the post of security guard can be handed over to her." Ye Chui walked over and said.

An Le'er was a little embarrassed: "This is not good..."

She pulled Ye Chui to the side, and whispered: "Ye Chui, what is your relationship with Ozawa? We have already troubled her by letting her be the sales manager. Isn't it a bit awkward to ask her to be a security guard?" Too much."

"She is a distant relative of mine, a standard house girl, with money in her family and no worries about food and drink. This girl has no other problems but excess energy. This kind of thing can't help him." Ye Chui nonsense about Ozawa's identity, laughing He said, "By the way, Lele, your secretary is missing. If not, let Ozawa take care of it."

An Le'er: "..."

The matter was settled in this way, Ozawa entered the 4S store, and was responsible for a series of positions such as sales manager, customer service consultation, after-sales service, financial statistics and even security.

In the auto service industry, the ability to sell a good car depends on the persuasive ability of a car salesperson.

As for the other staff, they only need to have strong professional knowledge, so An Leer was not too anxious about the vacancies of other positions.

And Ozawa was in charge of all the duties. Although she felt that it was a bit inhumane, she still hired Ozawa with the attitude of giving it a try.

"Then Ozawa's salary..." An Le'er finally mentioned the hiring fee.

"Just give me a thousand dollars." Ye Chui said casually.

An Le'er: "Thousands... yuan?"

Is this thousand dollars the one she understood?

"Xiao Ze is very talkative, so don't worry too much about these small things." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"This...isn't a trivial matter?"

"It's a trivial matter for Ozawa, so don't worry."

After Ye Chui persuaded her a few more words, An Le'er stopped worrying about Ozawa's problem.

The people in charge of decorating the store arrived, and An Le'er was busy directing these people to work.

Ye Chui got up doing nothing, sat aside and looked at An Leer's figure.

He tried to enter An Le'er's consciousness yesterday, but encountered a firewall situation, so he couldn't help but feel puzzled at this moment.

"Why is this happening? Her opening to me is so low, which means she is rejecting me?"

In fact, from the time I met An Le'er until now, except for An Le'er kissing Ye Chui once, and Ye Chui's occasional handshake with her afterwards, there has been no more intimate actions.

At this moment, Ye Chui was sitting on the sofa looking at An Leer's figure, and he suddenly made a strange discovery.

"She seems to have been deliberately avoiding the distance from other men?"

Among the people in charge of the decoration, some were men, and An Le'er stood far away when talking to these people.

This is no longer a woman's reserve, but a deliberate avoidance.

But An Le'er was able to communicate with the few female employees in the decoration staff normally.

"There is a problem! If I can enter An Le'er's consciousness, I can find out what the problem is..."

Ye Chui now has access to the consciousness of others, and can directly brute force the firewall.

But Ye Chui didn't plan to do that to An Le'er.

Violent cracking with the conscious software that breaks through the firewall will make An Le'er subconsciously dislike Ye Chui. This subconscious dislike may affect An Le'er's relationship with Ye Chui in the future. This is not what Ye Chui wants to see Condition.


At this moment, Ye Chui suddenly noticed something, and looked out of the shop with vigilant eyes.

A Land Rover stopped at the door of the shop, and two black men jumped out of the car.

They were aggressive, as if they were full of evil spirits, they pushed open the store door directly.

Glancing around, he walked towards Ye Chui.

Bad intentions.

"Who are you?" Ye Chui looked up at the two people walking in front of him.

These two didn't seem like ordinary people.

"We are the members of the Sixth Team of Longya, Qianlong Group." One of the two is bald, he opened his mouth with one missing front tooth, and said to Ye Chui with a sneer, "The Eighth Team of Dragonya has been subdued by all members , you don’t want to resist any more, just follow us obediently.”


This is the last chapter of the public chapter~~~It will be on the shelves soon, and Cannon is very nervous. Cannon is not good at sensationalism, but this time it must be sensational~~~ This book has many shortcomings, but Cannon’s The painstaking effort, there are still many burdens and many ideas that have not been thrown out. Do you want to see such ideas as big cars beget small cars, porn is a big conspiracy, etc.?Please subscribe to the next chapters, Cannon will continue with redoubled efforts~~The official chapters will be uploaded at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and I hope everyone can join them~


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