"Dragon Tooth Eight Team has been subdued by all members?"

Hearing this news, Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback.

The two people in front of them reported their identities as being from the Sixth Team of Longya of Qianlong Group.

Both belong to the Qianlong group, why did they attack the eighth team of Longya?

Ye Chui's eyes narrowed, realizing that something must have happened, he looked at the two men with a calm expression: "I may know, why are you dealing with the eighth team of Longya?"

"You'll find out later." The bald one of the two with a missing front tooth said in a cold voice.

There was a fierce look in his eyes, which gave people a violent feeling.

——His front teeth were obviously just knocked out, and there were bruises at the corners of his mouth, probably from a fight with someone just now.

The other man in black looks quite elegant, but still speaks coquettishly: "I heard that you are very skilled, but I advise you not to try to fight, because you are definitely not a match for the two of us." .”

Damn, so confident?

"Okay, I won't resist." Ye Chui said obediently.

He didn't pay attention to these two people, but he didn't figure out what happened, and he didn't want to make troubles.

An Le'er noticed this, and she came over suspiciously: "Ye Chui, are these two your friends?"

"Yes." Ye Chui stood up with a smile, "They owed me a sum of money for marrying their wife some time ago, and now they plan to pay back the money and treat me to dinner, and I can't refuse."

"That's it, okay then." An Le'er's tone was a bit regretful, she still planned to have lunch with Ye Chui.

"I'll call you when I have time." Ye Chui said to her with a smile, and walked out the door.

The bald head and the elegant young man glanced at each other, both of them were a little unhappy, but they couldn't care too much about this kind of thing, so they smiled coldly and followed out.

An Le'er looked at Ye Chui's leaving figure, quite puzzled.

But she didn't think much about it, thinking that Ye Chui really wanted to have dinner with the two of them.

She was about to go back and continue instructing the decorators to carry out the renovation, but she was taken aback suddenly.

"Huh? Why is there a hammer on the ground?"

It was a black hammer with a simple shape, but it was carved with two small dragons that seemed to be alive.

"It must have been accidentally dropped here by the decorator."

An Le'er picked up the hammer casually, put it on the tea table beside her, turned and walked away.

She didn't notice that just as she turned around, the hammer turned into a flame wrapped in electric light, and that flame turned into a long flaming snake, swimming and crawling out of the shop.

Outside the store is a commercial street. In a hidden corner, the long flaming snake coiled together and slowly condensed into a human shape.

It was Ye Chui's fire god of thunder.

The ** appeared to be naked all over, but in the communication room of Hellfire, Ye Chui made the ** wear a black robe.

This black robe is the materialization of spiritual energy, which can change with the body of Fire and Thunder God.

So at this moment, Huo Lei Shen ** is also wearing a black robe.

"This deity was taken away in this direction!"

Ye Chui controlled Huo Leishen's gun to identify the direction, then flew in the air and flew in that direction quickly.

——When Ye Chui was taken away by the two men in black just now, he quietly summoned the Hammer of Fire Thor and put it on the ground.

Ye Chui's deity is not good at dealing directly with others, especially the members of these potential dragon groups.

The Qianlong group has a lot of energy, if it goes too far, then Ye Chui will no longer be able to borrow their resources to establish a technological kingdom-it's not worth it.

However, Huo Lei Shen ** did not have these concerns.

He, Huo Leishen, is currently an executive of Hellfire, and he will beat up anyone who is not pleasing to the eye, and go to Hellfire if he wants to settle the score.

Two 10 minutes later.

Land Rover parked outside a detached villa.

"Get out of the car." The bald man opened the door and said.

Ye Hang got out of the car and looked at the villa in front of him.

This detached villa has a large courtyard with an elegant environment.

"Are all the members of Dragon Tooth Team Eight locked up here?" Mrs. Ye asked the two men in black.

"That's right." The bald head said with a grin.

This bald head gives people a very beating look.

No wonder a front tooth is missing, Ye Chui also wants to punch him in the mouth now.

The more elegant man opened the door of the villa and walked in first, followed by Ye Chui and the bald head.

Through the small courtyard of the villa, walk into the hall.

There are three other people in the simply decorated hall, two men and one woman, all wearing uniform black clothes.

Obviously, like the two men who brought Ye Chuilai, they are all members of Longya Sixth Team.

The identity of the woman among them seemed to be even more special. She was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine while the other two stood aside.

"This is Ye Chui?" The woman looked at Ye Chui carefully, she seemed a little disappointed, "I thought it was a handsome guy, he didn't look very good, I really don't know how Jing Jing fell in love with him. "

She is about 23 or [-] years old, with short hair and a beautiful oval face, but she gives off a sassy, ​​capable and heroic look.

At the same time, Ye Chui also felt an evil spirit in her body, and he was decisive in killing her.

As soon as she spoke, she walked up to Ye Chui, stared at Ye Chui with a pair of eyes, and finally moved to Ye Chui's nipple sadly, with the corners of her mouth curled up, looking very disdainful.

Fuck me, what do these mean! ?

"Captain, what should we do with this person." The bald-headed voice asked with some respect.

"Shut him up for me first." The short-haired girl pointed to the side room with her finger, and she turned around and walked into another room, saying to herself, "Jing Jing must be lying. Me, how could she like this kind of man who was not handsome at all and was arrested obediently, she must be lying to me... Hehe, Jingjing is so naughty."


When Ye Chui heard what the short-haired girl said, he couldn't help being a little stunned.

Hearing her jealous tone... Could it be that she is lesbian and then likes Fang Jing?

And the other members of Longya Sixth Team in the room also showed rather helpless expressions.

The more refined man opened the next room and let Ye Hang in.

This is a study room.

Zheng Feng, Zhou Tao, Zhang Ping, Sun Kuang and two other people whom Ye Chui didn't know were all locked up here.

Except for Fang Jing, this should be all the official members of the Qianlongba team.

"Brother Ye." Zheng Feng called out hastily when he saw Ye Chui.

He was a little bruised and swollen, as if he had been beaten.

When the other members saw Ye Chui, their reactions were a little dull. In their eyes, Ye Chui was just a non-staff member and didn't help their situation much.

Only Sun Kuang looked at Ye Chui with complicated eyes, because he had seen Ye Chui's hands-on scene before,

At this moment, he was very miserable, lying on the recliner in the study with a pale face - he was injured by hellfire before, and the injury was very serious.

He nodded to Ye Chui.

"What's going on?" Ye Chui looked at several people and asked, "Why are you locked up by your own people?"

"This is the decision made by the leader..." Zheng Feng explained helplessly.

In the Hellfire Messenger incident the day before yesterday, Zheng Feng took away the corpse of [-]. At first, he was delighted to feel that he had done a great thing. Not only did he prove that Hellfire really existed, but he also brought Hellfire to life for the first time. The members of the fire were caught... though dead.

This matter was quickly reported to the upper-level staff of the Qianlong team.

After a day of discussion above, the information finally came this morning, and all members of Longya Sixth Team were dispatched to Xizhou City.

Zheng Feng originally thought that he would be greeted with a reward, but what arrived was house arrest.

The charge is that Zheng Feng deceived the organization, and the Hellfire incident was completely fabricated.

We can't blame the upper management of the Qianlong team for making this decision, mainly because the Dragon Tooth Eight team has been too busy during this period of time.

Ye Chui tore down the entire Hemen faction, the commotion was too loud, and missiles came out, which was almost called a terrorist attack.

Zheng Feng was temporarily dismissed because of this incident and was replaced by Sun Kuang, but Sun Kuang was severely injured the day before yesterday.

In the eyes of outsiders, it looks like Zheng Feng is avenging his personal revenge and wants to kill Sun Kuang.

The Hellfire Messenger was deemed to be a nonsense scapegoat, because the corpse was dissected and nothing unusual was found.

This life is still on Zheng Feng's head.

Regarding the existence of Hellfire, the Qianlong Group was originally skeptical.

After this incident was discussed at the leading meeting of the Qianlong Group, it was directly determined that this was Zheng Feng's bad behavior and trying to confuse his sight with hellfire.

He even abused the power of the Qianlong Group, seeking personal gain and disregarding human life, and his behavior was extremely bad.

I'm afraid that the eighth team of Longya will be banned directly after today, Zheng Feng and the members of the sixth team of Longya will also be punished.

At that time, when Longya Sixth Team wanted to put the members of Eighth Team under house arrest, Zheng Feng was furious and resisted for a while, and he was severely beaten as a result.

That bald head was called Chen Jianghai, and his front teeth were punched out by Zheng Feng when he resisted.

As for Ye Chui, although he was not an official member of Hellfire, he was also suspected of being involved in this matter, so after a few official team members were placed under house arrest, someone was sent to find him.

"So that's the case." Thinking of Fang Jing, Ye Chui asked again, "Why isn't Fang Jing locked up with you?"

"Fang Jing is locked up alone with the captain of Team Six."

A strange look suddenly appeared on Zheng Feng's face.

"The captain of Longya Sixth Team is called Mu Xiaojie. She... seems to have a problem with her surname orientation. He has a crush on Fang Jing. When Fang Jing left the Dragon Tail Team, Mu Xiaojie tried her best to draw Fang Jing to her. team, but because the mission performed by Dragon Tooth Team Six is ​​not aimed at Hellfire, Fang Jing chose to join our Eight Team."

"It really is like this..." Ye Chui's guess was right, the tone of the woman's words just now was somewhat jealous.

Shit, this woman is my love rival!

"Although Mu Xiaojie is very beautiful, she is ruthless in doing things." Zheng Feng showed a concerned expression, and said to Ye Chui, "Brother Ye, originally you were not an official team member, so you didn't have to be placed under house arrest, but she found out about you You have a very close relationship with Fang Jing, so someone arrested you too."

After a pause, Zheng Feng continued: "Brother Ye, she will definitely not make it easier for you. I heard that someone molested this woman before, and she directly castrated her life... So you will wait a while, Brother Ye." Be careful."

"..." Ye Chui was a little speechless, I am sub-Ao, this woman is so vicious?

Ye Chui thought of something again, so he frowned and asked, "How would she know the relationship between me and Fang Jing?"

Zheng Feng said embarrassingly: "I was pressed to the ground by them at the time, and I was upset so I blurted out and let that woman give up..."

"Fuck!" Ye Chui glared at Zheng Feng. In fact, he was not angry, but felt that Zheng Feng deserved a beating.

Zheng Feng quickly changed the subject: "Brother Ye, things are a little troublesome this time, we... what should we do?"

This time it was a catastrophe, although his father was the head coach of the Qianlong team, but this time he might not be able to protect him, so he could only ask Ye Chui for help.

Ye Chui has shown many magical places, which may be able to help him.

"Hehe." Ye Chui smiled calmly, and patted Zheng Feng's shoulder, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

"Brother Ye, do you have a way?" Zheng Feng's eyes lit up immediately, and the bastard pleaded lustfully, "Brother Ye, if you can help me escape this time, my life will be handed over to you in the future. I will do whatever you want me to do!"

Zhou Tao, Zhang Pingping, and the members of the No. [-] team immediately looked contemptuous when they saw the virtue of their captain.

On the contrary, Sun Kuang's expression was relatively indifferent. It's not shameful to entrust his life to a man like Ye Chui!

"Now we are under house arrest. The main reason is that they do not recognize the existence of Hellfire. If they can prove the existence of Hellfire, they will naturally let us go." Ye Chui said his plan.

"Prove that hellfire exists?" Zheng Feng was puzzled, "How to prove it?"

"You will know soon." Ye Chui said meaningfully.

at the same time.

Outside the villa, a figure in a black robe appeared.

With long loose hair and a stern face, there was an evil smile.

It was Ye Chui's fire god of thunder.

"Let's just make a big fuss." (To be continued.)

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