The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

150 Young Master Can Finally Kiss Fangze

Under everyone's unbelievable eyes, Ye Chui slapped Mu Xiaojie's butt fifty times like this.

Amidst the crisp "pop", "pop", and "pop", there was a dead silence in the hall.

Even Ye Chui, who was beating someone, felt that the atmosphere was a little weird.

After fifty blows, Ye Chui stopped.

"Is it enough?" Mu Xiaojie turned her head and stared at Ye Chui.

"Well, that's enough."

Mu Xiaojie twisted her whole body, the slightly hot numbness on her chest was nothing to her.

But this kind of humiliation was unbearable for her.

She was actually beaten by someone. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, if this matter gets out...

Thinking of this, Mu Xiaojie immediately glanced sharply at the faces of everyone in the hall.

The members of Longya Sixth Team, and the members of Longya Eighth Team.

Everyone she looked at immediately shook their heads subconsciously, expressing with expressions that they would never let this matter out.

Finally, Mu Xiaojie's eyes returned to Ye Chui's face.

"You wait for me, when this matter is over, I... I will definitely not let you go!" She gritted her teeth and whispered to Ye Chui.

Ye Chui smiled softly: "Master is waiting for you."

When things got to this point, Ye Chui's original displeasure towards Mu Xiaojie had completely disappeared.

He should leave too.

The original plan was to prove that Hellfire really existed, and Huo Leishen would leave directly, while Ye Chui wanted to stay here and leave with Zheng Feng and others.

But now Ye Chui decided to change his strategy, and planned to take Fang Jing and Huo Leishen to leave together, and leave the rest to Zheng Feng and the others.

——This Mu Xiaojie looks like he wants to eat people, if he stays here, Ye Chui won't be able to bear this girl's fury later.

Anyway, it's cheap...

Therefore, Ye Chui controlled Huo Leishen's body and said, "Very good, it seems that you have learned your lesson."

"Now are you relieved?" Mu Xiaojie asked Huo Leishen angrily.

Huo Leishen shrugged: "Never mind me? You should ask Brother Hammer if he's relieved."

Mu Xiaojie turned to look at Ye Chui with great difficulty: "Have you relieved your anger?"

Ye Chui nodded: "Well, I'm very relieved."

Mu Xiaojie gritted his teeth.

"That's good." Huo Leishen said, "Since this is the case, then I will forgive you for bringing Brother Hammer here. You must also let Brother Hammer's friends go."

Brother Hammer's friends naturally refer to these people from the Dragon Tooth Eighth Team.

"Okay, I'll let them go." Mu Xiaojie agreed.

She has confirmed that Hellfire is real, and there is no reason for the Dragon Tooth Team to be detained again.

Huo Leishen looked at Ye Chui and Fang Jing: "You two come with me now."

Fang Jing was taken aback: "Huh? Oh, good."

Afterwards, Ye Chui and Fang Jing followed Huo Lei Shen out of the hall and walked outside.

"Where are you going to take them?" Mu Xiaojie followed and asked.


After Huo Leishen left this sentence, he walked ahead and took Ye Chui and Fang Jing out of the villa.

Huo Leishen directly threw the car into the hall of the villa just now, and there was a lot of commotion, but fortunately, this place is relatively remote, so no one else was attracted to watch.

Walking out of this villa area, there is a block, Ye Chui, Fang Jing and Huo Leishen are walking slowly.

"Ye Chui, is he the real Hellfire Messenger or just pretending?" Fang Jing asked Ye Chui in a low voice.

She had seen Huo Lei Shen in the wasteland before, when Huo Lei Shen was still naked, she saw a big one...

But at that time, Ye Chui explained that the God of Fire and Thunder was an illusion made by an illusion, but she did not expect to see the entity of God of Fire and Thunder appear today.

Therefore, she had some doubts, whether this fire god of thunder really came from hellfire.

"Of course it's a fake." Ye Chui hugged Fang Jing's shoulders and said with a smile, "He is a friend of mine. I said before that he was the one who was looking for someone to pretend to be the messenger of Hellfire. I will use Brother Hammer Fang Jing, you can rest assured that I will find your parents."

Fang Jing was taken aback when she heard Ye Chui say this: "Ye Chui, do you mean that you entered hellfire by yourself?"

"what happened?"

"Ye Chui, I want to enter Hellfire with you." Fang Jing begged softly, "When the Hellfire Emissary came the day before yesterday, he didn't seem to mind that I also entered Hellfire with him."

"But I don't want you to act together, it will be dangerous." Ye Chui shook his head and said.

"It's okay." Fang Jing was very persistent, "With you protecting me, what else should I be afraid of."

Ye Chui tried a few more words of persuasion, but there was still no way to dispel Fang Jing's thoughts, so he could only agree: "That's fine, but you must be careful when the time comes."

"En." Fang Jing nodded heavily.

Now walking on the street, taking advantage of Fang Jing's inattention, Ye Chui waved his right hand, and the Huo Lei Shen beside him turned into a burst of flames and disappeared.

"Huh?" Soon, Fang Jing discovered that Huo Leishen had disappeared, "Ye Chui, where is your friend?"

"he has gone."

"It's so mysterious." Fang Jing sighed, and asked Ye Chui suspiciously, "He's so powerful, he can turn into flames... Is there really superpowers in this world?"

"Maybe." Ye Chui said vaguely.

He couldn't explain the Huo Leishen's affairs to Fang Jing in detail, so he could only be so vague.

Fortunately, Fang Jing didn't ask any more questions—there were too many mysteries in Ye Chui, and she was used to all kinds of surprises Ye Chui brought.

The two found a place to eat, and then took a taxi to the outskirts of the city. Ye Chui had already called Gangdan to pick him up in the suburbs, and then Ye Chui and Fang Jing returned to Maple Leaf Town with Gangdan.

"I have something to do in the wasteland, you go back first, I will find you later." Outside the factory, Ye Chui said to Fang Jing.

Fang Jing nodded, got out of the car and left.

She looked a little strange, she seemed to be thinking about something, her face was blushing...

Ye Chui didn't want Steel Egg to bring him into the wasteland.

"Boss, there is something I want to tell you." Steel Egg said suddenly as he was driving towards the middle of the wasteland.

"whats the matter?"

"Actually, I planned to tell you when you came the day before yesterday, but I had a fight with that guy at that time, so I forgot about it..." Gangdan's voice was a little festive, "Accord seems to be pregnant again car baby."

"Huh? Really?" Ye Chui was overjoyed, "It's a good thing, it really is a good thing."

Coming to the middle of the wasteland, Ye Chui immediately checked the Honda Accord.

Sure enough, Ye Chui noticed that the car reproductive system in her body had been activated again, and the car baby was being born.

And this time there are 32 car babies.

"Not bad." Ye Chui nodded in satisfaction.

However, he then thought in his heart: "If we want to build a car sales kingdom, the output of this baby car is still too low... we have to find a way to expand the output."

"Hurry up and buy a few more luxury cars for transformation!"

Ye Chui can refurbish the old car, but it is too energy-intensive, it is better to buy a new car and refit it.

Moreover, according to Ye Chui's car reproduction theory, cars also have blood.

The quality of steel eggs and luxury cars will naturally be better.

"Hey, after a few luxury cars, you will have no money... You must hurry up and make money!"

Then Ye Chui checked several car babies, and found that they were all fine and healthy.

Especially the black car, Xiao Hei, surprised Ye Chui even more. This car has completely inherited the bloodline of the steel egg, and it is only one step away from the deformed human form.

"Start absorbing the power of fire!"

In fact, the main reason for Ye Chui to go to the wasteland this time is to supplement the power of fire.

The God of Fire and Thunder needs the power of fire to condense. Since the day before yesterday, the power of fire has been consumed too much, and it is almost insufficient, so Ye Chui wants to supplement it.

This wasteland is the breeding ground for the magic weapon of the fire element, and the power of fire is incomparably sufficient, which can be used as a supplement.

He sat cross-legged beside the oil pool, and while he was running the Calcining Heart Sutra, wisps of fire power gathered quickly.

two hours later.

"It's been replenished!"

Ye Chui asked Steel Egg to take him away from the wasteland.

"Gang Dan, take Fang Jing and me to Fanghai City tomorrow." When getting off the car, Ye Chui told Gang Dan.

"Boss, whose business are we going to mess with this time?" Gang Dan immediately asked excitedly.

Ye Chui was speechless, messing things up... Fuck, is he that violent?

"Just go to do something, don't get me into trouble." Ye Chui warned, Hellfire has a contact point in Fanghai City, and Ye Chui wants to take Fang Jing there as soon as possible.

"Don't worry, boss, I won't cause trouble." Gang Dan hurriedly promised.

Ye Chui naturally didn't know at this moment, but later in Fanghai City, the steel egg still ruthlessly smashed someone's place - it was definitely a smashing place that made the other party bleed!

Ye Chui went back to the factory.

The counterfeit mobile phone production line in the factory is still in operation.

Originally, the eighth team of Longya was banned, and the mobile phone production line would also be destroyed. But at this moment, Ye Chui convinced Mu Xiaojie that Hellfire existed. The Yehuo plan continued, and the mobile phone production line would still continue.

"Now this mobile phone production line is where I make the most money. I should expand the scale a little more, get a few more lines, and then develop new types of mobile phones, so that mobile phone production can get on the right track..." Thinking of these things in his heart, Ye Chui came to Fang Jing's room, push the door and go in.

Afterwards, Ye Chui was taken aback.

Fang Jing heard his footsteps and was already standing at the door to welcome him.

She had just taken a shower, her whole body was filled with a **** breath, and she was wrapped in a bath towel.

When Ye Chui came in, she blushed and lifted the bath towel off her body, revealing her naked body.

Ye Chui had seen this moving picture once yesterday, but now that it appeared before his eyes again, he still felt shocked.

"Do you like it?" Fang Jing asked in a low voice, her voice was soft and pleasant.

Holy crap, does that even need to be said?

Ye Chui turned around and closed the door, rushed up to hug Fang Jing, and jumped onto the big bed next to Fang Jing's exclamation.

After being reborn for two months, I endured it from the morning until now, the young master can finally kiss Fangze... (To be continued.)

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